Rebirth of the King of Demons

Chapter 347 The White Winged Tiger in Trouble

Chapter 347 The White Winged Tiger in Trouble


Time passed, one second, that feeling never came.

Second after second.

The heart-piercing pain hadn't arrived as expected, Ding Sanshi frowned slightly, feeling a little doubtful in his heart.

Could it be that the bastard stopped suddenly?
Could it be that it sensed something wrong! ?

Otherwise, why don't I feel any pain?

The huge body of the white-winged tiger seemed to be frozen out of thin air, just like the white tiger statue in the nearby White Tiger City.

This strange scene immediately made the surrounding players blow up.

"What is this monster doing!? Why does it feel like it's being controlled!"

"Just now I seem to have seen Lu Qingkong make a move. If there is no accident, it should be his fault!"

"Sure enough, Lu Qingkong is also afraid that Baidi will succeed in attacking the city. Once he succeeds, the advantages he has accumulated may disappear in an instant."

A group of players chattered in unison, and suddenly a player in the crowd yelled loudly.

"Bai Di! It's Bai Di who is here!"

"Oh my god! He actually came all the way!"

Immediately after the sound, many players looked in the direction of the sound.

I see.

Mu Nian was bathed in a faint golden light, holding a long sword dripping with red liquid in one hand, and supporting a man covered in blood with the other hand.

While walking, he fought hard.

Lu Qingkong, who was riding on the back of the blue-eyed white wolf, narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.


Those who fought against Mu Nian were not ordinary city guards, but the only three thousand silver spear guards in Baihu City!

These silver gun guards are much higher than ordinary city guards in terms of level and attributes. What's more, they also have the effect of doubling attributes in the city.

It can be said that one silver gun guard is equal to five city guards!
If it is an ordinary city guard, Lu Qingkong thinks that she also has this ability, regardless of the fact that she will be arrested by the whole city.

However, if it was the silver spear guard, then Lu Qingkong would not have such confidence.


Looking over, his enemy has this ability!

this moment.

Lu Qingkong was extremely shocked.

the other side.

The White Winged Tiger only felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. It was extremely difficult to move, and it was a luxury to want to move.

The white-winged tiger's huge eyes contained endless anger.

Obviously, the White-winged Tiger is still confused about what happened suddenly.

In fact, Lu Qingkong was also shocked. Space stillness is similar to space blockade. It can make everything in the skill space range into a static state.

However, the White Winged Tiger in the skill space was not completely restrained from moving, but only infinitely slowed down.

Although the huge claw seems to be frozen, but if you look closely, you can still see it.

The claws of the White Winged Tiger were falling down at a very slow speed.

Worthy of being a fairy beast!
Lu Qingkong could only sigh like this in her heart.

On the other side, Ding Sanshi calmed down the boiling blood in his heart when he saw the huge claw that was descending at an extremely slow speed.

With a little force in his right hand, he tightly held the golden spear, and slowly stood up from the ground.

However, Ding Sanshi was very careful,
But he didn't immediately attack the White Winged Tiger, because he was a little confused about the current situation.

Originally, he had prepared enough killing moves, but such a sudden situation disrupted all the wishful thinking in his heart.

Moreover, Ding Sanshi was also afraid in his heart that this was a trap deliberately set by the White Winged Tiger.

After all, this is no longer an ordinary monster, but a genuine fairy beast!

It already possesses the same intelligence as human beings, and even has a much higher IQ than some human beings.

So just in case, Ding Sanshi first escaped from the range of the white-winged tiger, and then held the spear tightly with both hands, carefully guarding against the white-winged tiger, lest it suddenly attack.

Seeing Ding Sanshi's scene, Lu Qing was very anxious.

Because he can feel very clearly that this fairy beast, the white-winged tiger, is struggling hard in the field of his own skills.

And it gave him the feeling that it won't be long before he will be freed from the shackles.

What are you hesitating about! ?Hurry up and get rid of it once and for all!

Ding Sanshi, who was on guard, seemed to hear the voice in Lu Qingkong's heart.

Holding the golden spear in his hand, he carefully circled the white-winged tiger, approaching it step by step, very carefully.

After all, this is a fairy beast, and if you are not careful, you may fall into a place of eternal doom!
Ding Sanshi was afraid that the white-winged tiger would suddenly attack with its claws. In this way, he would definitely not be able to withstand the angry blow of the fairy beast.


The White Winged Tiger let out an angry roar from the depths of his throat.

"Damn human!!! What did you do!!! When I break free, I must tear you in half!!!"

Ding Sanshi ignored the white-winged tiger's yelling, and walked cautiously to the back of the white-winged tiger.

Ding Sanshi was overjoyed after seeing that the beast still looked so weird and didn't make any reaction.

It seemed that there was something wrong with the white-winged tiger, and it seemed that a warrior from another world helped him.

In this case, it can only be your own bad luck, no wonder others!
I'm not taking advantage of the danger, after all, animals are not people!
Ding Sanshi thought this way in his heart, in this way, he could avoid exposing his hidden killer move.

Looking at the white-winged tiger's skin that was made of steel, Ding Sanshi was slightly troubled.

The skin of a monster is as hard as iron, the higher the level of the monster, the more so.

What's more, the white-winged tiger is a real fairy beast, and if it wants, its hair can become as tough as a sharp sword.

Even the warriors from another world helped him to trap the beast, making it difficult to move now.

However, Ding Sanshi still felt that even if he poked around here for a long time, it would probably be difficult to get rid of this fairy beast in a short time.

You have to find a weak point!
When Ding Sanshi looked up, he suddenly discovered a weakness of the White Winged Tiger.

That is a small part of the white-winged tiger's tail like an iron chain, and there is a very weak place there.

Under the cover of the white-winged tiger's tail, it was looming, and there was no defense there.


(End of this chapter)

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