Treasure Master

Chapter 290

Chapter 290
"What do you mean," seeing Hao Qiang's confidence, Jack asked hurriedly, "is there internal strife within the little witch? Or is it a spy ambushing us?"

"Have you watched too much Running Man? Are you a spy?" Hao Qiang shrugged helplessly, but did not answer Jack. Instead, he gave it a try and said, "Watch it, we will be recuperating here for the past two days." There are still ten days left before the end of life, so why are you in a hurry?"

Since Hao Qiang spoke like this, the others had no choice but to let it go.

On the same day, eight treasure hunters found a hidden place and set up camp.They are all treasure hunters with many treasures, and now they don't need any tents to camp.

That Kira Norris was the first to conjure up a fully functioning RV.Others also took out their treasures one after another.

After tinkering around for a while, the eight people reunited and continued to discuss countermeasures.

At that time, Hao Qiang finally had time to check the ranking list of treasure hunters. As a result, just as the Frost Witch said, Park Yongcheng, a Korean who had occupied the top spot for a long time, actually disappeared.

Instead, it was the 67-star Japanese Kei Saito!

As for the second place, there is no change. It is still the 56-star German Schmeikel.

However, after seeing this situation, Hao Qiang became even more strange.Because Park Yongcheng himself was a treasure hunter with at least 74 stars, if he was really killed, then the person who killed him should be able to inherit his 74 stars.

However, Kei Saito, who currently ranks first, only has 67 stars. This is naturally a bit incomprehensible.

Li Liya noticed this situation very early, and she told Hao Qiang that she thought there were three possibilities for Park Longcheng's situation.

First, Pu Longcheng really died, but not at the hands of other treasure hunters. He was either wiped out by the system or committed suicide.After committing suicide, his body has never been found.

The second possibility is that Pu Longcheng has risen to 100 stars and has entered another treasure hunting area.There may be more brutal battles and more perverted tasks there.

As for the third type, it is a guess that everyone wants to see, that is, Park Yongcheng has completed all the tasks of the system and has now completely broken away from the shackles of the treasure hunting system and has become a normal person!
If it is the first type, then there must be many people desperately starting new tasks now, hoping to find Park Yongcheng's body.

But if it is the third possibility, it will undoubtedly make everyone see hope.If one day the treasure hunting system in my brain can be disarmed, then I no longer have to worry about being killed by others while completing the mission!

In short, the mystery of Pu Longcheng's disappearance will inevitably become a topic that treasure hunters talk about.

Of course, besides Park Yong Sung, Saito Keiya who replaced him is indeed worth mentioning.Unexpectedly, this insidious guy actually improved so fast, and actually fulfilled his promise and became the number one among the treasure hunters.

If Hao Qiang meets him again, the one who suffers will undoubtedly be Hao Qiang.

"Here! Look here," Li Liya reminded Hao Qiang to pay attention to the information on the leaderboard, "Look at No. 17, that person named Xue Naoxiang!"

Following Li Liya's prompt, Hao Qiang soon saw that the 17th on the ranking list was a Japanese woman named Yukinoka.Since this person also happens to be 43 stars, she is likely to be the Frost Witch who called herself Snow Granule just now.

Although after her, there are two or three people who are also 43 stars, but those are all men.

"No. 17, it's hard to deal with!" Jack said angrily, "Hao Qiang and Captain Li Liya combined, are not as high as this woman, how can we defeat her?"

Since the topic was brought up here, Lian couldn't help asking Hao Qiang: "Hao Qiang, don't be a snob, and tell us, what exactly is the accident you're talking about?"

Up to now, Hao Qiang has no need to hold back, so he said to everyone: "Remember, what we encountered in the 'killing' challenge? At that time, two different teams appeared in the same challenge Medium. If the two teams go all out, the task will be easily completed. But the result..."

"As a Indian guy showed up and almost made us fail to complete the mission!" Jack challenged.

"Later, I was selected by the system to participate in a challenge called 'Gladiator'," Hao Qiang told them about his experience, "Although treasures and cards were blocked, our 10 20-star treasure hunters It is still easy to complete the mission! However, at the last moment, the system brought in another treasure hunter who can use cards and treasures, and his challenge mission is to kill us!"

"Oh..." At this point, everyone already understood a little bit.Lian took the lead and said, "What you mean is that the witch on the defensive side is too strong,"

Lian didn't finish her words, as if it had come true, there was a roaring sound from the outside of the valley, which made Lian not finish her words.

"What... what's wrong? Could it be..."

Everyone stood up and looked out of the valley.However, they are deep in the bottom of the valley at this moment, and they can't see the situation outside at all.

When Hao Qiang heard the movement, he spread out his wings and wanted to check it out quickly.

Unexpectedly, Jack stopped him and said, "Hao Qiang, have you forgotten that we are all treasure hunters with cards?"

After saying that, Jack's body flashed with golden light, and he set up an awning and looked into the distance.

It was only then that Hao Qiang realized that in the system store, there was a kind of "Hyperopia Card". After using it, it could become a so-called clairvoyance.

In the past, because this kind of card was relatively expensive, Hao Qiang had never touched it.Now that you have a lot of points, you will never be stingy about it.

Coincidentally, there are more than a dozen "Longsightedness Cards" on his shopping bar, as well as the "Eavesdropping Card" that can turn into a wind ear. Therefore, he immediately used the two cards and looked into the distance .

With Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear, it really is extraordinary.As if being there, Hao Qiang saw clearly what happened before the castle in the blink of an eye.

But at the main entrance of the castle at this moment, there was another team of treasure hunters.This team is not too different from Hao Qiang's Nyonya Alliance. There are men and women among them, and the levels are also different.

At this moment, they are attacking the city with their own moves at the city gate, and it seems that they have blown up the main gate.A closer look shows that their team is slightly smaller, consisting of only 6 treasure hunters.

However, when Hao Qiang looked at the leading captain, his eyes suddenly lit up.Unexpectedly, this captain, he actually-knows him!
(End of this chapter)

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