Treasure Master

Chapter 62 Don't Mess With Ants

Chapter 62 Don't Mess With Ants
"I said that any electronic mechanical weapons or magnetic weapons will not work here!" The princess sat on Hao Qiang's lap and lectured solemnly, "Get an all-terrain tank. , what’s the use? We can’t drive it at all!”

"I said, dear princess," Hao Qiang said with a frown, "Can you come down first? My leg is about to break!"

Only then did the princess realize that she was sitting on someone else's lap, with her arms hanging tightly around her neck.She quickly jumped down and sat on the seat next to her.

When Hao Qiang was planning to use the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, he caught a glimpse of the suppressed "All Terrain Tank Card", and spent two points on the spot to summon the tank.

He had never gotten it out before because he didn't know how to drive it.Later, after checking the relevant instructions, I realized that when using such a large driving card, he can choose the position.

Now that the enemy was at hand, he naturally couldn't put himself outside the tank, so he directly chose to enter the cockpit.

However, because he didn't know whether the princess who came with him would be hurt, he raised his arms and hugged the princess tightly in his arms.

"I know this thing can't be driven in your world," Hao Qiang said to the princess, "but what can I do? I can't just let that guy cut off my head, can I? Besides, they didn't even burn it just now. It didn't break even when I smashed it, which means my tank is quite strong!"

"You don't understand!" The princess showed worry, "I read in the book that your all-terrain tank is made of Kirak space mild steel, which has toughness itself, and can even hit M21 armor-piercing bullets." Don't move! However, in Pai Daxing, we can't simply use formulas to measure, especially when facing those mysterious and unpredictable insects!"

While speaking, there was another knocking sound on the shell of the tank. The princess was frightened and grabbed Hao Qiang's arm again.

In TV dramas before, when Hao Qiang saw such a plot, he would sneer at the male protagonist, thinking that the male protagonist was a narcissus without blooming—pretending to be a big clove of garlic!But now that the male lead was replaced by himself, he suddenly puffed up his chest, feeling that he was the most handsome and coolest flower protector!
At this time, the outside of the tank was already boiling.

After the mole cricket leader stopped attacking, the other Kunjia warriors next to him used their housekeeping skills one after another, trying to see if they could open the behemoth in front of them?

However, such ferocious mole cricket leaders can't do anything to it, and these lower-level minions are undoubtedly even more futile.One of them, a unicorn warrior, thrust his drill-like arm into the tank, only to have the drill bounce back and nearly punch himself.

"Look! Persistence is victory!" Hao Qiang comforted the princess. Since the tank could not be started, they could only check the situation outside through some metal lenses on the shell.

"No," the princess seemed to have some kind of ominous premonition, and her face was immediately clouded, "You still haven't figured out what I mean! I'm not afraid of them... but..."

The words came true. Before the princess finished speaking, there was a vibration from far to near on the ground. Even if they were sitting in the tank, they could still feel it clearly.

With a shock, those Kunjia fighters who were besieging the tank suddenly retreated silently.Even the mighty leader of the mole crickets kept his mouth shut and did not make a sound, with a faint look of fear on his face.

"Oh no! He's coming!" The princess showed despair on her face.

Hao Qiang didn't speak, but he already understood in his heart that it was not someone else who came, it must be the one who toppled the stone tablet - Yi Lishen!

The tremors on the ground became more and more intense, as if what was coming was not a person, but a certain prehistoric beast!

Seeing a huge black shadow approaching from far to near in the square, the ferocious centipede warrior shrunk into a ball again and hid in the corner.

The next moment, a Kunjia warrior who was one size bigger than the mole cricket leader finally appeared in everyone's eyes.

Although this person's battle armor is not too different from other people's styles, there is a smear of blood-like bright red on the edge of the battle armor, which makes him look full of evil spirits, like a man from hell. of demons.

Moreover, this person's armor was obviously damaged, with his right arm almost completely exposed, and a piece of armor on his abdomen turned outwards like a tear.

