Treasure Master

Chapter 47 Is it Benbo Erba?

Chapter 47 Is it Benbo Erba?

After seeing the cave that suddenly appeared, Hao Qiang didn't want to go in at first.It's dark below, who knows what will be tricky?
However, the treasure signal from inside made him really not want to give up.One is that the distance is very close, and the other is that the area of ​​this signal is also not small, and it is very likely that several treasures are put together.Maybe, once you find them, the task can be completed immediately!

Hao Qiang pondered for a while, and finally made a decision.


When playing "Fight the Landlord", I often hear people say: "Not bold, not productive!"

Anyway, I have Nine Yin White Bone Claws with me, so why not go down and try your luck!
After making up his mind, Hao Qiang held the crystal lighting stick he had just found in his hand and slowly climbed down.Although the cave was very deep, the entrance was slanted. Hao Qiang took advantage of the trend and walked to the end with ease.

After going down to the bottom of the cave, a winding tunnel appeared, extending towards the inside, and I don't know where it will lead?

The tunnel was obviously newly dug, the ground was covered with messy and fresh footprints, and there was an indescribable stench in the air.

The crystal lighting stick is really a good thing. Hao Qiang just felt his heart move, and it immediately realized the owner's intentions, and became brighter, illuminating the surroundings of the cave clearly.

Hao Qiang took a closer look at the footprints. There were barefoot human footprints, shoe prints covered with patterns, some kind of wheel prints similar to ruts, and some strange traces that could not be identified at all.

Yo, it seems that there are quite a few people digging holes, it should be a big project!

The electric shock glove was damaged, so Hao Qiang had no choice but to pull out the level 3 short knife and move forward cautiously.

Due to the manual excavation, the tunnel is very irregular, like a mouse hole, some places are wide, some places are narrow.Narrow places even need to bend down to pass.Hao Qiang couldn't help being a little worried, would this thing collapse and smash himself underneath?

Fortunately, the tunnel was not long, and after going out more than [-] meters, he heard the sound of water flowing, and at the same time, there was a gust of fresh and humid air coming towards him.

Tsk tsk...why is water coming out again?

Hao Qiang became more and more puzzled, and walked forward for a while, only to find that after the end of the tunnel, there was a ditch more than two meters wide passing horizontally under his feet.When the light shines, the gutters are made of very regular bricks and stones. At first glance, they look like the kind only found in big cities - sewers!

Hao Qiang smacked his lips again, feeling quite novel in his heart.Just imagine that you have just arrived in a strange world, where is not a good place to go, why did you end up in someone else's sewer?
The deep sewer passed horizontally in front of him, blocking Hao Qiang's way at once.Fortunately, two wooden planks were erected over the ditch to form a small bridge.

Needless to say, this must have been left by the diggers.I don't know what kind of tricks these diggers are doing?
Carefully stepping on the plank, Hao Qiang soon discovered that the opposite side of the ditch had completely changed its appearance.This place is no longer a low cave, but an unusually wide and atmospheric corridor, with huge and regular stones piled up on both sides of the corridor, as if they were all artificially constructed high-level buildings.

After walking a few more steps, I saw a heavy and huge iron gate, which appeared in front of me, completely blocking the entire corridor.

However, when Hao Qiang came to him, there was a big hole in the iron gate, and he could pass through it without any difficulty.

When he lowered his head to drill through the iron fence, Hao Qiang took a closer look and felt even more puzzled.

He had also helped a shop that installed anti-theft windows before, so he knew a little about ironware.Judging from the fracture of the iron fence in front of him, it seems that it was not welded with tools such as electric welding.Because the fracture showed a rare twist shape, and the fracture was very sharp.

Hao Qiang judged from this that the iron fence door should have been broken with some kind of forceful tool, and judging from the fracture, the door should have been opened not long ago.

Coupled with the signal that just appeared in his mind, as well as the fresh footprints, all these signs indicate that the diggers seem to be not far in front of him.Hao Qiang probably came in right after those people. Perhaps he couldn't even pass a quarter of an hour.

I wonder, who are these people digging holes?

And what ulterior secret do they have?
Considering this, Hao Qiang has already realized that he may have been involved in a serious theft case.Immediately turn down the lights, and walk more vigilantly, trying not to make the slightest sound.

After passing through the iron fence door, the passageway is impressively wide, as if entering an underground hall, and there are many tall stone pillars standing in the center of the hall.Walking through it, I saw many exquisite moiré patterns carved on the stone pillars, full of classical atmosphere.

Hao Qiang's strings were tightly stretched all the time, not daring to relax in the slightest.I don't know how long no one has been here, and a thin layer of moss has grown on the marble-paved ground.But if you look carefully, the moss is covered with fresh traces of people walking by.

Hao Qiang leaned against the wall and continued to walk along the trace.At the same time, he was getting closer and closer to the treasure signal in his brain.

He didn't know, in this case, what could he find?
Soon, he saw a slight light on the roof in the distance.Under the radiance of the bright light, a 45-degree stone step gradually reveals its clues.

Then, Hao Qiang finally saw what he was looking for!

But there was a person lying on his back on the lower part of the steps.The person's body was crooked and motionless.

It turned out to be a person!

Moreover, it is still a dead man!
Hao Qiang was very sure that it was a dead person.Because the signal is coming from him, if the person is not dead, it is impossible to have a signal.


Hao Qiang changed his mind, and soon realized that he might be in trouble!

Just like the men in black in the world of martial arts last time, when the men in black died, the treasures on them immediately sent out a signal.Then, the person lying on the steps in front of him should also have just died.

So... who killed him?
Obviously, it's the people who dig the burrows who do it?
So... Who are the people who dig the hole?

do not know!
Then who is this dead man?
do not know either!

However, Hao Qiang is still clear about one thing, that is, there must be something on this dead man——good thing!

According to Hao Qiang's way of doing things, even if he knows that there is danger ahead, he will not let go of the treasure that is about to be obtained, even if the treasure exists in a dead person.

So, Hao Qiang turned off the crystal wand and tiptoed towards the step cat.

Just a few minutes closer, the siren sounded in my mind.

At the same time, Hao Qiang had already seen clearly the appearance and attire of this person.Unexpectedly, this man was exactly the same as the soldier he had seen on the street earlier, with that kind of silver-white fish scale thing on his body.

Although the distance was very close, Hao Qiang still couldn't tell whether the fish scales grew on this person or were they draped on him like clothes.

A blood hole the size of a bowl was torn open in this person's chest by something. At this moment, there was still bright red blood gurgling out, and the blood flowed down, forming a puddle of blood at the lower edge of the steps.

Tsk tsk... so terrible!

It was not the first time for Hao Qiang to see a dead person, but because of the different environment he was in, he felt that his eyes were even bloodier.

Looking at this person's head again, his head is also covered with the kind of weird fish scales that make people's skin crawl. Seeing this kind of appearance, Hao Qiang suddenly popped up in the head of "Journey to the West". The catfish monster named Benbo Erba came.

However, although this person's head was covered with fish scales, his face was still exposed.Seeing this person's appearance, Hao Qiang was suddenly taken aback.Because he found out that this person was actually an old man with gray temples and wrinkled face - old man!

(End of this chapter)

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