Treasure Master

Chapter 118 Where is the door?

Chapter 118 Where is the door?

Through the radar in his brain, Hao Qiang found that there were many treasure signals under the flowers, and none of them seemed to be of low level.

Fearing that the situation would change, he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he quickly increased the speed of the motorcycle to the fastest speed, and quickly shuttled among the flowers, stems and leaves.

What surprised Hao Qiang was that for some reason, when he finally got out of the flowers, his points were inexplicably increased by 8 points, and he didn't even know what he touched?
As soon as he got out of the flowers, the silk-spinning eagle that was chasing after him also flew out, and immediately spit out the mucus he had prepared at them.

Hao Qiang hurriedly turned the rear wheel, and the mucus hit the ground immediately, but a small part still stuck to the motorcycle wheel, which slowed down the speed a lot.

The eagle then spit out a lot of silk threads, but they were all cut off by Lang Hui.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them were anxious with the eagle, with a long howl, an identical silk-spinning eagle appeared from their right side, and immediately spit out a mouthful of foul-smelling mucus.

Hao Qiang was startled, and hurriedly turned the motorcycle around a corner, trying to avoid the flying mucus, but he only dodged half of it in a hurry, and the other half was completely stuck to the rear wheel of the motorcycle.

As a result, the speed of the motorcycle dropped sharply again, and it almost stopped moving.The machine hummed and roared, and the front wheel suddenly fell from the air to the ground. The motorcycle became even more difficult to control, and it was about to fall down.

Hao Qiang knew that the motorcycle could no longer be driven, so he had to click on the system to take the motorcycle back.At the same time, he pulled Langhui into his arms, and jumped down with his arms around her.

When landing, Hao Qiang deliberately put his back on the ground, and with the protection of the light armor, he rolled a few times on the ground before staggering and standing up together with Langhui.


As soon as he got up, Hao Qiang yelled and dragged Langhui away.As soon as he ran away, the silk threads of the two silk-spinning eagles shot over and landed on the ground just now.

At this time, the two of them were already very close to the target area chosen by Hao Qiang.The two of them only ran forward for about ten meters when they suddenly discovered a manually repaired path paved with stone slabs!
There is a way! ?
Although most of the path had been encroached by some plants, it looked in disrepair, but this undoubtedly gave them a glimmer of hope for life.

The two hurriedly ran along the path, and when they reached the end, they were dumbfounded, but they saw a wall in front of them—a high wall!
The wall is made of huge stones, looking up, it is more than 40 meters high!
wall! ?

How can there be a wall?
What will be inside the wall?

Could it be that there is a city! ?
A series of question marks suddenly rose in the hearts of the two of them, and they hurried to check under the corner of the wall, only to find that the wall stretched to the left and right, and there was no end in sight!
"Is it... the ancient city on Wan Yao Island?"

Langhui was shocked at the moment, but Hao Qiang was undoubtedly very excited.Because according to the signal in his brain, the inside of the wall happened to be the no-signal area he felt.If there is a high wall here, it is likely to be a safe zone inside the wall!

The wall is there, but what about the door?

Looking at the two sides, although there are many tall plants covering it, the towering stone wall is still very conspicuous.At first glance, both sides are exactly the same, and there is no shadow of the door at all.


Seeing the eagle circling in the air brewing the disgusting slime again, Hao Qiang quickly pulled Langhui to one side and stabbed it down.

The two ran along the base of the wall, watching the changes in the wall intently, hoping to find a small door, even if there was a gap.

However, this stone wall is basically like a copper wall and an iron wall. It is not only strong, but also has a smooth surface.Even though Hao Qiang's lightness kung fu has not disappeared, it is absolutely impossible to jump up to such a high wall.

and many more……

Hao Qiang was thinking about countermeasures while running, and he suddenly thought, what if, what if he used "Elastic Card"?

Although he himself could no longer use the "Stretch Card" within 5 hours, what if he gave this card to Langhui?Then, he bought another "Juli Card" himself, so wouldn't he be able to throw her over easily?

Moreover, Hao Qiang also knew that in his system store, there was a card called "Wall-Penetrating Card". Although it was a bit expensive, it was extremely powerful!At worst, the two of us can take one ticket each and just walk through the wall!
Just as he was thinking about it, Lang Hui shouted excitedly.

I ran over and took a look and saw a circular open space in front of the two of them.On the side of the open space close to the city wall, there are two tall and pointed pillars. It is obvious that there is probably a city gate there!
However, when the two came to have a look, they were disappointed.It turned out that there is indeed a city gate here, but the gate hole has already been filled with huge stones, blocking it tightly!
" could this be?"

Langhui was desperate, but Hao Qiang didn't dare to delay, and immediately pointed the "Stretch Card" in his mind to use at Langhui, wanting to throw her into it.

However, this time it was Hao Qiang's turn to despair, and the system immediately told him with two coughs that the current system does not support non-treasure hunters to use this functional card!
"No way? Are you kidding?" Hao Qiang was puzzled, and hurriedly asked the system, "Aren't "Detoxification Card" and "Healing Card" considered functional cards?"

Then, the system told him that the current system level is not enough, and it does not support function cards with a single price of more than 100 points, and it is for non-treasure hunters to use!
I am Nima!
Why didn't you tell me earlier that there are still so many rules and regulations?

Hao Qiang was very annoyed. After a closer look, it was true that the "Stretch Card" was 100 points per sheet, and the "Wall Pass Card" was also the same price!


I want to buy a "Wall Piercing Card" myself, but I can pass through it, but what about Langhui?

The silk-spinning eagle, which had been brewing for a long time, shot another mouthful of mucus, and Hao Qiang and Langhui hurriedly jumped to the open space to avoid it.

After finally dodging, there was a sudden chirping sound in the distance, and an object like a rocket was shot straight towards them.

Hao Qiang's lightness kung fu has not disappeared, so he pushed Lang Hui to jump again.As soon as he jumped away, he saw a three-meter-long spike that looked like a javelin and shot at the city wall.

The spikes were so powerful that according to general logic, they would definitely be able to penetrate deeply into the stones of the city wall.However, what is incredible is that with the golden light flashing on the city wall, the sharp thorns seemed to be stuck on a pile of cotton, and their strength was instantly removed, and the jingle fell to the ground.

Hao Qiang, who was still in shock, turned their heads to look after they landed, and saw a huge porcupine coming towards them from the city wall!
Porcupines are full of those javelin-like spikes.It stood still in front of Hao Qiang and the two of them, coaxed a few times, and as soon as it lowered its head, a certain spike on its body shot towards them like a rocket again!

At the same time, two silk-spinning eagles hovering in the air, waiting for an opportunity, also attacked them at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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