Chapter 92 092 Panic and Fear
After practicing, I found that the entry threshold of this escape method is too high. After practicing for about half a month, I only succeeded once by accident, and it was inexplicably displayed.

After successfully escaping a distance of a few meters, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I jumped directly from one side of the room to the other. The distance was only a few meters, but the speed was very fast.

After succeeding once, I was very excited, and found that the speed of this spiritual escape method was really too fast.

And it doesn't consume a lot of energy, it only consumes less than [-]% of the consciousness when jumping successfully.

With the strength of his current consciousness, he can directly transfer about [-] meters at a time.

When using the escape method, as long as the divine sense sees the detected place, it can jump there instantly.

It's a pity that I haven't reached home yet.

When I found out that I was practicing on the boat, I found that I really couldn't develop it, so I had no choice but to practice the Starry Sky Art with all my strength to condense my spiritual consciousness.

When practicing Starry Sky Jue, after reaching a certain level of starry sky and universe refining spiritual consciousness, I found that it was getting slower and slower.

Originally, his spiritual consciousness was more condensed than others.

It's not enough to practice this escape method. It took thousands of practice to succeed once.

Xiang Chen also found that this escape method still has many flaws, and the speed of consuming his consciousness is too fast, even if he can't keep practicing this escape method.

"Hey" sighed, without a super condensed consciousness, this escape method really can't be practiced.

He also stopped practicing.

Thinking of this, I also found that there is a problem with this escape method.

This escape method is useless to ordinary people, so why do people still practice it?Is this method of escapism for people to cultivate?

And Xiang Chen also thought about whether the person who spread this exercise is looking for the exercise that condenses the spiritual consciousness in the front?
Otherwise, if you get this thing, you won't be able to cultivate.

When he had doubts, Xiang Chen also carefully checked the jade slip.

His formation level is too low, and he really can't see anything, so he can only call the elf.

"Don't sleep Xing Xing! Show me this jade slip, is there any secret formation?"

The elf has been sleeping or practicing.

If Xiang Chen didn't call, he would basically not bother him.

Hearing Xiang Chen's question, the elf reluctantly yawned and began to examine the jade slip.

After looking at it for a while, I felt that there was a little problem, so I checked it carefully again and again.

The little elf did find out something was wrong, but there seemed to be an extremely secret and subtle formation fluctuation hidden in it. If she hadn't been exposed to the innate formation, she really couldn't catch that fluctuation, not at all.

Checked it out many times and was even more amazed.

"There is an extremely secret trace-sensing formation inside this jade slip. The guy who arranged this formation is too high-level, and I don't know how to detect it."

Now Xiang Chen's breath became heavy, now the elf's formation level has reached level five, so many levels more powerful than him are definitely not ordinary people.

"It should be a formation above the seventh level. The way this formation is arranged is really superb, and it also feels a little strange. I have no way to find out. I just feel slightly that this is a tracking and perception formation. Maybe there is a different formation inside!"

The little elf has a talent for formations. Although he couldn't find out some information about the formations on the jade slip, he still sensed the aura.

Xiang Chen's face also turned ugly. There is absolutely no array mage above level seven in Aurora Continent.

Moreover, a tracking formation was left on this broken escape jade slip, what does this mean?
Thinking of this, I broke out in a cold sweat, and started to panic.

Such a high-level formation master would definitely not arrange formations on this jade slip for no reason, there must be some reason.

A bold idea slowly appeared in Xiang Chen's mind.

He quickly came to a terrible conclusion, and his face turned pale.

He has already thought that the person who arranged this formation is definitely a super strong person.

It is impossible to arrange perception formations and tracking formations in the jade slips boringly.

Perhaps what I feel is actually the breath of escape, the most important thing is to locate the person who practices escape.

As long as someone succeeds in cultivation, it is estimated that death is not too far away.

Xiang Chen couldn't imagine it anymore.

The opponent can arrange such a powerful formation, as long as they come, they will definitely kill him easily.

At this moment, I feel that the jade slip in my hand is definitely a hot potato.

Thinking about it, Xiang Chen decided to quickly throw it away.

Ran out in a panic.

When I was planning what to do with this jade slip, I met the shopkeeper of the Lingcao shop.


The shopkeeper returned to the shop after failing to resist the people, very angry.

So I really didn't check my storage bag in time.

Now that the boat was about to arrive, I planned to clean up the spiritual herbs on the upper bunk, but suddenly found that many precious spiritual herbs in the storage bag were gone.

Now I started to panic, I searched the sky and found nothing, I lost my mind and couldn't stand up.

He is just a shopkeeper in the foundation building period, and he lost so many precious things, even if he is sold, he can't make up for it.

After calming down, he slowly thought of Xiang Chen.

In the past two months, it seemed that he had only been in contact with Xiang Chen.

So his face became more and more gloomy, and he wanted to find Liu to enforce the law.

But now I have no guts.

And he has no proof.

Until now, I haven't thought about how the contents of the storage bag disappeared. The formation on the storage bag is level three.

To break this formation silently and directly, you must have level [-] or level [-] or [-], right?

After losing the precious spiritual grass, the shopkeeper ran around on the boat all over the world.

Looking for Xiang Chen and the others, but Zhang Baishan and the others retreated immediately after going out once.

So I searched for a few days but couldn't find it. This time Xiang Chen was found by the shopkeeper as soon as he came out.

"Wait! Fellow Daoist, I admit that I have fallen, I hope Fellow Daoist, you can return the things you held before!"

This time the shopkeeper's face was full of begging.

I didn't have the kind of spirit when I saw it for the first time.

"What did you say? Did I take your things? Don't talk nonsense without evidence!" How could Xiang Chen admit it?Said innocently.

The shopkeeper of "咘嗵" knelt directly in front of Xiang Chen.

"Senior, this junior has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, please let this junior go!" After finishing speaking, he kowtowed loudly.

Xiang Chen has seen the shopkeeper's ability to deceive people, how could he believe his words?

But on the surface, he still said very politely: "Since you have admitted it so sincerely, I am not the one who took your things. There are [-] low-grade spirit stones here, which can be regarded as compensation from the seniors!
He threw a storage bag casually and left without looking back.

When the shopkeeper saw the crowd around him, he lost his mind in a frenzy.

But he really didn't dare to do anything on the spaceship.

Glancing at the spirit stone in the storage bag, he glanced at Xiang Chen's back unwillingly, turned around and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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