Looking further up his head, he saw that half of his helmet was deflated, squeezing his face into a shape that was extremely asymmetrical.What's even more incredible is that one of his eyes is actually blind!The place where the eyeballs were originally placed is now a completely black hole!Anyone who sees it will shudder in their heart.

Hao Qiang guessed right, this person is called the boss by the Kunjia warriors - the Ant God of War!
Seeing the arrival of the boss ant, the leader of the mole cricket was stunned for a moment. He stood there without moving, not even daring to look directly at him.

The ant boss pursed his lips, and walked up to him with his head held high, every step seemed to weigh a thousand catties, making the ground rattle.When he saw that the mole cricket leader was also blind in one eye, he immediately snorted coldly from the corner of his mouth: "Why? How dare you imitate me?"

Hearing this, the leader of the mole cricket was angry, but he couldn't get angry, and his chest was shaking with anger.

"Unfortunately, I learned it wrong! We have one left eye and one right eye! Hehe..." Ant added with a half-smile, then turned around and faced the tank.

"Princess...Princess, you are in this iron shelter!" The leader of the crickets spoke very softly.

"Trash!" The ant glanced at the mole cricket with disdain, then stood up with both feet, and completely locked its eyes on the tank in the distance.

"Oh, oh..." Hao Qiang inside the tank suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly greeted the princess, "Quick! Fasten your seat belt!"

"I told you, the seat belts are automatically opened, the tank can't start, how to open the seat belt?" The princess answered anxiously while searching for the seat.

"Then - hurry up!"

Hao Qiang yelled, and the princess quickly hugged the armrest of the seat with both hands.

At the same time, the ant boss outside threw off his steps and rushed over, aiming his bulging shoulder at the tank shell.

The strength of the Ant God of War is extraordinary. Stone monuments tens of meters high can be knocked down. This seemingly easy impact is full of thunderous force. It knocked the heavy tank backwards and rotated 180 degrees. The skin of the tank suddenly creaked and deformed.

Hao Qiang and the princess in the tank felt dizzy for a while. If they hadn't been prepared, they would have been knocked to pieces!
After the tank stopped moving, I saw that the place hit by the ants just now collapsed into a large piece, and it seemed that it was not far from breaking!
But even so, the toughness of this tank is still beyond the ant's budget.He pouted immediately, and a violent and fierce light appeared in his eyes.


The Ant God of War roared in a low voice, then stomped his feet on the ground vigorously, rushed to the tank again, and started punching and kicking the tank, until the tank trembled all over the ground, and there was a strange phenomenon on the shell immediately. There are few subsidences, and cracks have even appeared in some places.

In the meantime, he also clenched the barrel of the tank with both hands, trying to lift the tank flat on the ground, but because he was still a little short and couldn't use his strength, he simply punched it up with an uppercut, and actually lifted the tank straight up. The straight barrel formed an arc for life!
After such a fierce attack, the originally brand-new tank is already full of desolation.But the Ant God of War obviously became more and more excited as he fought, he immediately grabbed the tank's chassis track with both hands, then roared, and with a lift of his arms, he turned such a huge monster upside down!

At this time, all the Kunjia fighters also came to their spirits, and immediately came forward and raised their arms and shouted, cheering for their Ant God of War!
Seeing the compliments from his younger brothers, the ant boss looked very complacent.After overturning the tank, he was not in a hurry to make persistent efforts, but retreated more than ten meters backwards.

Then, standing still with both feet, facing the tank, he began to heave his chest violently and shake his body like the leader of the mole cricket, and he wanted to make a big move for fun!

You know, the big move of the mole cricket leader is already awesome, so the big move of the Ant God of War is naturally even more ferocious!
At this moment, inside the tank, the princess had already turned pale with fright after tossing several times, screaming in panic.After finally stabilizing his position, he suddenly saw that terrifying ant, preparing to launch the final blow.This time, she felt even more desperate.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Hao Qiang seemed extraordinarily calm.He reached out and took the princess into his arms again, and then calmly told her: "Princess, stand firm! Watch how I kill this--S*B!"

(End of this chapter)

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