Chapter 158 The Great Calamity Is Coming
Chen Sheng suspects that there are a pair of invisible big hands behind all these things, and they are not aimlessly.

Instead, he really noticed the clues that other people didn't notice.

As the saying goes, "The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear."

This sentence is perfect for describing the current situation.

Chen Sheng is the so-called bystander. He does not belong to this world in essence. What's more, he is also equipped with a dog system and can understand many things that others do not know.

Regardless of whether they are humans or alien beasts, they are actually considered natives of this world.

Now that alien beasts are invading human beings, in the final analysis, they are just fighting for the ownership of this world.

The alien beasts want to take away the aura of humans, the protagonists of the world, so that the alien beasts can survive in this world.

Otherwise, without the approval of heaven, even if the alien beasts seized half of the human territory, they would not be able to survive on this planet for a long time.

It is undeniable that alien beasts are abandoned sons of heaven and earth, but human beings are now the protagonists of heaven and earth.

Only by winning the luck of the human race, can the alien beast be recognized by the heavens and become the new protagonist of the world in this world.

This is the law of heaven, no one can distort it, and no one can obliterate it.

It is also because of this that the strange beasts who became the outcasts of heaven and earth in ancient times were driven away from this world and came to the other end of the distant universe.

Under the will of heaven, no matter who it is, it can only follow the trend.

Win is win, lose is lose.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

This sentence is not just talk.

The winner becomes the protagonist of this world, while the loser will become the abandoned son of heaven and earth, and will never receive the favor of heaven and earth again.

This is the catastrophe that all creatures in every era will suffer, whether it is human beings, strange beasts, or gods.

Under the catastrophe, they are all like ants.

Only the race that successfully survived the catastrophe can be safe and sound, and continue to receive the favor of heaven.

In the last catastrophe, the protagonists of the world were alien beasts, and humans, as newly born species, could only be regarded as supporting roles.

But it happened to be the weakest human being at that time, defeating the alien beast who was the protagonist of the world and replacing it.

It can only be said that luck can't stop it when it comes.

As the darling of heaven and earth, it is inevitable for human beings to replace the supremacy of alien beasts.

It is the impetus of the tide of the times and the favor of heaven.

Therefore, after the alien beasts were driven away, human beings, as the new protagonists of the world, gave birth to the first god in human history, and established the Kingdom of God on this land, and developed a brand new civilization.

Later, although the true god of mankind was about to face the five declines of heaven and man, he had to fall into a deep sleep to deal with the coming catastrophe, which led to the gradual decline of the originally prosperous kingdom of God, and eventually perished.

But human civilization has never been obliterated, and has always continued, glowing with brilliance.

As the protagonists of the heaven and earth, human beings must be favored by the heavens. Therefore, although the true gods of mankind are facing the five declines of heaven and man, they still just fell into a deep sleep and did not die.

As long as human beings can always be favored by heaven and earth, the original true god of human beings will be able to withstand the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man under the blessing of human luck, and finally recover.

This is the strength of being the protagonist of heaven and earth.

But unfortunately, a new catastrophe is coming.

The strange beast sensed that the catastrophe was coming, so it returned to this world from the far end of the universe, and planned to take back what belonged to it in this catastrophe.

This is a battle of luck and a battle of races.

No matter who wins or loses, one side will be eliminated.

If mankind loses in the next catastrophe, it will most likely lead to the extinction of the race, and the true god of mankind will never be able to recover.

If the alien beasts lose in the next catastrophe, their fate may be even worse than that of humans.

Because the strange beast is now an abandoned child of heaven and earth, and can no longer afford a second failure. After this failure, the strange beast will not only perish, but even lose the possibility of reincarnation.

At that time, it will really be ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

There will no longer be a species of alien beast in this world.

Therefore, no matter what, the alien beast must win in the next catastrophe.

Apart from the beast master and the other ten true gods, all the super S-rank alien beasts including the 'Ten World-Destroying Beasts' knew this.

As for the beasts of S rank or below, because they are too weak to be affected by this karma, the beast owner did not tell the truth.

Therefore, as the 987th granddaughter of the beast owner, 'Pudin' doesn't know that there is a catastrophe coming and a dispute over luck.

I just simply thought that the alien beasts came to this planet to plunder territory.

