Treasure Master

Chapter 16 Quick Connection Chapter

Chapter 16 Answer the Phone Quickly
Hearing the sound of beeps in his head, Hao Qiang immediately looked at the treasure hunting radar, and saw that there was indeed a signal jumping extremely violently on it, which was obviously by his side.

He hurriedly looked in the corresponding direction.It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, seeing it, he was shocked immediately.

I saw a huge crocodile lying on its stomach in the puddle under the ancient tree!
This crocodile is bigger than any one Hao Qiang has seen on TV.At this moment, it is holding its head up, and its round eyes are staring at Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang's face turned pale with fright, and rushed out of the puddle desperately, and ran towards the shore.

Seeing the prey coming to the door, the crocodile naturally wouldn't ignore it. It also jumped forward suddenly, and its huge body broke through the water, chasing after Hao Qiang.

Although this crocodile lives in water, its ability to run on land is surprisingly strong.It had caught up with Hao Qiang in the blink of an eye, and the ferocious beast immediately opened its mouth full of fangs, and went straight to bite Hao Qiang's leg.

Hao Qiang turned pale with fright, and quickly dodged to dodge. Although he narrowly escaped the fatal blow from the crocodile, he also fell to the ground because of losing his center of gravity.

This time, the attack position of the crocodile is more favorable, it opened its huge mouth again, to bite Hao Qiang's feet.

At the same time, the primitive people on the other side of the river immediately threw more spears at Hao Qiang after seeing Hao Qiang showing his head.

Coincidentally, these spears not only missed Hao Qiang, but some of them pierced the crocodile impartially.

The crocodile opened its mouth to bite Hao Qiang, but was suddenly hit by a spear falling from the sky, and immediately shouted that it had been fooled.

When it wanted to run back, it was already too late.Some spears have pierced through its body, firmly nailing it to the ground, unable to move.

Hao Qiang was lying on the ground, unaware that the crocodile had been injured, and he was still kicking his legs indiscriminately, kicking the crocodile's lips violently.

"Ahem... Congratulations, you found a level 3 biological treasure - a prehistoric freshwater crocodile. A large reptile with a body length of 6 meters and a weight of 3 tons. It lives in..."

A spear fell from the sky, hit Hao Qiang's chest, and hit the light armor heavily.Due to the tyranny of the light armor, the spear fell to one side after the impact.

Hao Qiang was hit almost to the point of death, he hurriedly got up from the ground clutching his chest.After spitting a few mouthfuls of bloody saliva, he saw the crocodile that had been wedged on the ground.Although he is not dead, he can no longer move.

Looking to the other side of the river, the primitive man's spear had already been thrown out, and he could only stand there and stare at himself angrily.

Hao Qiang spit a few more times, and after realizing that the other party hadn't chased him, he raised his middle finger towards those primitive people!
Seeing that the other party couldn't understand this advanced gesture, he threw another uppercut provocatively, and then swaggered into the dense forest behind him, disappearing from the sight of the primitive people.

"Father! Dad!" Guangding's son was so anxious that he cried, "He ran away! Woo...he ran to the territory of the Bapu people! Woo...We can't cross the border, we can only let the Bapu people eat him!"

"It doesn't matter, child!" The leader of the hunchback looked at the place where Hao Qiang disappeared, and said through gritted teeth, "Our spears can't penetrate his body, which means that this person's flesh must be very hard and unpalatable! Maybe, And it will break our teeth!"

"Really!? That's great!" Guang Ding's son broke into a smile, "Then let him go and smash all the Bapu people's teeth! Hehe..."


The forest on the other side of the river was no different from before. The ground was still full of ravines and mud.

Hao Qiang didn't have the time to think about why those primitive people didn't dare to cross the river to chase him, he was only thinking about how to finish the task quickly and leave this ruined place.

Looking at the system in his mind, the number on the task bar has changed to 7/10. As long as he finds three more level 1 treasures or one level 3 treasure, he will be done.

So, he looked for it on the radar in his mind again.With the lessons learned from the past, this time he not only targeted the signals that were closer to him, but also excluded some moving signals.

