Chapter 209 Ate the Power Gem
"There seems to be some misunderstanding between us. Before you said that we were invading aliens, but in fact we were just passing by, not here to invade the earth. The three of us are superheroes protecting the universe."

Ganata shook her head and said, "I don't believe it. What you said are all lies. Now I'm going to eat you. The smell on your body is so delicious!"

At this moment, Ganata's eyes exude a different kind of light, and that kind of light is called greed.

It's like seeing something so delicious that you can't control yourself.

According to the setting, the appetite of swallowing stars is very terrifying.

He will devour everything, and he has endless hunger, this hunger is not ordinary hunger, but a kind of hunger that mortals cannot bear, if it falls on any mortal, then he can swallow himself completely go in.

But such a young girl has been enduring this sense of hunger. As the daughter of Tun Xing, this sense of hunger is probably very strong.

The reason for not letting her devour those living beings seems to be because of love and kindness in terms of the setting?
Bruce thought for a while, and simply summoned his cloud bat shield, and stuck the cloud bat shield in her mouth to see how she bit it.

But what Bruce didn't expect was that the girl was hesitating. She looked at Sai Luo and Di Jia, although the corners of her mouth kept drooling and wanted to eat them.

But after desperately suppressing this thought, he let go of the two of them.

"I don't feel any evil breath from you, it's really hateful, I'm so hungry..."

Like a whining girl, Ganata at this moment is just holding her head and worrying in pain.

Bruce thought for a while, looked at Ganata in front of him and said, "Wait for me, I'll give you something to eat, and you shouldn't feel hungry anymore."

Immediately afterwards, Bruce placed the teleportation array on the moon, and then activated the teleportation array, sending Sero and the ancient capital back.

Looking at the disappearing Bruce and the empty teleportation array, Ganata felt that she had been deceived.

But this teleportation array looks delicious, like a piece of steak that is half-cooked, and it is sprinkled with delicious sauce.

Wait another three seconds, if he doesn't come out, he will eat up the teleportation array!

But soon, Ganata saw Bruce reappeared on the teleportation array, and there was a strange gem in his hand, Bruce threw the gem directly into Ganata's mouth.

Ganata, didn't care what the gem was, just swallowed it in one breath
Then she suddenly found that she had a feeling of fullness that she had never felt before, and her hunger disappeared!
"What is that? It feels so powerful, it's so delicious!"

"The power gem..."

"Eh? This thing shouldn't appear in your hands, right? And I ate it, if it's absorbed, there will be problems in this universe."

"It's okay, just eat it, it was brought from another universe."

"But then there will be problems in other universes!"

"Relax, nothing will go wrong with that universe."

After explaining with Ganata for a while, the other party finally touched his stomach with peace of mind, and it seemed that he was very happy to eat.

Then he became about the same size as Bruce. At this moment, Bruce lifted his transformation and turned into the heart shape of an ordinary person.

However, his appearance still has the protection of the symbiote suit, after all, he is not capable of being in space.

"I solved your hunger problem, and I want to invite you to do one thing."

Bruce extended an invitation to Ganata. At this moment, Ganata was still immersed in the joy of losing her hunger. She nodded and said, "No matter what you say, I will agree to you!"

"I hope you can join the Justice League, and when the Justice League encounters danger in the future, I hope you can come to help."

Bruce thought very simply, as Ganata with the energy to devour stars, her father is one of the five gods in Marvel.

With her help, it will be possible to fight against some beings with the ability of the creation god in the future. As for the future Darkseid who releases Ganata, he will definitely be able to kill the opponent.

In fact, what Bruce cares about is some things in the Ultraman world.

After all, the world views are different, and a black hole is kicked out of the corner of the knight world. Who knows if there are any powerful monsters in Ultraman's world that can destroy the universe.

In other words, according to the setting, there are really several, and there are not a few who have the ability to swallow stars.

"No problem, I can join the Justice League, but I think your teleportation device is quite interesting, can you also take me to play, you can go to other universes, then I can help you get rid of pests, Eat all those evil things!"

Although the hunger has been stopped, the greedy character has been deeply dropped, so no matter what the girl does, she will definitely think of eating.

"...You can go to the world of the two Ultraman you caught before, and see that there are many powerful monsters in their world.

These monsters should be quite up to your taste, each of them has the same size as those Ultramans, and some are even bigger than them. "

"Wow! Stop talking, take me there quickly!"

At the urging of the girl wearing some gorgeous purple armor, Bruce opened the teleportation device and brought her to Tiga's world.

At this moment, even Dagu didn't expect that his crisis would be resolved so easily in the future.

Ganata ordinary humans can't see her body, even after she becomes huge, she can't see it, and at this time Ganata descended on the Tiga world.

It was obvious at a glance that this world was abnormal, for example, she was sleeping in a certain place in this world, and there was a powerful energy. After she came here, she quickly flew towards that energy.

And after arriving here, she found that this place is really strange.

Here you can absorb the emotional energy around you and transform it into a physical monster, and these emotions are also negative emotions.

And these negative emotions are endless. After all, human beings living in this world are thinking about seeing this scene all the time.

She just felt a little hungry, and then, opening a cave here, Ganata found that there are countless hatched and mature strange birds in your place, and each of these strange birds has her head so big!

"These little birds are just amazing!"

When Bruce arrived here, he saw a very terrifying scene.

I saw Ganata, her left and right hands started working at the same time, and she stuffed one after another of the strange birds into her mouth and even swallowed them without chewing.

The hot and beautiful girl is performing Swallow Monsters Raw, although the name sounds like a fantasy, but this picture looks...

(End of this chapter)

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