The strongest in the world: starting from picking up Feng Baobao

Chapter 41 The S-Class Alien Beast Who Abandoned His Identity

Chapter 41 The S-Class Alien Beast Who Abandoned His Identity

As the night deepens, the bright moon hangs high above, casting hazy moonlight.

When the turmoil of the beast tide stopped, the entire mountain range regained its previous lonely and solemn feeling.

Compared with the dark night, this silence is slightly weird.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of dim eyes, Chen Sheng asked what was in his heart.

Even if he is surrounded by countless ferocious beasts, he remains fearless.

He was curious about Fan Wujiu's deal with Pug.

How much price must be paid to allow the S-class beast to give up its latent identity and surface.

And in the face of a guy who looks harmless to humans and animals, will he really be as foolish as he appears from the outside?

If the high-level alien beasts were all like pugs, with the same appearance and the same appearance, and went straight to each other, then perhaps the situation of human beings would not be so miserable now.

Although there are countless slots in Pug's previous behavior.

But Chen Sheng still maintains his own vigilance, and will not easily believe everything it shows.

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing" is actually not true at all. What you see may be just what the other party wants you to see.

Only by analyzing and judging the truth of the matter can we get the final answer.

Just like now, Chen Sheng was waiting for the pug to give his answer.

In the silent environment, only the sound of even breathing could be heard from all around, and no one spoke for a while.

After Chen Sheng asked the question, Pug didn't answer right away, but stared at him for a while with scorching eyes.

With the bitter cold wind blowing, there will be the rustling sound of leaves in the dense bushes.

The humid cold air nourishes all living things around, bringing a refreshing sense of comfort.

The pug was blown by the cold wind, shivered, and said with snot and tears: "Well... I don't understand what you are talking about... I didn't make a deal with that terrible human... He said If you want to ask me for help...and give me delicious food...I just came here...otherwise, who would want to deal with you bad guys..."


Hearing this, Chen Sheng frowned deeper, and his face became much more serious than before.

Although Pug spoke intermittently and unclearly, he still understood what he was trying to express.

First, Fan Wujiu and Pug are not in a cooperative relationship.

Second, Fan Wujiu asked Pug for help in kind.

Third, despite living in human society, pugs do not like to interact with strangers.

If it was true as Pug said, then the Nether Palace's ability was not great enough to cooperate with the alien beast.

This is actually a good thing for Qianyu and the entire human world.

Because the purpose of the Nether Palace is to destroy the world and create a new world, once you put aside your past suspicions and cooperate with the alien beast, the harm it will cause is immeasurable.

But if what the pug shows is just an illusion, it will be thought-provoking and horrifying.

This acting and lying ability are not weaker than the top fraud masters of mankind, and even have a tendency to surpass them faintly.

True and false, false and true, using truth to cover up lies, and false words to set off the truth, people will never be able to distinguish the truth from the false.

At this moment, Chen Sheng was a little confused.

Be a human and talk like a human, be a dog and talk like a dog.

This pug is really a dog talker.

It's easy to be led into the ditch if you don't pay attention.

After taking a breath of fresh air, Chen Sheng said indifferently: "Since you didn't cooperate with that person, then why did he ask you for help? And what about giving you food as a reward?"

At this moment, the pug has stopped crying.

It looked at Chen Sheng with wet eyes, sobbed and said: "That weirdo begged me for help, as long as a beast tide is launched in the mountains of Area 69 tonight and surrounds all the captains, it will give me a year of happiness in the fat house meal as payment."

Then the pug lowered his head and explained: "As you know, although my master loves me very much, she never gives me those junk foods... especially those fried chicken burgers. Whenever I pass by Ken Mai At the gate of the chicken, I saw those humans eating happy meals in the fat house, and tears of sadness would flow from the corners of my mouth..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Listening to Pug's nonsense, Chen Sheng straightened his forehead.

"What the hell are you talking about? And what kind of fried chicken burger does your S beast eat? Do you really think you are a pet dog?"

"Don't S-level beasts have animal rights? Your dry domain has stipulated a law, and you don't allow me to eat fried chicken burgers?"

"All right, all right, I won't talk to you about this. What about your dignity as an S-level beast? If you are easily bought by a mere meal of food, and then spend a lot of effort to attract the beast tide, what's the benefit?"

"Huh! What is a mere meal? It's a year's happy meal in the fat house, okay? That's my ultimate goal as a strange beast, and it's my yearning for a beast."

At this time, Pug showed yearning eyes, as if the most beautiful things were right in front of him.

Then it curled its lips and said disdainfully: "What's more, it doesn't take much effort to attract the beast tide. I only need to come here once, and I can exchange for a year's fat house happy meal. It's like killing two birds with one stone!"

Looking at the pug with a smirk in front of him, Chen Sheng was dumbfounded, what kind of strange thing did he encounter.

What S-level beast, just like a mangy dog.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his impetuous heart, Chen Sheng said slowly: "Just treat what you said before as true. Then after you trigger the beast tide, there will be no benefit except food. On the contrary, you will expose You, the identity lurking in Qianyu, how do you explain this?"


Pug snorted coldly when he heard the words, and let out a disdainful laugh: "Benefits? Isn't one year's Fat House Happy Meal not enough? As for revealing your identity? Let's reveal it. Anyway, this identity is just a shackle for me. "

Under the hazy moonlight, the figure of the pug looked extremely lonely, like an old dog that had reached the end of its life, so miserable and desolate.

Is identity just a shackle?

It doesn't even matter if you reveal your identity?
The development of the matter seems to have exceeded Chen Sheng's expectations.

There should be some unknown secrets in the pug, which caused it to say such remarks.

Due to the strict hierarchy among alien beasts, high-level alien beasts attach great importance to their bloodline and identity.

The importance is even no less than their own lives.

There is a secret history about the blood of alien beasts recorded in human history books.

Since the alien beasts began to invade human beings 20 years ago, the alien beast camp has almost won many battles and has been invincible.

However, there was an S-level beast who made a big mistake because of his own fault, resulting in the death of a team of high-level beasts.

And the S-level beast was stripped of its blood by the beast owner, and after being reduced to an ordinary beast, it finally blew itself up on the battlefield.

This shows the importance of bloodline and identity to high-level beasts.

That being the case, the pug's remarks are worth pondering...

(End of this chapter)

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