Treasure Master

Chapter 6 Super Unexpected Reward

Chapter 6 Super Unexpected Reward
After Xiaoxue left, Hao Qiang immediately got busy.

Although 3 days is not short, it is a matter of life and death for Hao Qiang. Naturally, he dare not neglect in the slightest, and hastened to prepare for tonight's treasure hunt.

He first dug out all the tools in the Internet cafe, such as pliers, wrenches, shovels, hammers, etc., and put them all into his storage space for treasure hunting.

Then, he ran to the corner of the street, broke open the door of the garage, and rented 4 sets of new electric car batteries from them.

Putting the batteries into the storage space one by one finally solved his traffic problem.

After preparing the tools, he took the paper carefully and drew a simple treasure distribution map on it.

With previous experience in treasure hunting, Hao Qiang felt that he could no longer scurry around with a hammer here and there, but should formulate a reasonable treasure hunting plan.

Closing his eyes and checking the radar, he found that since the system was upgraded, the number of treasure signals on the radar has increased a lot. After a quick scan, thousands of treasures can't be hit.

It seems that the system is right. After the upgrade, the scanning range of the radar will be expanded.

After drawing the map and analyzing and comparing the treasure signals, Hao Qiang found that the treasure signals in the DC area were relatively dense. Although the distance was slightly farther, more treasures could be found after arriving.

Moreover, when the DC area is found, he can still go around in circles.Going back from the north, you will pass four or five more obvious signal places.

After the plan was formulated, Hao Qiang locked the door and set off again towards a new goal.

Because of opening an Internet cafe, Hao Qiang is a night owl himself, and he is energetic at night.Now that he can find the treasure, he is naturally more energetic.

It was late at night, and there were few pedestrians on the road.Hao Qiang turned the switch to the end, and the electric car sped fast, with the cool wind blowing past his face, and he hummed a little song of joy.

In just half an hour, he had already reached the DC area, and started a new round of treasure hunting from there.

This time, Hao Qiang quickly found many treasures due to the relatively close distance between them.

Among them, in addition to banknotes, bracelets, watches and other good things, he also found a handbag from a back alley in the red light district of Donghua Road.Through the system, I learned that the handbag turned out to be a limited edition genuine LV product, and the original price was even as high as 20 RMB.

After obtaining such a valuable treasure, Hao Qiang naturally searched harder, and soon the number on the task progress bar became 7/8.Only one thing is missing, and this round of missions can be completed.

Of course, not all the treasures shown on the radar can be found by Hao Qiang.

For example, for the signal from the bottom of the river, Hao Qiang can only look at the ocean and sigh.

Moreover, there are some flashing signals that are actually sent from public toilets.No matter how much Hao Qiang loves money, he can't fight shit, right?

However, with each treasure hunt, Hao Qiang became more proficient in using the treasure-hunting radar in his mind.

Gradually, as long as he saw the signal in his head, he could basically judge the approximate range and distance of the target from the speed of the signal beating.

And based on the brightness of the signal, he could basically estimate the level of the treasure he was looking for.Generally speaking, the higher the brightness of the signal, the higher the level of the treasure.So far, he hasn't found any treasures above level 2. He probably won't be able to find them until the system is upgraded again, right?
In addition, Hao Qiang also discovered that the classification of treasures by this treasure hunting system is also different from the general value perception. It does not seem to be divided by the value of the treasure itself.

For example, the iPhone 6 mobile phone earlier and the LV handbag found later have a high market value, but the system only counts them as ordinary first-level treasures.

However, the ordinary silver bracelet that Hao Qiang found was counted as a second-level treasure, and the price of that silver bracelet may not even be 2 yuan.

From this point of view, this treasure hunting system must have its own method of judging the level of treasures. Perhaps in its values, real gold and silver are the eternal treasures?

Seeing that finding one more treasure would complete the task, Hao Qiang naturally wanted to make persistent efforts.

However, after searching the entire DC area, no suitable target was found.So, Hao Qiang had no choice but to go north as planned.

Unfortunately, when he searched according to the signal, he found that the signals of these treasures in the north all came from the moat.

The city where Hao Qiang is located is a famous historical city. This moat has gone through thousands of years, and the center is even more than 10 meters deep.For Hao Qiang, who is not used to swimming, diving into the water to hunt for treasure is undoubtedly tantamount to committing suicide.

So, he had no choice but to shift his goal elsewhere.Coincidentally, despite the thousands of signals in his brain, there was none close to him.

Helpless, he had no choice but to ride slowly forward along the moat.