But it's not that simple.

As long as the way of heaven never perishes, that strange beast will always be an outcast of heaven and earth.

As an abandoned child of heaven and earth, without the luck of the human race, it is impossible to survive in this land for a long time.

Otherwise, the strange beast would not have chosen to leave this world and come to the other side of the distant universe.

Although what they found at the other end was a large world without living creatures, it was still unable to compare with the previous world.

After all, Shuilanxing is their ancestral land, and their roots are there.

But things are different now. The great catastrophe is coming. Even the alien beasts who are the abandoned sons of heaven and earth will have the opportunity to participate in this great catastrophe and compete with humans for the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Regarding the impending catastrophe, the alien beasts involved knew about it, but humans did not.

Because after the decline and demise of the ancient human kingdom of God, human civilization changed several times, resulting in the loss of a large number of documents, and various records about the past no longer exist.

As for the 'sacred site', the 'sacred site' does contain all the records about human civilization, but due to the many contents and the high danger in the 'sacred site', human beings have not been able to penetrate into the depths of the 'sacred site'.

It is only possible to conduct some searches on the outermost periphery of the 'Holy Site'.

According to the way of treasure hunting, there are naturally no good things in the outermost part of the treasure relics, and the most valuable items are of course all in the deepest part of the treasure relics.

Therefore, the most important information and the most valuable items have also been left in the deepest part of the 'Holy Site'.

In addition to a large number of cultivation methods in the outermost part of the 'Holy Site', only the 'divine blood' obtained by humans at the beginning is the most precious.

As for the 'God Corpse', it is sleeping in the depths of the 'Sacred Site', and the outermost floating is just the phantom of the 'God Corpse'.

Just like 3D virtual effects.

However, because the 'God Corpse' is too powerful and too sacred, human beings are unable to distinguish the hypocrisy, and only think that this phantom is the sleeping god himself.

But in fact, how could the true god of mankind sleep in the outermost periphery of the "sacred site" and be disturbed by others?
Even if humans cannot influence the gods, even if they are sleeping gods, it is impossible for the true gods of humans to let people visit and disturb them.

The original true god of mankind is named "One".

No sex, only name.

"One" represents her, and she also represents "one".

One is the beginning, nine is the extreme.

As the original god of mankind, he is naturally called "one" by everyone.

This is a gift from heaven, and it is also the choice of everyone.

Before falling asleep, he had already considered the way out for human beings.

Whether it is the 'sacred relic' or the defensive formation, they are all cards left for human beings.

As long as there are these trump cards, even if human beings decline, they can rise again by relying on the luck of the human race.

As long as human beings can hold on for a while longer in the coming catastrophe and not be easily defeated, then one can revive at the end of the catastrophe, lead mankind to rebuild its glory, and become the protagonist of the world again.

This is a plan that was conceived at the beginning, and she has been preparing for it for a long time.

Not only did they build a large defense array that could withstand attacks and invasions under the true god, but they also used treasures to transform them into 'sacred sites', and transferred most of human heritage into the 'sacred site'.

Even she herself fell into a deep sleep in the 'sacred relic', waiting for the next catastrophe to come.

As for the key of the 'Holy Site', it will be handed over to the human leader appointed by her for safekeeping, and it is required to be passed down from generation to generation.

But what Wanwan didn't expect was that the key to the 'Sacred Miracle' had indeed been handed down.

However, due to the fault of civilization, human beings have changed from the road of practice to the road of science and technology.

This also led to the fact that after the opening of the "Holy Site", human beings can only wander around the periphery of the "Holy Site", but have no strength to enter the "Holy Site" and protrude.

This is something that was never thought of.

After all, how could the gods in ancient times imagine that after tens of thousands of years, human beings would no longer practice cultivation, but instead play with high technology.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as high technology, and almost everyone was a practitioner.

Not to mention flying to the sky and escaping from the earth, moving mountains and seas, omnipotent.

But at least it is possible to tear tigers with hands and kick elephants with feet.

At that time, even those with the most shallow cultivation could live to at least two hundred years old, and if they took good care of their health, they would have no problem living to eight hundred years old.

And this is only the person with the lowest level of cultivation, which is equivalent to the current Huang-level captain.

But it is much more powerful than the Huang-level captain.

