Treasure Master

Chapter 103 Secret Weapon

Chapter 103 Secret Weapon
After the bow of the opponent's ship was hit by a shell, many tall people holding spears suddenly appeared on the side of the ship.

Hao Qiang took a look and found that those people were indeed covered in thick long hair, even on their faces. They were all monsters.

Before that, he had heard the bearded Lang Er say that these people in the Republic of China were not like this originally. Later, because they were greedy for money and stingy, they did not pull out a dime, so they gradually grew long hair.

At that time, Hao Qiang even thought of himself. Looking back, he was also greedy for money and stingy. He wondered if he could grow long hair in this world?

Captain Langhui, who was commanding the bow, saw the enemy appear, and decisively ordered his ship to starboard full rudder, so that the cannons on the side of the ship could exert their power.

At the same time, she bent her bow and set an arrow, and shot dead a long-haired monster pirate with precision.

The hairy monsters roared and threw their spears one after another, but the soldiers of the Daughter Kingdom were well-trained and immediately hid under the gang of boats.After the first wave of throwing, they immediately bent their bows and nocked arrows, and struck back at the opponent.

The opponent was shot a lot again, and there was a sound of falling into the water immediately.

Hao Qiang hid behind and watched, the current battle form couldn't be clearer.The warships of Daughter Kingdom have both cannons and well-trained soldiers.But there was only a group of rabble on the long-haired thief, and there were no weapons on board, so they could only rely on the horn of the bow to hit them.

At this time, because the bow of the ship was hit by a cannon, even the angle of attack fell by more than half. No matter how you look at it, it is inevitable to lose!
Therefore, Hao Qiang began to observe carefully on the radar in his mind to see if there were any treasure signals coming from the opponent's ship, so that he could fish in troubled waters later.

However, Hao Qiang's wishful thinking was too early, he only caught a few low-level signals, and there were already changes on the battlefield.

Before this, none of them had considered an important question, that is: these pirates from the long-haired country, knowing that they are not high-level, why do they want to rob everywhere and cause death?Obviously, if they are not crazy, they must have something to rely on!
Sure enough, just when the big ship of Daughter Country turned its bow and was about to sink the opponent with that powerful cannon.From the long-haired thief's ship, there was a sudden ear-piercing sound of a flute!
The sailors in Daughter's Country couldn't help but wonder why the other party was in the mood to play the flute when they were about to die?
Hao Qiang was also greatly surprised. He quickly looked up and saw a guy with white hair playing the flute on the broken bow of the other party's ship.

The flute is long, like a human femur, and the sound it blows is also toneless, and it doesn't sound as good as mourning and music.

However, with the sound of the flute, all the weird plants attached to their hulls trembled, and there was also a strange sound, which could not be heard, but could be clearly felt.

Immediately afterwards, as the sound of the flute became louder, the plants shook faster and faster, and the thing that resembled a bat's head shook crazily, sending out bursts of disturbing sound waves.


Someone on the side of Daughter's Country couldn't bear it, blocked their ears and yelled in pain.The few people who were close had even experienced severe dizziness and vomiting.

Langhui had never seen such a weird weapon before, and he was a little panicked at the moment, so he quickly ordered to fire.However, after the order was given, there was no movement from the cannon.It turned out that those gunners were immediately knocked down by the sound wave because they were facing the enemy head-on.

At that time, although Hao Qiang was on the other side of the ship's side, he still received a lot of impact, and felt dizzy and nauseated, with chest tightness and shortness of breath.

"Ahem... "Detoxification Card" reminds you that what you are currently shooting is an attack imitating an infrasonic weapon," the system suddenly said to Hao Qiang, "Because this weapon will not harm your life, it does not belong to this weapon." The detoxification category of the card."

Depend on!
Hao Qiang cursed in his heart, it doesn't belong to your category, what's the use of you talking nonsense?

Hao Qiang endured the dizziness, glanced at the other party, and found that other than the white-haired monster, the other long-haired pirates all fell to the ground and vomited.It seems that this time the sonic weapon can also cause damage to them.

At the same time, Hao Qiang also understood that the sound wave was not emitted by the flute this time, and the sound of the flute could not produce such a great power.

In the final analysis, the tricks still come from the weird plants attached to their hulls. The white-haired monster's flute is just an introduction, and it is those bat-head-like things that really emit infrasonic waves.

However, to capture the thief first, capture the king, as long as the white-haired monster is dealt with and not asked to play the flute, the crisis will definitely be resolved.

"Langhui!" Thinking of this, Hao Qiang shouted, "Quick! Shoot that flute player!"

After Langhui heard this, she quickly bent her bow and set her arrows, but she shot a few arrows in a row, but all of them missed, and did not hurt the opponent at all.

"How is that possible? I obviously shot him!"

Langhui yelled, and because the sound wave was too strong, she quickly blocked her ears.

"There's no use plugging your ears!"

After Hao Qiang told the story, he decided to use the paper-throwing wounding technique to solve the problem by himself.However, when he looked towards the opponent again, he suddenly found that the opponent's big ship had turned into two ships!
Immediately afterwards, it changed from two ships to four ships!


Only then did Hao Qiang realize that it was the sound wave that harmed his eyes, causing hallucinations to appear in front of his eyes. No wonder Langhui couldn't hit the white-haired monster.

In this case, even if I use the paper-throwing wounding technique, it is impossible to shoot the opponent!

How to do?
When Hao Qiang was thinking about the countermeasures, with the violent sway of the ship, Langhui couldn't stand firmly on the bow, and fell from a height all at once.

Hao Qiang hurried forward to pick it up, but there were so many double images in front of him, he didn't know which one to pick up at all?In the end, it happened to be hit by Langhui, and the two fell heavily together.

They were quite dizzy at first, but after such a collision, the two of them felt dizzy and were about to faint.

However, for some reason, instead of fainting, the two of them gradually woke up after a long time of slowing down.

Opening his eyes, the two of them hugged each other tightly, not to mention the intimacy.

"Stop...stop!" Hao Qiang pinched his forehead, only then realized that the sound of the flute had stopped.


Why still doesn't feel right?

There was a loud splashing in my ears, and another panicking and uneasy sound became more and more intense.With the arrival of this sound, the ship's hull began to tilt severely, pushing the two of them toward the side of the ship.

Neither of them could stand firmly, so they slammed into each other again.

"Quick!" Langhui was not bad, and quickly stood up with the support of the boat.

Hao Qiang originally stood up, but he was so dizzy that he ended up spinning several times like a ballet before reluctantly standing up with his arms around Lang Hui.

What was a little embarrassing was that in the confusion, Hao Qiang's hand grabbed the wrong place and grabbed Langhui's chest.Although Langhui was tightly wrapped with a white scarf, she was a woman after all, and this feeling was real.

This time, Hao Qiang was very embarrassed.

But on the other hand, Lang Hui didn't care at all, but he felt a sense of secret joy, which made Hao Qiang blush.

Of course, all of this just passed by in a flash. After the two of them stood firm on the side of the ship, they finally saw a super incredible scene.


Hao Qiang was dumbfounded in shock, could it be like this?
(End of this chapter)

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