The moving signal undoubtedly represents living creatures, God knows if it will be another beast like a tiger or a crocodile?Of course I have to avoid it.

Finally, after careful comparison, Hao Qiang finally found a signal that was close to him, had high brightness, and had no sign of movement.

After confirming the direction, he braced himself and accelerated the speed of travel again.

Unexpectedly, within a short distance, he found that the road under his feet was becoming more and more muddy, and the dirty water was gradually increasing, like a swamp.

He broke off a branch and proceeded carefully while exploring the way.However, the further he walked, the deeper the water became, gradually submerging his knees.

As a result, Hao Qiang inevitably began to panic.If it's really a swamp, it's muddy!

The swamp is no joke, who can guarantee that there will be no ferocious beasts such as crocodiles, and the kind of pits that can drown people to death?

Thinking of this, Hao Qiang thought about whether he should change direction and exit this dangerous place first?

Unexpectedly, during his hesitation, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound from far to near, the sound was like flies flying around.

But how could a fly make such a loud noise?

not good!

An ominous premonition filled Hao Qiang's heart. He quickly raised the wooden stick in his hand and watched the direction of the sound vigilantly.

As a result, the next moment, he saw a large group of insects flying over from behind the low bushes!The insects flew very low, almost clinging to the surface of the water.

What... what is this?

Hao Qiang thought it was a dragonfly or a locust at first, but when he got closer, he suddenly saw that those huge flying insects were actually——mosquitoes!
I drop a mother-in-law!
Hao Qiang's eyes were wide open, he never imagined that there would be such a big mosquito in the world!Just the mouthparts that can suck blood are like long needles.The wings are even more ridiculously big, and when they wave, they are comparable to cattail fans.

These mosquitoes are so numerous that when viewed from a distance, they are densely connected together, which made Hao Qiang feel terrified.

I don't know if these mosquitoes had discovered Hao Qiang's existence long ago, or if they flew here on a temporary basis, after they turned around the bushes, they actually rushed straight at Hao Qiang.

No way! ?

Hao Qiang's heart speeded up suddenly. If he was bitten by such a mosquito, wouldn't he suck all the blood on my body?

He quickly turned around and ran away, but the mud under his feet was hard to walk. Naturally, he couldn't run away from the flying mosquitoes, and was soon surrounded by a large number of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are not like other beasts, they want to test for anything, after smelling the tempting smell of blood on Hao Qiang's body, they all swarmed towards Hao Qiang's body.

In desperation, Hao Qiang could only swing the wooden stick in his hand and beat him.

After a round of beatings, more than a dozen mosquitoes were beaten to pieces immediately.

However, there are too many mosquitoes, and they don't know what it means to be afraid.Soon several of them landed on Hao Qiang's body, and they immediately stabbed out their sharp mouthparts to suck Hao Qiang's blood.

It's okay to talk about the ones that fall on the light armor, but Hao Qiang has nothing to do with the ones that fall on the legs and arms.He could only retreat rapidly while brandishing the stick.

Unfortunately, Hao Qiang fell headlong into the stinky muddy water as he stirred the garlic under his feet, and the wooden stick was also blown away.

When Hao Qiang saw water on the ground, he immediately hid his body in the water as if fleeing for his life.However, the water was too shallow, so the mosquitoes were not affected at all, and they could still pierce Hao Qiang's body by stabbing their long mouthparts down.

Hao Qiang saw that this trick didn't work, so he had no choice but to jump up and continue running around.

A large number of mosquitoes swarmed in and soon wrapped him tightly, making it impossible for him to walk.

Hearing the frightening sound of "buzzing buzzing", Hao Qiang said in his heart, such ruthless primitive people didn't do anything to me, so I won't be killed by these mosquitoes, right?It's too shabby to talk about this stuff!

Unexpectedly, at such a difficult time, a mobile phone rang suddenly from Hao Qiang's trouser pocket:
"A call! Boss, answer the phone quickly..."

(End of this chapter)

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