Chapter 13 The Life and Death of Qianyu

Master Anna slowly raised her head and looked at everyone in the conference room.

In the next second, her expression suddenly became serious: "In order to prevent unforeseen events from happening. Captains, please hurry up to retrieve the lost password box before the Nether Palace. Because this is related to the life and death of the entire Qianyu !"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present was shocked and showed surprised expressions.

The things in the password box will affect the life and death of the entire Qianyu.

So what should we do if we are found first by Nether Palace?
Many people began to worry in their hearts.

But most captains are still full of confidence in the current situation.

After all, Qianyu is their home field.

No matter how fast the two outsiders from the Nether Palace were, it was impossible for them to be faster.

Thinking of this, the tense nerves of the captains suddenly relaxed a lot.

"In that case, can you tell us what is in the lockbox now?" Chen Sheng asked suddenly.

Hearing what he said, the others also looked at Territory Master Anna on the screen.

He seemed to be expecting her next answer.

Anna sighed softly, and said helplessly: "In the box is indeed the key to the 'Sacred Relic'. It is the core to control the entire dry area defense formation. Once you get it, you have the authority to open or close the defense formation .”


Everyone present was frightened again.

A group of people grinned from ear to ear and looked at the screen in disbelief.

It seemed like utter disbelief that this was real.

"His Royal Highness, may I ask if what you said is true?"

After a while, someone finally asked anxiously.

Anna closed her eyes and nodded helplessly: "That's right. So please take back the lockbox."

"What should we do now? If those guys from Netherworld Palace get it, we will be finished!"

"Except that it was taken away by a strange beast, I don't know anything else. Now, it seems that it will be difficult to find it..."

"Hey, I just became a captain not long ago, why did I encounter this kind of thing..."

As the truth inside the box is confirmed.

More and more people started whispering.

The atmosphere in the meeting room gradually became heavy.

The mood of the school captains also began to become negative.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

A loud shout interrupted everyone's conversation.

Anna said in a clear voice: "The situation is not at its worst yet, please don't give up lightly! As long as you get the box back before the Nether Palace, nothing will happen!"

The soft voice seems to be soothing.

The anxious mood of the captains calmed down in an instant.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Anna continued: "Now you can disperse, I will be here waiting for your triumphant return!"

After finishing speaking, Anna nodded slightly and saluted.

Everyone in the conference room also stood at attention and solemnly returned the salute to the supreme ruler of Qianyu.

In this way, this meeting, which was related to the life and death of the entire stem area, finally came to an end after several twists and turns.

The captains left the main hall full of thoughts.

The faces of most people looked very dignified.

Perhaps it was because the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the dry area were in their hands.

As a result, the responsibilities on them are even heavier.

Under such heavy pressure, even after the meeting ended, the oppressive atmosphere still has not been relieved.


After leaving the palace.

Silence shrouded Chen Sheng and the limousine they were riding in.

The three people in the car were silent.

Make the atmosphere in the air become dignified.

Liu Xiyue was driving the car ahead, looked at Chen Sheng through the rearview mirror, hesitated to speak.

Chen Sheng propped his hands on the car window, looking at the scenery outside the window boredly.

I don't know what is going on in my heart.

As if unable to bear the heavy atmosphere, Liu Xiyue suddenly patted the horn.

A loud whistle sounded, startling the two people sitting in the back seat of the car.

Then she stepped on the brake, and the car suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

Chen Sheng looked at Liu Xiyue, who was behaving strangely, inexplicably, but was interrupted by her when he was about to speak.

"You've been looking absent-minded since just now. What's the matter? I don't know if I feel uncomfortable seeing this?"

Liu Xiyue's voice was a little trembling, and the worry couldn't stop coming out.

Feng Baobao also looked at Chen Sheng with a confused expression.

It seems to say "Why is the owner different from usual?"

Chen Sheng sighed and said: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about what Her Royal Highness Anna said just now..."

"What happened just now? You mean the key to the 'Sacred Site'?" Liu Xiyue asked suspiciously.

Chen Sheng nodded and continued: "Just now, Her Highness Anna said that the key is the core to control the defensive formation in the stem area. With it, you can open or close the formation freely. But I think she must have concealed something..."

"Isn't the key just the core of the formation?" Liu Xiyue said confusedly.

"Of course it's not as simple as the core of the formation. Have you forgotten what Fan Wujiu said before, that the password box contains the key to open the 'Holy Relic'?" Chen Sheng explained.

Liu Xiyue frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Do you mean that the key may not only control the formation, but also open the so-called 'sacred relic'?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyue couldn't help exclaiming.

What exactly are 'sacred signs'?
It is so important that His Royal Highness Anna would rather reveal that the key is the core of the formation, but also separate it from the 'sacred relic'.

Let everyone think that the so-called 'holy relic' key can only control the dry area formation.

"Then what are you going to do?" After thinking for a moment, Liu Xiyue continued to ask.

"I can't resist, of course I just accept it with a smile. Otherwise, what else can I do, who told me that I'm just a small captain, and I don't have the right to touch such secret things at all."

Chen Sheng put his hands behind his head and leaned on the soft car cushion and said.

His tone was relaxed and at ease.

"how could you do this!"

Seeing Chen Sheng's disappointment.

Liu Xiyue immediately hated iron for being weak, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

But on second thought.

Apart from being childhood sweethearts, I don't have much relationship with him.

Why do you care so much about him?
Immediately, he restarted the car angrily and concentrated on driving.

I don't want to deal with this bastard again.

Wait for the car to drive slowly on the road again.

Chen Sheng finally put away his foolish expression.

His eyebrows instantly became serious.

The whole person fell into deep thought again.

——'God-making' plan.

——'Sacred Site'.

How are these two things related?

The current dry area is protected by a huge defensive array.

There are four positions in the defensive formation, which are located in the four directions of the dry area, the southeast, the north, and the west.

The four bases were simultaneously opened to form a giant protective shield, preventing the invasion of alien beasts.

However, occasionally some sporadic beasts sneak into the stem area through the weak points of the formation.

At this time, the captain needs to go out to solve it.

This pattern has continued unchanged for more than ten years.

But if Fan Wujiu gets the key, close one of the positions.

Qianyu will be invaded by countless strange beasts in an instant.

Chen Sheng squinted his eyes and looked out the window.

The sky was gloomy, and it seemed that it would rain at any moment.

It seems that after Fan Wujiu's intervention, things became more and more interesting...

(End of this chapter)

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