At least the Huang-level captain will not live to be 200 years old no matter how hard he maintains his health, at most he will be in his early [-]s.

This is exactly the difference between ancient humans and modern humans.

But because of Yi's deep sleep, no matter how powerful the ancient practitioners were, and no matter how prosperous the kingdom of God was, they still could not escape the fate of decline.

It can be said that the gods are the support and pillar of a higher race.

If you lose the blessing of the gods of the race, even the protagonists in the world will still gradually lose the favor of the heavens and eventually become mediocre.

This is also one of the important reasons why humans can't beat alien beasts now.

One thought that he was well prepared, but he was still negligent.

It can only be said that even gods are not omnipotent.

Gods are just higher-level creatures, not to the point of detaching themselves from heaven.

Therefore, it is impossible to be omniscient and omnipotent, and to predict events tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years later.

If one knew that the decline of human beings has come to this point, it would certainly not make the "sacred site" so complicated, so that human beings can't go deep into it and can only wander around the outermost periphery.

Moreover, more hole cards will definitely be prepared for human beings, not only the defensive array, but also many treasures.

Because the rise and fall of mankind is related to whether she can resist the five declines of heaven and man and wake up again.

As long as she resists the five declines of heaven and man, when she wakes up again, she will definitely enter a new realm.

In the catastrophe, even if there are several true gods on the opposite side, she will not be afraid.

But after all her calculations, she still missed a move.

Now the luck of the human race can no longer support her to wake up, let alone help her resist the five declines of heaven and man.

Of course, even if he wakes up forcibly, it will still be useless when facing the eleven true gods of the alien beast side.

Unless she resists the five declines of heaven and man, enters a new realm, and enters the next realm of the true god.

But then the problem came to the origin again.

Once awakened, human beings will not be able to defeat the beasts.

Once awakened, but the problem of the five declines of heaven and man has not been solved, human beings are still unable to defeat alien beasts.

And if human beings want to beat the alien beasts, they need to resist the five declines of heaven and man, and then wake up after entering a new realm.

But now that the luck of the human race has dropped to the lowest point, let alone helping Yi to resist the five declines of heaven and man, it is impossible to even wake Yi from a deep sleep.

Before she fell into a deep sleep, the luck of the human race had already begun to decline, otherwise she would not have begun to show signs of the five declines of heaven and man.

But at that time, there were only some signs of the five declines of heaven and man, so you only need to fall into a deep sleep to resist it.

Then wait for the next catastrophe to come, and the luck of the human race will be prosperous again, so she can recover again.

All of this was planned before she fell into a deep sleep, and she had made sufficient preparations for it.

But man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Once the luck of the human race starts to weaken, it will inevitably fall all the way.

Although there were several improvements along the way, they were actually just a flash in the pan.

In the end, human beings degenerate to the point that they no longer know how to cultivate, but only know how to play with some high-tech iron lumps.

High technology does have its role, but it can't play any role in the face of high-level creatures like alien beasts.

Only human cultivators can kill strange beasts by using the power of their own qi and blood, or the weapons they sacrificed.

That's why human beings were defeated steadily at the beginning of the alien beast invasion.

It wasn't until human beings passed the key of the "sacred site" and started the "sacred site" to obtain the method of practice, that the signs of human decadence were slowed down.

But this is only slowing down, and it will not turn defeat into victory for mankind.

After all, the time for people to practice is still too short, and it is far from the level of human power in most ancient times.

Otherwise, as long as the beast owner didn't make a move, the humans could easily defeat the beast.

In the battle between humans and alien beasts, as long as there are a few victories, the luck of the human race can flourish again.

Even if it is just a flash in the pan, it is enough to support the true god of mankind to resist the five declines of heaven and man, and enter a new realm.

Now it can only be said that it was a wrong step, a wrong step.

Modern humans do not have the powerful strength of ancient humans, which also makes humans unable to defeat alien beasts.

Even with the protection of the large defensive array and the help of the 'Holy Relic', human beings have only been given a chance to survive.

And this opportunity is not entirely won by human beings themselves, it is also the result of the beast owner releasing water.

Otherwise, human beings would have finished their game the moment the alien beast appeared, and they would still be able to live in peace until now.

It is precisely because of this that human beings need the emergence of a strong person.

So Chen Sheng was able to come to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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