Chapter 76 Moral Kidnapping
"This is, a survivor who came to ask for help?" Several girls gathered together, looking at the situation on the tablet, Zhang Xin said!
"I'm afraid, I'm here to ask for trouble!" Qu Yun shook his head, his eyes gradually turned cold!

"What should I do, kill it or not?" Qin Xue looked at Su Chen and cast a questioning look!
"Kill them? They are all human..." Zhang Xin couldn't believe it. She wanted to kill the outsiders without asking about their purpose and origin. Is this really the style of the team she joined?

"Xinxin, I'll just say this once, remember it firmly!" Qin Xue turned her gaze to Zhang Xin, and said in a deep voice, "Remember, in the last days, people are more terrifying than zombies!"

After saying a word, Qin Xue left Zhang Xin alone to digest slowly, while she continued to look at Su Chen's tablet, waiting for Su Chen's decision!
"Huahua!" Su Chen didn't make a decision immediately, and looked at Fan Yuhua!
Fan Yuhua understood, took out the tablet of the real-time map of the last days, and looked at the point on it.

"It's green!" Fan Yuhua said!
"Well, let's go and have a look, and then decide whether to kill or let go!"

Su Chen usually chooses not to kill those who do not pose a substantial threat to himself. Now there are obviously more zombies than humans in the world. If they are all killed, human beings will become extinct. What if zombies come over?
Of course, those that are threatening, or that may pose a threat to themselves in the future, don't leave a single one behind!
Su Chen is not a good person!
Leading a few girls to the gate where these people were, Su Chen climbed up the watchtower. Some of the other girls followed Su Chen up, and some climbed up to the watchtower on the other side of the gate.

"Help, help..." Seeing someone appear on the watchtower, the three men below were so excited that they yelled louder when they saw Su Chen!
"If you want to survive, don't yell!" Su Chen shouted!
"..." Sure enough, there was an instant silence below.

"Tell me your origins and purpose!" Su Chen asked when he heard the silence.

The three men below looked at Su Chen on the watchtower and the two girls beside him, swallowed, looked at each other, and the man in the middle said:

"We escaped from Yangzhong County, which was already occupied by zombies. There were some that could fly with long wings, some that could breathe fire, and some that could spray venom. There were many, many, many of them, so we tried our best to escape. ..."

The man in the middle trembled like chaff when he said these words.

"I said, Venom is so handsome, why are you spraying him?"

Just when the three men thought that Su Chen would save them, Su Chen suddenly said this!

A few people didn't react for a while, shall we?Is it in the state of the last days?
Are you sure it's time to play tricks, you shouldn't put us in it, let's have a full stomach with good wine and good food?

"Be serious!" Qin Xue nudged Su Chen, rolled her eyes and said!

"Gudu..." Looking up at the three men above, their necks were almost stiff, but Qin Xue's white eyes made them secrete too much adrenaline in an instant, and their necks were no longer sore, so they became more courageous!

"After going in later, eat and drink enough, while they are asleep at night, kill this man, and then...hehehe..."

The man in the middle who spoke just now had a bad idea in an instant!

Before the apocalypse, the three of them were employees of a bank. After the apocalypse broke out, they hid in the bank and nothing happened.

Afterwards, he ran out of the bank, killed a few zombies together, took a customer-mortgaged Alpha from the bank's mortgage warehouse, moved to several places, and took the opportunity to sleep with a few women, because now Yangzhong County The zombies broke out in a large area, and they ran out!

All the way along the road, only Su Chen's road was open, so they rushed over, just saw this high wall and gate on the side of the road, realized that there might be survivors here, and they might find a sense of security, so they came The door is called.

It is impossible to say that they are good people, after all, it is the end of the world...

"So it's like this..." Su Chen nodded when he heard the words. The information brought by these three people is terrible. Yangzhong County is only about 20 kilometers away by car, and the straight-line distance is only more than [-] kilometers. If the zombie army comes if?

Moreover, Yangzhong County has a campus for freshman to junior students of Lan University, tens of thousands of students, plus the population of a county, hiss...

I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of zombies!

If all of them come out in full force, then the base...


Su Chen suddenly thought of the location of the safe zone, and built a safe zone for human beings at the resort not far from Yangzhong County.

There are troops stationed there, so the base is safe for the time being.

Su Chen looked at the three men who lowered their heads and looked up again, and understood why they fled towards this side.

Isn't the safe zone good for ordinary people like them?
It must be delicious, but now, they can only choose to escape further, because the safe zone may not be safe now!

"Um, let's continue..." The man in the middle looked at Su Chen and looked at them. After a moment of surprise, he continued: "After we escaped from Yangzhong County, we wanted to find human survivors and build a beautiful homeland together." ,Then……"

The man Barabara said a lot, then looked at Su Chen with hope.

"What major do you study, or what specialties do you have?"

Su Chen didn't look at the tablet, not knowing that the man in front of him had turned red, and Fan Yuhua, who was watching Su Chen talking, didn't have time to look at it either.

"The three of us are bank clerks. I can calculate accounts, count money, use computers, and I can cook..."

"I can drive, I have a B1 driver's license!"

"I'm strong and can move things!"

None of them are idiots. After saying a few irrelevant things, they quickly said a few practical things!
"What education do you have?" Su Chen asked again!
"Lancheng University of Finance and Economics, undergraduate degree..."

"Lancheng Agricultural University, undergraduate..."

"Shudu University of Finance and Economics, undergraduate degree..."

The three of them said it next to each other!
"Sorry, our base only needs professional counterparts, and the minimum educational background is 985 and 211. Master's degree and above are preferred. You do not meet the admission requirements of our base, oh no, it is the admission requirement!" Su Chen looked at the three of them, showing apology His look is very similar to the HR of the company during the interview.

"I belong to 211, I graduated from 211 college!" The few people who were limped by the fool were all panicked, and the man from Shudu University of Finance and Economics said excitedly!
"Uh, Shudu Finance and Economics is 211?" Su Chen quietly asked Qin Xue beside him!
"It seems to be!" Qin Xue nodded.

Su Chen looked at Fan Yuhua again, and Fan Yuhua nodded too!
"Oh, we have professional requirements, and we don't need you who study accounting!" Su Chen apologized.

"I study finance and economics, not accounting..." The man was still struggling!



The man wanted to say something, but was held back by the man who kept talking!

"Old Sun, don't make such a fuss. Didn't you see that these people are not with humans at all, and they have no intention of accepting us!" The man in the middle raised his head and looked at Su Chen and the others. , said disdainfully!
"That's right, old grandson, you're just reading stupidly. They want us to fend for ourselves and turn us into rations for zombies, and then strengthen the power of zombies. Their purpose is to destroy human beings!" Another person said in harmony. Go!

"Perhaps they were the ones who researched the zombie virus. Look at this tall gate wall and this gate. They are not built after the end of the world at all!"

"They are the chief culprits who caused the extinction of mankind!"

The two people who sang together, from Su Chen's reluctance to let them in and gradually expanded the results of the battle, they actually described Su Chen and others as animal-like existences that exterminated human beings?

And, after talking, did they all believe it?

"Is it moral kidnapping? Can't you afford it?" Su Chen picked up a brick and threw it down.

He hates this kind of moral kidnapping the most, and he is also a troll, what the hell...

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, eliminate the fire, eliminate the fire, there is no need to be angry with the three brains, eliminate the fire..." Fan Yuhua cooperated with Su Chen's performance, pulling him...

(End of this chapter)

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