Chapter 83

After discussing the encirclement and suppression plan, Ba Tianhu took a group of school lieutenants and prepared to attack the Nether Palace from left to right.

After removing the four school lieutenants guarding the east and south exits, a total of 83 people rushed towards the military base.

When they came to the edge of the military base, the atmosphere of decay and death was already quite strong.

Compared with the place where they stayed before, there is almost no angry presence here.

Even the flowers, plants and trees were affected by this rotten dead air, and became sickly, as if they would wither at any time.

Most of the captains were dumbfounded when they saw this shocking scene for the first time.

The momentum that was originally high is languishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It doesn't take long at all, the momentum will drop to freezing point, and fear will permeate everyone around.

Seeing this scene, Ba Tianhu frowned and felt bad.

How can I go on here?
They came to encircle and suppress Nether Palace.

They didn't come to be besieged by the Nether Palace.

Bringing a group of weak and weak captains to trouble the Nether Palace, isn't that just courting death? !

Even if he is a heaven-level captain, he can't recover from it!

After all, there are at least two heavenly beings in the Nether Palace.

From the news from the Qiandian Hall, it can be known that there are currently three people who have sneaked into the Qianyu from the Netherworld Hall.

In addition to the two masked men who attacked the Qiandian meeting room last time, there was also a judge whose identity information was unknown.

The specific grades of those three people are unknown, but they are all captains with heavenly strength.

But after the judge revived one of the masked men, he disappeared without a trace, and he was suspected to have evacuated from Qianyu.

At present, there are only two heavenly ranks left in the Nether Palace to stir up trouble in the dry area.

To say that it is strong is not very strong, and to say that it is weak is not very weak.

It can only be said to be as annoying as a mouse drilling a trench.

After all, as the largest domain in the past, Qianyu is somewhat lonely now, but there are many heavenly captains.

There are hundreds of thousands of captains in the Qian domain, and the top five hundred are all heaven-level.

Of course, there are still some very low-key school lieutenants among the people, who only practice to keep out of the limelight, and are not counted in the ranking.

Calculated in this way, there are at least seven or eight hundred heavenly captains in Qianyu.

This is a very terrifying number, even more than double that of some domains.

With a strong escort, what Qianyu currently lacks most is intelligence.

Since the alien beasts invaded and the 24 domains were isolated from each other, it has always been difficult for humans to obtain information.

Information can only be obtained by relying on manpower and satellites that existed in the old era.

The disadvantage of relying on manpower to obtain intelligence lies in timeliness and uncertainty.

Many things are passed on by word of mouth, and the meaning can easily change.

Once outside the territory, this is the world of alien beasts, and all means of transportation will be unusable.

The captain not only has to walk on both feet, but also must always be alert to attacks from strange beasts.

The time required to convey information has been greatly increased.

The information obtained by relying on satellites is even more one-sided.

Due to the opening of the defensive formation, communications between the various domains are completely isolated.

This has also led to the fact that the satellite system to which each large domain belongs can only detect the situation in its own domain, and all information outside the domain is blocked.

This is simply worse for the already difficult human beings.

However, after being isolated by information, other large domains are actively collecting intelligence information.

Only Qianyu, after 15 years of peace, now looks like singing and dancing, peaceful and happy.

But all this is just superficial prosperity. Once disaster strikes, Qianyu is likely to fall into unimaginable panic.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Qian domain is easily infiltrated by others.

Otherwise, Qianyu, who has seven or eight hundred heaven-level captains, can kill a few bugs in the Nether Palace with a pile.

Even if it is an abandoned child of the "God-making" project, no matter how strong it is, it can't withstand the siege of seven or eight hundred captains of the same rank.

But people are not as good as heaven.

The Nether Palace took advantage of Qianyu's loophole, and this was the opportunity to take advantage of it.

The loss of the lockbox is just the trigger for everything.

What is more important is the slack within the stem area.

But now it's finally time for revenge.

As natives of the Qian Territory, Ba Tianhu's family has been deeply favored by the Lord of the Qian Territory since their ancestors.

Although there is no longer the ancient system of shadow officials.

But Ba Tianhu was also the first batch of captains to step out under the influence of the practice method issued by the Qianyu official.

Although all of this is due to him being down-to-earth, down-to-earth, and step by step.

However, there are not many government resource subsidies in dry areas.

This can also be said to be the benefits of being the first batch of captains.

After all, with the rapid increase of private school lieutenants later, the government of Qianyu was unable to make ends meet, canceled this welfare system, and changed it to a model of exchanging rewards through support, and the free resource acquisition model disappeared from the world.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Ba Tianhu is very grateful to the Qianyu officials, especially the domain owner Anna.

It was Domain Master Anna who managed Gan Domain in an orderly manner and allowed him and his family to live a good life.

This is a kindness that Ba Tianhu can hardly repay.

But if it wasn't for the last meeting, he had an important task and couldn't get away.

Otherwise, the two little bugs that escaped from the Netherworld Palace would have died long ago without a burial place.

Ba Tianhu thought viciously in his heart.

In short, as a citizen of Qianyu, he loves this land very much in his heart.

He loves so much that he is willing to give everything for the safety of Qianyu, which is also Ba Tianhu's original intention when he became the captain.

To this day, it has not changed.

Now that Qianyu is in trouble, let him save it!
At this moment, Ba Tianhu thought of many things. From the past to the present, various memories emerged, which made him quite emotional.

After recovering from the emotion, the aura around Ba Tianhu suddenly rose.

Faintly suppressing the dead air permeating the air, even the rotten smell has weakened a lot.

He was like a shining fire in the darkness, bringing light to the school captains.

At the moment when the aura of the school captains was about to drop to freezing point, Ba Tianhu turned the tide by relying on his own aura and pulled everyone's emotions back to the original point.

The fear in my heart is slowly dissipating, like an iceberg slowly melting under the scorching sun.

The dignified air was broken up, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They all looked at Ba Tianhu with grateful eyes, and there were endless words of thanks in their hearts.

In the dark night, Ba Tianhu's whole body exuded a faint light of true energy, as if he stood out from the crowd.

He glanced at everyone, and said in a majestic tone: "Brothers, the war is coming, and now is the time to prove yourself. Are you going to be timid before fighting? Just because you see such a scene Are you scared?"

While speaking, he pointed to the surrounding scenery.

Under his narration, the originally weird scene gradually became ordinary.

It's as if it's just some dead branches and leaves from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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