Treasure Master

Chapter 158

Chapter 158
After time travelling, on Hao Qiang's task interface, a progress bar marked 0/100 and a 12-hour countdown appeared.At this moment, time is passing by quickly.

Hao Qiang drove off on the bumpy ground and headed towards the goal in his mind.He felt that no matter what treasures those ten or so signals were, they should be found first.

While driving the motorcycle, he kept observing the radar in his mind to see if there were more intensive signals coming out.However, apart from the dozen or so low-level signals, he did not find any more ideal signals.


He smacked his lips and began to feel that he was out of luck.Because the system told him that what he came to now was the historical plane space.Among all the spaces, it seems that only this historical space has the fewest treasures, and it is also the hardest to find!If it is another prehistoric world, it will be my life.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Hao Qiang to drive and found a fairly flat mountain road. He quickly increased the speed of the motorcycle and activated the anti-gravity device.

Not long after driving forward, some dilapidated tile-roofed houses gradually appeared on both sides of the road.Those houses seemed to have suffered some kind of war, not only the houses were dilapidated, but also there were traces of smoke.

Hao Qiang doesn't know much about history, just looking at the appearance of the house, he still can't guess which dynasty or generation it has traveled to?However, he can be sure that this must not be the prehistoric era, right?
Driving on, the motorcycle had just turned a big bend, but suddenly a donkey cart appeared from the front!
With sharp eyes and quick hands, Hao Qiang quickly adjusted his direction and overtook him from the side.The motorcycle was flying close to the ground, and in the blink of an eye it overtook the donkey cart and flew away in a flash.

However, at the moment of overtaking just now, Hao Qiang had already seen clearly the whole scene on the donkey cart.

But there was an old man with dark skin and shabby clothes sitting stooped on the donkey cart!But the old man's forehead was shiny, and there was a long braid dangling behind his head!

Qing... Qing Dynasty! ?

Hao Qiang has watched a lot of TV dramas, so he recognized him at a glance.He wanted to see more clearly, but the motorcycle quickly turned a corner and was out of sight.

The old man driving the car was drowsy, but he was suddenly startled by Hao Qiang's motorcycle. He immediately raised his head and looked around, but he didn't see anything.

It turned out to be the Qing Dynasty!

Hao Qiang murmured in his heart, wondering which period of the Qing Dynasty this was?Early Qing Dynasty or late Qing Dynasty?I don't even know, where will this be in the Qing Dynasty?
He continued walking along the mountain road. After about 20 minutes, he searched for the signal and finally saw a more prosperous place.

Looking down from the hillside, one can see a small town in the middle of the huge mountain depression.The town is adjacent to a crooked river, people come and go in the town, and boats come and go on the river.

After comparing the signals in the brain, yes, the signals from the dozen or so treasures really came from this small town.

At this time, Hao Qiang began to regret not choosing to enter the space at night to complete the task.You know, in the Qing Dynasty, everyone had braids and hair. Hao Qiang's outfit, even if he wore ancient clothes, would definitely be recognized by them. Maybe he could be sent to the government for questioning!
After parking the car halfway up the mountain, Hao Qiang also began to feel worried.

There are only a dozen low-level signals below, which is too far away for the task of finding 100 pieces.Moreover, if you go down and find them one by one, it will definitely attract the attention of the townspeople and waste a lot of time.

However, although there are only a dozen or so signals, they can't just be missed in vain, right?As the saying goes, little makes more, maybe it can be used for something?

At that time, someone in the town seemed to have noticed Hao Qiang, and was raising his hand to look in this direction.

Seeing this, Hao Qiang had no choice but to put away the motorcycle and got into the woods nearby.Walking down the mountain through the woods, he soon arrived at the outskirts of the town.

From here, the entire town can be seen more clearly.

But the town is full of wooden houses with green tiles and red pillars, and strings of red lanterns hanging from the eaves.In the streets and alleys, there are many people moving and it is very lively.

Although everyone was wearing a kind of black sackcloth, everyone had a smile on their face.What surprised Hao Qiang even more was that children's singing actually flew out from a certain courtyard.

Because of the strong dialect accent in the singing, Hao Qiang couldn't understand what was being sung, but the singing was clear and pleasant, very gratifying.

Hao Qiang looked over carefully with his head down, and saw more than a dozen children hugging each other in the yard, competing to sing there.Leading them were three or five girls in ethnic minority costumes.The girls and the children harmonized, each with a pleasant smile and bright eyes, looking very happy.

Although he had a mission, Hao Qiang couldn't help being moved by the children's singing and the peaceful atmosphere of the town.

He even thought that if there were no more missions in the future, it would be great to take a vacation here!
Of course, the time is short and the task is urgent, Hao Qiang hastily observed more than a dozen signals in his mind seriously, who knows, after observing, Hao Qiang's heart became cold again.

Unexpectedly, among the dozen or so signals, more than half of them came from the small river in the distance.Needless to say, all the treasures must have sunk in the bottom of the river!

Hao Qiang was depressed, although he could use the "Diving Card" to go to the bottom of the water to fish things up, but if he did that, he would definitely waste more time!
This is troublesome!
Hao Qiang was muttering in his heart, but he was thinking of countermeasures quickly in his mind.He even thought of the idea of ​​taking off his clothes and using the "Invisibility Card".

However, after thinking about it, I feel that it is not appropriate!No matter how he calculates, it is impossible to get 100 treasures from here.Instead, he felt that instead of wasting time here, he might as well find another place to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, it was when Hao Qiang was in a dilemma and was in trouble for this.There was a sudden exclamation from the pier of the small town.

Hao Qiang didn't know what was going on and hurriedly looked up.However, due to the long distance, he couldn't see clearly for a while, so he took out the military telescope prepared in advance from the space.This telescope is a professional product that he bought at a large price, and it has infrared night vision function.

After adjusting the focus and looking towards the pier, unexpectedly, he just took a look and was stunned there.

I click!

What a ghost!
The sudden situation was unexpected to Hao Qiang, and he was immediately stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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