Chapter 68 Go Back To The Past
Early the next morning, Aunt Zhang yelled in the yard: "De Dao, I made breakfast, come and eat!"


Jiang Dedao was woken up and scratched the back of his head, "This Aunt Zhang is really enthusiastic! It seems that she treats him as a future son-in-law!"

Jiang Dedao agreed to come out and said, "Auntie, wait a moment, I'll wash my face and I'll be there right away."

Aunt Zhang smiled and nodded: "Okay, hurry up, by the way, you don't need to go through the door, it's a waste of time, it's convenient to just jump over the wall!"



After Jiang Dedao finished washing, he jumped over the wall and came to Aunt Zhang's house. He found that Li Jiajia was not there. After asking, he found out that Li Jiajia left after receiving a call last night.

Aunt Zhang was probably afraid that Jiang Dedao would misunderstand, so she took the initiative to explain: "De Dao, do you know that a big case happened, several crew members died for no reason, and they were framed for drug trafficking, which is really unreasonable! I had called to inform Jia a long time ago. Jia, I was afraid of disturbing you at the time...I kept it a secret, and Jiajia was not happy when she knew it, so she just left after giving me a blank look!"

"...Auntie, I understand you. You are all for Jiajia and me. Don't worry, I will treat Jiajia well in the future!"

Jiang Dedao quickly promised.

Aunt Zhang was very happy and kept adding food to Jiang Dedao...

After the meal, Jiang Dedao knew that Li Jiajia didn't have time to meet him in the near future, so he booked a plane ticket and planned to travel to Thailand.

Aunt Zhang was worried, and said that Thailand was a bit chaotic at this time, and she planned to find someone to protect him.

Jiang Dedao didn't care at all. When he got off the plane and saw Fang Xinwu coming to pick him up, he realized that Aunt Zhang might not be as simple as an ordinary aunt.

Grand Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wimaman Palace...

Fang Xinwu took Jiang Dedao to visit many famous scenic spots in Thailand.

Taking care of them all the way is also conscientious.

However, Jiang Dedao still found that there was a deep sadness hidden in Fang Xinwu's eyes, which reminded him of Fang Xinwu's girlfriend who committed suicide because of drug abuse, and he couldn't help but feel compassion.

It just so happens that his time travel card has been useless, maybe he can go back in time to save Fang Xinwu's girlfriend, and shake hands by the way, sign in and get rewards, why not kill two birds with one stone? !
Jiang Dedao and Fang Xinwu were drinking at the bar, and each drank a bottle of whiskey. Fang Xinwu gradually started to talk more.

Jiang Dedao took the opportunity to ask: "Xinwu, I see your eyes are melancholy. You are not doing this on purpose. Come and deceive the little girl!"

Fang Xinwu smiled wryly and shook his head: "I have been living in pain for the past few years, how could I have the heart to lie to a little girl!"

"What's going on, tell me, maybe I can help you, I'm not bragging, in this world, I even have regret medicine!"

Jiang Dedao said deliberately.

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, what a joke! Speaking of it, I am really looking forward to the regret medicine, at least I can save my girlfriend Wei Xiaoman..."

Fang Xinwu may have been holding back about Wei Xiaoman's suicide for a long time, and he needed someone to confide in, so he told Jiang Dedao what happened.

It turned out that Fang Xinwu had always been an anti-narcotics intelligence agent, had been fighting on the front line, and even worked as an undercover agent all year round.

Therefore, the achievements are also remarkable, and many major drug trafficking cases have been cracked.

But because of this, he was hated by many drug dealers. Among them, a drug dealer named Zhan Peng held a grudge and spent a lot of money to learn about Fang Xinwu's details and the situation of Fang Xinwu's girlfriend Wei Xiaoman.

Zhanpeng can get close to Wei Xiaoman, look for opportunities to make Wei Xiaoman addicted to drugs, take advantage of the opportunity, and finally even want Wei Xiaoman to kill Fang Xinwu himself.

It's a pity that Wei Xiaoman didn't have any more love for Fang Xinwu, and finally he was willing to commit suicide, but he didn't kill Fang Xinwu.

At the end of Fang Xinwu's speech, he fell asleep with tears on his face...

Jiang Dedao patted Fang Xinwu's shoulder and said, "Xinwu, don't worry, I will take this regret medicine for you, and I will definitely rescue Wei Xiaoman, so that you can reunite and live happily together!"

The system reminded: "Host, I want to remind you that you are not God, and what you did in the past may not be what you wished!"

Jiang Dedao smiled and said: "The system depends on people. I really don't believe that Wei Xiaoman can't be saved!"

"Host, I just remind you, do whatever you want!"

"Okay, I'll go back right away!"

Jiang Dedao first found a hotel to settle Fang Xinwu, then took out the time shuttle card, set the time, flickered the time shuttle card, and suddenly turned into an orange light, entwined with Jiang Dedao and disappeared...

Five years ago, Wei Xiaoman was dancing happily in a theater in Kun City, Yun Province.

Wei Xiaoman graduated from the Academy of Arts, studied dance since childhood, won a gold medal in a domestic dance competition, and is now a well-known dance star in the city.

At the entrance of the theater, a greedy and sinister gaze was watching Wei Xiaoman, and he kept muttering: "1 minute, 10 minutes, half an hour... Time is up!"

As soon as the words fell, Wei Xiaoman felt extremely uncomfortable in his body. He stopped practicing dance quickly, came to the table next to him short of breath, took the bag and opened it, took out the only cigarette, took the lighter, hesitated for a long time, and finally Unable to bear it, he lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

At that moment, it seemed to possess the whole world intoxicated.

A man swaggered in. Wei Xiaoman seemed to have seen a demon, and asked vigilantly, "Zhanpeng, what are you doing here?! Leave quickly, or I will call someone!"

Zhan Peng smiled and said: "Manman, I guess you have almost finished smoking, and I plan to give you some! Since you don't welcome me, then I'm leaving!"

Even so, Zhanpeng didn't move at all, because he knew that Wei Xiaoman couldn't bear the temptation.

Sure enough, Wei Xiaoman said: "Hey, don't go, and give me two more, no, ten!"

"Hey, it's so much, it seems that the salary is paid, in fact, if you follow me, I promise to provide it to you for free!"

Zhan Peng asked tentatively.

"No, I have a boyfriend, here's the money, bring the cigarettes, let's go!"

Wei Xiaoman took out a wad of money and bought ten cigarettes, and immediately started chasing people away.

Zhanpeng didn't care too much, because he had seen Wei Xiaoman in this situation too much, and when the money was gone, needless to say, he would kneel down and beg him to be her boyfriend, without exception.

If Fang Xinwu had been by Wei Xiaoman's side all the time, Zhan Peng wouldn't have dared to waste time, but Fang Xinwu doesn't know where to go undercover now, and he doesn't see Wei Xiaoman a few times throughout the year, and now he has plenty of time to play with Wei Xiaoman slowly.

What Zhanpeng didn't know was that this time he had an extra opponent - Jiang Dedao.

After Zhanpeng left, Jiang Dedao also walked into the theater and watched Wei Xiaoman continue dancing. After dancing, he clapped his hands and praised: "What a beautiful dance, what a beautiful woman, it's a pity... I'm in danger and I can't extricate myself!"

Wei Xiaoman frowned and said, "Who are you, I don't seem to know you?!"

Jiang Dedao said with a smile: "Wei Xiaoman, you don't need to know me, you just need to know Fang Xinwu, what Fang Xinwu does, you should be very clear, as his girlfriend, is it appropriate for you to smoke this kind of cigarette?!"

(End of this chapter)

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