At this time, not long before dawn, Hao Qiang even began to plan his plans after dawn.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a flashing signal suddenly jumped into his eyes.

This signal existed early on, but because it also indicated the moat, Hao Qiang did not have hope for it at first.

However, when he was getting closer, he realized that this signal was much brighter than the other signals, and it was obvious that the treasure it represented was not of a low level.

Moreover, although the signal came from the moat, it did not indicate the center of the river, but the mud flat beside the river.

This place is located in a remote suburb, and this section of the moat has not been repaired for many years. As a result, the river beach is full of stinking garbage.

At this moment, Hao Qiang saw that the signal was coming from the river beach, and his heart was filled with hope.He hurriedly stopped the car and came to the river beach to search.

He had sold salted octopus at the market before, and the smell here was nothing more than a piece of cake to him.

Except for the garbage on the river beach, there is black silt, which is deep with one foot and shallow with one foot.

Since he was already familiar with the radar, Hao Qiang soon discovered that the signal came from somewhere under the mud.The detection function of the radar is not blocked by any material. Although the target is buried deep in the soil, it has no effect on the detection of the radar.

Hao Qiang compared it, and the target was about half a meter deep from the ground.

He immediately took out the shovel from the storage space and dug it up shovel by shovel.

The silt was loose, and it didn't take long for Hao Qiang to dig to the target.

Afraid of damaging the treasure, he immediately stopped the shovel and started digging with both hands.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched it, he dug out a large lump of solid black mud from below.

"Ahem..." The system voice suddenly sounded, "Congratulations, you found a level 3 treasure - Hetian jade inkstone. Entertainment items, made in 1570, royal treasures, important cultural relics..."

Is it an inkstone?

Still a level 3 treasure! ?

Hao Qiang looked at the mud lump in his hand, but it didn't look like a baby no matter what.Before that, he had only found a level 2 treasure, and this was the first time a level 3 treasure had been found.

He was just about to peel off the dirt and take a closer look, but unexpectedly, fireworks exploded in his head.

"Ahem... Congratulations, the second round of missions has been completed, and the system will be upgraded again." The system voice continued, "Since what you finally found was a level 2 treasure, you have gained a total of 3 points in this round. In addition to the 10 points given by the system, you now have a total of 20 points.

"Ahem... Congratulations, after the system is upgraded, the store function will be enabled, and you can use points to redeem function cards in the store.

"Ahem... Congratulations, after the system upgrade, the historical plane space will be opened..."


In the next second, an update progress bar appeared on the radar.As the progress bar came to an end, a voice that became clearer and more powerful resounded:

"Ahem... Congratulations, the system has been updated. A new round of missions has been released, please click on the mission bar to inquire and claim them.

"Ahem... Next, please receive the rewards of the previous round of missions. The system will randomly give you three treasures of different levels..."

A series of surprises made Hao Qiang overwhelmed.As soon as the gift package came out, he opened it immediately without even thinking about it, but completely forgot that he was still standing on the muddy river beach, holding a dirty clod of mud in his hand.

"Ahem...the first prize is a level 1 treasure - a set of Armani brand-name suits. Entertainment treasures, specially tailored for you..."

As soon as the system was introduced here, Hao Qiang suddenly felt puzzled, and hurriedly shouted loudly:


However, it was too late for him to speak. A set of brand-name suits worth [-] yuan just dropped on the river beach full of stinky mud.As always, the suits were unwrapped, not even plastic bags.


Hao Qiang's heart felt as if it had been gouged out by a knife, it hurt!

He squatted down hastily, and threw the suit into the storage space without thinking about anything.He was afraid that similar incidents would happen again later, so he simply threw the mud clod called Hetian jade inkstone into it.

"Ahem...the second prize is - 5 translation cards. Card-like treasures, which can translate any human language after use, are a must for those who travel through different worlds and across time and space.

"Attention, there are no physical treasures of the card category, and they will be directly placed in your shop shopping bar after they are obtained.

"Card treasures are only divided into functions, not levels.

"Each card has a time limit.

"If you want the card to be more powerful, you can also use points to strengthen the card. For details, please check in the store function of the system."

After saying that, Hao Qiang saw that the "Store" column in the system interface really lit up, and at the same time, an indicator arrow appeared.

However, since there is still a third treasure to collect, he has no time to check it now.

At that moment, Hao Qiang's mind was in a mess, and he didn't fully focus on the third treasure he was about to get.

However, after the system introduced the third prize, Hao Qiang was so shocked that he couldn't even catch his breath.

"Ahem... Congratulations, the third prize you have won is a level 8 sci-fi weapon item—an all-terrain tank."

(End of this chapter)

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