big star doctor

Chapter 21 Please arrive at the battlefield in 3 minutes

Chapter 21 Please arrive at the battlefield in 3 minutes
At this time, Lin Mo, who had finished his meal, also said: "You are a second-generation official, you really don't know how to be blessed! I wish I had such a good father! He really broke his heart for you, Your anger hurts your lungs, why do you still look ungrateful, now that your wife has arranged for you, what else do you want?"

"Stop it! Wait until I introduce my younger sister, the school belle, to you and let him worry about you too. Then I'll be much more comfortable. The enemy will do it like this. After all, he's half a son-in-law!"

The nurses and sisters on the side were dumbfounded. This is teasing a big rival in love. Huang Weijie wants to introduce his sister to Dr. Lin?What kind of godly operation did you do!Don't the elder brothers of other families protect their sisters tightly?How come to Huang Weijie's place, it has become a field that does not flow to outsiders!
How could he have the heart to push his sister into the fire!They have a saying that they don't know whether to say or not: Dr. Huang, are you a scammer?Is it really okay to trick your own girl like this?

So Miss Wang Ziyi, who was opposite Lin Mo, quickly changed the topic and said, "Doctor Lin, are you full? I have a roasted duck leg, do you want to eat it?"

As he spoke, he didn't care whether Lin Mo agreed or not, he picked up the uneaten roasted duck leg and threw food into Lin Mo's empty bowl.

The cute nurse lady opposite Lin Mo also turned her head and said: "Doctor Lin really can eat, it seems that I will have to work overtime desperately in the future, otherwise I will not be able to support a husband in the future! Food is so good, and My name is Qin Xiao, nice to meet you, Doctor Lin."

Then the nurses and sisters didn't give Huang Weijie a chance to speak.Until their mobile phones rang together, Wang Ziyi realized at this moment that he was going to be busy!So he said helplessly: "It seems that our leisurely lunch time is over, so let's take action!"

Talking about how quickly they put away the dinner plates, Lin Mo probably knew without looking at his phone that it should be an emergency that requires a lot of manpower, otherwise the doctors and nurses on duty would be enough.

He packed up the dishes without saying much, and ran out of the dining hall with them. When they arrived at the emergency room, Director Chen said anxiously: "You are finally back. There was a gas explosion at a hot pot restaurant in Guangya back street. A slight gas explosion occurred. There are more than 20 people seriously injured, you must stick to your posts, the ambulance will arrive soon, there are not enough people.”

After a while, all the nurses and doctors from the emergency morning shift arrived. The leaders were Director Liu Dakang, Director Chen Zhihong, Deputy Chief Guan Ming, resident doctors Huang Weijie, Guo Qiang, Cheng Cheng, accompanying doctor Liu Dabao, and interns. Born Wu Qian.

There is also the resident doctor Zhou Huaimin who came earlier, and there are three or two physicians led by Director Gao of the emergency internal medicine department.

At this moment, one after another ambulance drove into the gate of the hospital. Lin Mo and several young residents rushed to pick up the cars at the emergency parking place at the front gate.

As soon as Lin Mo took over a simple hospital bed frame, the patient's hands had been blown away, and his whole body was bloody. If she hadn't had long hair, Lin Mo probably wouldn't have recognized her as a woman.

Lin Mo and the nurse pushed the injured into the emergency room. Director Chen was already waiting, and he handed it over to Director Chen without stopping.

He picked up the wounded man again. It was a middle-aged man with a simple bandaged gauze wrapped around his head. He was bleeding profusely. He probably fell into a coma.

This time, Lin Mo did not catch the seriously injured during the operation. Instead, he and Huang Weijie dealt with the slightly injured outside. After Lin Mo debrided, sutured, and bandaged seven or eight wounded, the wounded were sent to the hospital , an hour and a half has passed.

After Lin Mo finished his work, he looked around in the lobby. He saw the doctors and nurses were busy walking in and out. The lights on the doors of several emergency rooms and operating rooms were still on. He felt a different kind of powerlessness in his heart. Lin Mo looked Seeing Huang Weijie next to him, he said anxiously: "Damn it! I feel so bad that I can't help you. It's been more than an hour. I don't know what's going on inside!"

Seeing Lin Mo complaining to him, Huang Weijie also said helplessly: "There is no way, our skills are not in place! You have only been here for a few days! It is useless to worry, learn slowly!"

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoxuan came over and called them: "You are done with your work, go to operating room No. [-] to help, Doctor Zhou is about to amputate the injured, and you need young men like you."

After hearing this, Lin Mo said excitedly: "Thank you, Nurse Zheng, I'll go right away."

As he said that, he quickly pulled Huang Weijie to the locker room to disinfect and brush his hands.A few minutes later, Lin Moliang put on full armor, including surgical gowns, gloves, masks, hoods, and goggles, and came to operating room No. [-].

When Lin Mo came in, he saw that Dr. Zhou had made pre-operative preparations. The injured was under anesthesia and receiving blood transfusions. His calf had been blown away, and a section of the thigh bone of five or six centimeters was exposed from the thigh to the knee.

Seeing the two people coming in, Zhou Huaimin said, "You two came just in time. You help me fix the injured man's leg. I'm going to saw it."

Lin Mo and the two stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that the minced meat on the injured thigh had been cut clean, only the bone was sawn and then stitched and bandaged.

Lin Mo was on the left and the other on the right. Lin Mo grabbed the injured person's exposed thigh bone, and Huang Weijie held the injured person's thigh.Dr. Zhou picked up the chainsaw that the nurse sent to him. Lin Mo heard the piercing sound of the chainsaw and saw a burst of bone fragments flying.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo hugged the injured man's femur bone, and Dr. Zhou, who turned off the chainsaw, joked, "Doctor Lin, do you want to take the injured man's bone back for collection?"

After hearing this, Lin Mo quickly put the leg bone into the box prepared by the nurse, and then he smiled and said, "I don't have such a hobby! Doctor Zhou, you want to frame me because I'm more handsome than you! You call How will I find a girlfriend in the future?"

"Xiao Lin, you are worried about not having a girlfriend just because you grow up like this? I don't worry about it. I have a special hobby, and there are many girls chasing after you. Don't worry, I have more experience than you."

A few nurses who were watching the play cut in and said, "Doctor Zhou! It's just that you have too much experience. Don't teach us Dr. Lin badly, or we will never end with you."

"See, there are a few of you here! Envy and hate, think about it when I first came here, you were not like this, you blushed when you first saw me, and now you dare to hate me! "

Dr. Zhou was talking and chatting, but he didn't stop helping the wounded to polish and saw the femur, clean up, sew up, and bandage the wound. .

"You are someone else's boyfriend! What's the use of us blushing, we might as well change to a better one. By the way, Dr. Zhou, you have been in our hospital for three years. Do you know how many girlfriends you have changed? There are nine of them." , I’ve counted them for you, you’re a scumbag, we can’t afford to mess with you.”

(End of this chapter)

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