Treasure Master

Chapter 198 Strange Card

Chapter 198 Strange Card
This little devil!
Hearing Lian's words, Hao Qiang always felt weird. How did something so simple and clear change its taste when it came to her mouth?Blowing and touching again?

"Then you have to be careful! I think these newcomers are better than the ones just now!" Hao Qiang ordered, and then stood behind Lian.

Lian raised her chainsaw and pushed the saw blade to the fastest speed.The sharp gears buzzed immediately, looking very domineering.

Of the four soul beasts, naturally the falcon arrived first.With a neigh, it swooped down from high altitude, opened its sharp claws and grabbed Lian fiercely!
Lian raised the chainsaw high and waved it. Seeing that the chainsaw was scary, the falcon swung its wings and flew towards Hao Qiang.Hao Qiang didn't dare to touch the eagle, fearing that he would be the first again, so he lowered his head to dodge, and still kept shouting: "Honey, hurry up?"

"It's not fair!" Lian pouted and complained as she wielded the chainsaw, "My chainsaw is so heavy, how can it be faster? I wish I could switch it with your blow dart!"

At this moment, the mighty lion had already rushed over, opened its mouth wide and bit Hao Qiang.

Driven by the lion, the earlier tiger also came alive, shook off the hair on his body, and followed the lion to attack.However, this guy knew Hao Qiang was powerful, so he temporarily changed his route and rushed towards Lian!
"Damn it! It's all certified! Get out!" Lian waved the chainsaw in her hand, slashing and slashing wildly. The beating was completely chaotic, and the tiger could not be hurt at all.

"Hey! You don't think your strength is weak, why don't you just use a "Juli Card"?" Hao Qiang offered advice while avoiding the lion and the eagle.

"It doesn't work! This chainsaw is a product of the soul, and has nothing to do with power! It's just that my spirit is not strong enough!" Lian yelled as she struggled to resist, "Unless there is a way to increase my spiritual power!"

"There is no way to increase it," Hao Qiang jumped from under the claws of the lion and falcon to Lian's side, "But, I have a way to stimulate your spirit!"

Lian just wanted to ask what it meant, but Hao Qiang hugged Lian's small waist, and then exerted strength with both arms, and threw her towards the falcon in the air.

"Ah..." Lian cried out, but she had already bumped into the eagle in the air.

Although it was certified, the eagle also stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed her, leaving bloodstains on her shoulders.

At the same time, Hao Qiang's blowing arrow had already come out of his mouth, and the flying arrow suddenly hit the eagle's wing, and immediately sent the eagle flying.

After landing, Lian's body hit the lion's back. The lion opened its mouth and bit, but Lian quickly swung a chainsaw to stop it.

As a result, the lion grabbed Lian again and completely tore the clothes on her chest.However, Lian's chainsaw also slashed the lion's paw severely, making the lion howl uncontrollably.

" bully me, you all bully me! I'm quitting!" Lian shouted angrily, with angry eyes and raised brows, the chainsaw in her hand squeaked, and the saw teeth twirled like crazy.

At the same time, the crocodile and the bear had already rushed to the field, together with the eagle, the lion and the tiger, the five soul beasts actually surrounded Lian Tuan.

Naturally, Hao Qiang would not put Lian in a dangerous position, and was holding up a blowgun to shoot.Unexpectedly, with Lian's angry shout, the chainsaw in her hand flew up into the air, and slashed at those soul beasts in an unusually violent way.

Unexpectedly, Lian, who is so small, can play such a huge chainsaw like acrobatics.The five soul beasts were no match for the chainsaw at all, they were chopped off one by one, and they all exploded!

In the chaos, only the eagle dodged from the air, but it was already at the end of its battle. Hao Qiang saw the target, and shot it out of the air with just one arrow!


The eight soul beasts were all killed, but Ke Lian was still waving the chainsaw desperately, looking hysterical.

Hao Qiang hurried forward, pushed her down, and hugged her tightly.

chug chu...

As the sound of the chainsaw gradually became quieter, Lian gradually calmed down, but she was still panting heavily, and her whole body heaved violently during her breathing.


At this moment, Lian's clothes have been torn, and she only wears a white bra on her chest. Hao Qiang hugged her like this, and her movements seemed unseemly.

"Hey! Why did you throw me?" Lian regained her strength and slapped Hao Qiang on the shoulder, "You still said you want to take care of me! Isn't it clear that you want to frame me? How can there be such a partner? of?"

"I think you have to thank me!" Although Hao Qiang felt that his actions were a bit indecent, he still didn't want to let go. He stroked Lian's waist and reminded, "Look at you. points!"

As a result, when Lian saw that her mission points had reached 25 points, she remained silent.After a moment of hesitation, he said: "My partner Hao, I completely believe in you now! You guessed right, we can actually get points in the trial field, and those soul beasts are also treasures! If this continues, we It is really possible to complete the task!"

"Hey, why did you change your address after so long?" Hao Qiang smiled smugly, but after seeing Lian's chainsaw, he hurriedly said, "Your chainsaw is really powerful! Before you have time to act, you will kill all the soul beasts!"

"Probably, it's all because of your stimulation! I remember that in "Absolute Double Blades", someone who awakened said so." Lian put her face on Hao Qiang's shoulder, and touched Hao Qiang's shoulder with her hand. Face said, "Awakened people can make their flames more powerful, and their strength, speed, etc. will also be greatly improved!"


Yes, Hao Qiang was able to turn a blow dart into a small bomb in his desperation just now.From this point of view, as long as the spirit is stimulated, the power of Yanya can be increased!


From a distance, a metal door opened for them both.Obviously, this indicates that they have passed the second trial level.

"Oh, what a pity!" Lian stuck out her tongue, "This time, I took more of it. If only a few more soul beasts could come, wouldn't we be able to pass the test?"

"Impossible! Soul beasts are level 5," Hao Qiang shook his head, "In our mission requirements, we need a treasure above level 6!"

"Oh, that's right!" Lian suddenly realized, "Then... let's continue! If there are no more points to collect later, why don't we deliberately lose the trial, and then come back to fight these soul beasts?"

"You...your very unique!" Hao Qiang didn't think of this level.It seems that every time the task is completed, there are many different ways to play it.

The two continued to move forward, but just as they walked to the gate, the system in their brain rewarded them with two cards.

Lian got a "Anesthesia Card" that can cause people to become unconscious, but Hao Qiang got an extremely weird card——"Transsexual Card"!
No way?
Amid Lian's laughter, Hao Qiang turned to the sky and complained, the system, how come there are such weird cards! ?

(End of this chapter)

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