Chapter 102 Wang Erlen's Past
In these last 20 years.

It's not without reason that Wang Er Leng grew from an ignorant young man to a cunning and gentle scum.

When the alien beasts first invaded human beings, Wang Er Leng was just an adult.

Just stepped into the society and was about to show his strengths, but was immediately slapped by reality, and soon became sober.

It was also from that time that Wang Er Leng abandoned his past self and embarked on a road from which he could not turn back.

When alien beasts first invaded human beings, human society was in turmoil, and everyone was terrified.

No one knows what these unknown creatures that appear out of nowhere are.

All he knew was that his home was invaded.

At first, human beings united and rose up to resist, but it seems that the thermal weapons that are usually very effective have little effect when encountering strange beasts.

As a result, human beings were suddenly defeated and could only barely hold on to protect their homeland from being destroyed.

It was not until later that high-level humans discovered the relics left over from ancient times.

It is also the tomb of the legendary god - "Holy Ruins".

In the 'Holy Ruins', human beings have obtained unimaginable treasures.

Whether it's the method of practice, 'sacred blood', array, alchemy and so on.

All of them have provided great help to mankind.

Of course, the exploration and excavation of the 'Holy Ruins' is not a one-off, but continuous.

All kinds of treasures were also continuously excavated after a long period of searching in the 'Holy Ruins'.

And the secret treasure first discovered by humans is the practice method left by the gods.

The methods of practice are all over the periphery of the 'sacred site', so many that it is almost impossible to count the number of people.

It's just that although these methods of practice seem to be numerous, there are not many truly complete and top-level ones.

But this is completely enough for a huge base of humans.

Therefore, a large number of practice methods were brought out from the "sacred relics" and evenly distributed among the 48 large domains.

Then the officials of each domain will spread the practice method to the common people for everyone to practice.

At the same time, we search for talented seedlings and organize them to cultivate them.

It can be said that both ends go hand in hand.

Due to the emergence of the method of practice, there was indeed a craze for practice among the people at that time.

But practice is also the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair for human beings.

It's like crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Therefore, there are not many people who really become captains through practice.

It wasn't until later that the high-level human beings found a practice method that was more suitable for ordinary people through the seedlings cultivated, and the number of human beings who became captains gradually increased.

But compared to the huge base of human beings, the number of captains is still too small.

Because the threshold for becoming a practitioner is too high.

Talent, age, money, not to mention indispensable, but at least one must be possessed.

This is largely restricted, and only some people can become captains through practice.

Fortunately, human beings such as Captain Fang are not too expensive.

Those who became captains at the beginning were indeed not weak in talent, and soon became the mainstay of the human side, even the top strength.

It relieved the huge pressure on the frontline battlefield where humans and aliens fought.

Let the human side no longer be in a one-sided situation.

For a certain period of time, it even faintly overwhelmed the alien beast side.

It was also from that time that various guilds and companies composed of captains emerged frequently.

The world of spiritual practice is in a state of a hundred flowers blooming.

These guilds and companies belong to civil organizations.

It is not under the jurisdiction of human officials, but it must obey the official orders.

That is to say, have a large part of autonomy.

It is precisely because of such a loose policy that more and more people have stepped into the practice world.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

And it was during that period when a hundred flowers bloomed that Wang Er Leng stepped into the world of practice with all his might.

At first, he wanted to become a respected captain through practice, but his body was really weak.

The body is so weak that it looks like a thin bamboo pole.

Although the current Wang Er Leng still looks very imaginary on the outside.

But after more than ten years of good life, his appearance is much better than before.

At least after putting on the bright clothes, he looks like a human and a dog.

It won't be as weak as a thin bamboo pole.

It was precisely because of physical reasons that Wang Erleng failed to become a school captain as he wished.

Instead, he stepped into the business world and became the boss of a support company.

Since you can't become a captain, then become the boss of a captain.

This was Wang Erleng's idea at the time, and he did put his idea into practice.

There is any difference between the guild to which the captain belongs and the company.

That is, the guild is more similar to the guild organization spontaneously organized by the captain, and it plays a role of mutual help.

The support company's staff is leaner and more profit-oriented.

Although the guild also has a profit purpose, it is to ensure the normal operation of the guild, not purely for profit.

Only support companies are established for purely profitable purposes.

Therefore, most captains will not only be affiliated with the company, but also affiliated with the guild.

This is all to protect one's own interests.

All these boundaries were blurred at the beginning, and gradually became formalized after a period of development.

When Wang Erleng established a support company, he had to face not only the top five and three rough captains, but also the cunning and cunning business seniors.

For a newcomer who has just stepped into the society, it can be said that it is the beginning of the difficult mode.

In the beginning, Wang Er was taken aback by those business bosses, the company closed down, and the school captain he belonged to fled.

After that, he made up his mind to abandon his past self and learn all kinds of sinister tricks and unspoken business rules.

Finally got a firm foothold in this line.

But what a coincidence.

Humanity also encountered its first major crisis at this time.

Twenty-four large domains were destroyed by the "Ten World-Destroying Beasts", and human beings shrank into an unprecedented famine.

During the Great Famine, many people died.

Wang Erleng's company has just started, with insufficient foundation and tight funds.

But fortunately, he has attached himself to a large supporting boss.

The man saw that he was a smart person, so he gave him the opportunity to go among the people to search for various seedlings suitable for cultivation.

Wang Er Leng also took this opportunity to secretly develop his own power, not only survived the famine, but also developed the company in a decent way.

And Tieniu was just one of the talented seedlings he was looking for.

The best way to buy people's hearts during the Great Famine is neither money nor power.

But food.

The big boss gave Wang Er Leng a lot of food.

There were so many that Wang Er was surprised that the man had gone to rob the granary.

So Wang Erleng annexed most of the grain, and a small part was used to buy people's hearts.

It turns out.

No matter how little food is available, it is still very useful in this period when everyone is starving to death.

Soon Wang Erleng gathered a group of talented young people and brought them back to the big boss in exchange for other benefits.

It was a long time ago, and it was very small.

It was so small that Wang Er was about to forget it.

But this moment seems to be his last straw.

(End of this chapter)

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