Treasure Master

Chapter 370 Flying Sword

Chapter 370 Flying Sword
That's right, looking at the familiar scene, Hao Qiang immediately recalled it.

He had seen this palace when he first shuttled through Dayuan Lake.As early as that time, he had already felt that there was an extremely terrifying force surrounding the palace, so he didn't stay long at that time, and left this place early.

It's really a turn of events. Unexpectedly, in the end, this is still a key point.

"Hey, did you see that?"

At this time, many treasure hunters had already reacted, and they shouted loudly: "Look, the ultimate treasure has appeared! It's just... just..."

Someone moved a few steps, and quickly locked the positions of the ten ultimate targets on the radar.As a result, under the gaze of everyone, everyone's gazes were all aimed at the distance - the pyramid palace!

There is no doubt that the ten ultimate signals all came from this palace, and the distance between these ten signals is very close to each other.It can be seen that the ten ultimate treasures are all put together.

"My God, I finally found it!"

"The ultimate treasure is inside the palace!"

All of a sudden, all the treasure hunters were in an uproar, and everyone was gearing up excitedly, ready to move.You know, no matter who it is, as long as one of the ultimate treasures is found, his mission will be completed!
Now, seeing the ultimate treasure is close at hand, and there are many competitors standing around, no one wants to fall behind others.

However, everyone is not a fool. Although the ultimate signal has appeared, who can guarantee that they can get it safely and smoothly?

Could it be that there are no powerful guards in this palace?
So, although everyone was ready to move, but for a while, no one really dared to step forward.

Moreover, at this time, many people discovered the peculiarity of this place.It turned out that the stone slabs paved on the ground looked cracked and incomplete, but there was a mysterious and powerful energy attached to the stone slabs.

This kind of energy is very similar to the huge city walls I have seen before. It makes the stone slabs indestructible and cannot be easily shaken by people, and people walking on them will feel oppressed and breathless.

Seeing the difference in the stone slab, Hao Qiang frowned even more. Such a design, such a spacious flat ground, is obviously a suitable place to use as a battlefield.

Is it...

At this time, Hao Qiang saw many acquaintances among the treasure hunters.

Li Xiaoyu and Amei were not far from him; Saito Jing was sitting in a corner closer to the lake, obviously still working hard to heal his injuries.

Looking further away, the great lama Sang Chong Najib and the Vietnamese Nguyen William also appeared.These two looked good, and they had obviously recovered from their previous battle with the Guardians.

In addition to those who could be called by name, Hao Qiang also saw some more familiar faces, all of whom had dealt with various challenging tasks before.

"Hao Qiang! Hao Qiang! I found you!"

Hao Qiang was looking at it when a person suddenly came behind him.Turning around, Hao Qiang's eyes immediately lit up.Unexpectedly, this person was the teammate he had been looking for - Zhang Yaolong.

But seeing Zhang Yaolong wearing the black beast armor as always, he was very energetic.Looking at his level, although he only has more than 180 stars, compared to before, it is quite good.

Hao Qiang hurried forward and hugged Zhang Yaolong warmly.After the hug, there was naturally some greetings.However, after asking, Hao Qiang's mood suddenly became heavy.

It turned out that Zhang Yaolong told Hao Qiang that he had met Shengbang and Kiranoris before, but unfortunately, the two did not persist until the end, and they both died in a duel with the treasure hunter!

As for Lian, Zhang Yaolong also met once, but later due to the transfer of regions, they separated again, and their whereabouts are still unknown now.

Hao Qiang couldn't help being sad for a while, and also told him about Li Liya's experience.Zhang Yaolong was also very anxious after hearing this, he proposed to search together with Hao Qiang, if anyone is still alive, they must be in this clearing!

Hao Qiang naturally agreed, and the two of them walked through the crowd with Xueli, trying to find the traces of Lian and Li Liya.But there are hundreds of people in the square right now, and it's hard to find them for a while.

"Oh, that's right!" As the three of them were walking, Zhang Yaolong asked Hao Qiang as if he suddenly remembered something, "Did you see the name on the leaderboard? Why did Ye Fei..."

Zhang Yaolong and Ye Fei knew each other first, and now they want to know why Ye Fei can become a 500-star master?Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a scream came from the direction of the palace.

Looking up, I saw that at the bottom of the pyramid palace, at the place where it meets the stone square, there is a large stone platform.

At this moment, a treasure hunter fell from a high altitude after uttering a scream, and fell heavily on the stone platform.When everyone looked over, both arms of this person fell off, and blood spattered everywhere.


Seeing this tragic scene, the crowd erupted again!
Since everyone was busy with their own affairs just now, few people could clearly see what happened just now.After the man screamed, everyone realized that there were several treasure hunters rushing to the palace impatiently.

These few people must want to strike first, trying to be the first to grab the ultimate treasure.The person whose arm was cut off just now was also one of them.

Just when everyone found out, a lightning-like sword flew across the palace in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, the other people who were trying to break through were all cut down by the flying sword.

And these few people were much more miserable than the previous treasure hunters. Some were chopped off by Feijian, and some were directly beheaded, and the corpses were separated.


The treasure hunters were in an uproar again. You must know that the few people just now were not low-level, but they didn't have any resistance to this flying sword at all. How could they be so helpless?

While discussing, but seeing the flying sword in the sky suddenly turned into hundreds of lights and shadows, and shot towards the treasure hunters on the ground, it felt like a pop hitting the earth.

The treasure hunters on the ground quickly let out screams, and those of lower rank were pierced through by flying swords in the blink of an eye.Those with higher ranks blocked it with their own unique skills.

After those lights and shadows shot down, they immediately gathered together and merged again into a sword with an exaggerated shape.The sword was hovering high in the sky, and it looked like he wanted to do it again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a person suddenly jumped out from the team of treasure hunters. This person held a golden brick in his hand and smashed it directly on the sword.

There was a croak in mid-air, like a thunder, followed by golden light and thunder explosions.As a result, in the dazzling light, the sword was slapped back sharply by the brick.

After the sword swung back tens of meters from the air, it was grabbed by a snow-white jade hand.Immediately afterwards, everyone suddenly saw that a woman in purple clothes was holding the sword firmly while falling lightly on the high platform.

But seeing this woman is tall and beautiful, once she stood on the high platform, she immediately glowed with heroic appearance and extraordinary appearance, as if she was a celestial girl who had just descended to earth.

I click?

Seeing this woman, Hao Qiang couldn't help screaming in shock.

Buy Gada!
No way?
Ye Fei! ?
(End of this chapter)

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