Treasure Master

Chapter 66 I am a Treasure Hunting Master

Chapter 66 I am a Treasure Hunting Master
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Hao Qiang didn't know why the princess was fine, but he knew that his brother was captured by the enemy?Is it true that people in this world have telepathy?

When he came in front of the princess wearing the Pixiu armor, the princess waved her jade hand, and the holographic image outside the palace was called up from the wall of the hall in the distance.

As a result, the princess only glanced at the picture, and suddenly her legs went limp and she collapsed to the ground.

Hao Qiang looked at the video, and saw two men in pajamas were pushed to the front of the hall by the Kunjia soldiers in front of the central temple.The two men looked handsome, but unfortunately their faces were as pale as a sheet of fright.

"No! My God!" The princess clutched her chest, as if her heart was bleeding.

At this time, the mantid woman appeared again in the picture, waving a shiny scythe, as if she was talking to the temple.

Since there was only the picture but no sound, Hao Qiang and the princess couldn't hear what she said, but from the expressions and movements, it could be guessed that she was definitely threatening the old king with the lives of the two princes.

Unexpectedly, before he could say a few words, probably because he didn't get a response, the mantid girl raised her sickle and slashed one of the princes' legs lightly.As a result, the prince's leg was cut off neatly from the root of the thigh.

The prince didn't realize it at first, but it took a few seconds for him to react. He immediately fell to the ground and wailed, with blood gushing out. The scene was horrible!But those Kunjia fighters all stood aside indifferently, instead of paying any attention to this, they laughed one after another.

"No!" Seeing the tragic situation, the princess was heartbroken and almost fainted.

Hao Qiang hurried over to help him, but the princess threw herself in front of Hao Qiang, grabbed his arm and begged, "Pixiu God of War! Please, save my brothers, save our city of life!"

"Princess!" Hao Qiang helped the princess up, but his face was full of sadness.

To be honest, seeing the begging eyes of the princess and the cruelty of the Kunjia warriors, Hao Qiang really wanted to rush out and fight the enemy to the death, and kill one happily!
However, the cruel reality had to make him think more!Although he now has the armor of the Pixiu God, and his speed and strength have been greatly improved, but with his own strength, can he definitely defeat so many enemies?

You know, the mantis witch can remove the arm of the unicorn God of War with one move; the ant boss can knock down the stone tablet that reaches the sky!In addition, they also have those who can hit walls, breathe fire, and shoot arrows... Facing so many Kunjia warriors with different magical powers, what chance does he have of winning?
This is not the individual heroism in American TV dramas. In the end, justice will surely defeat evil!

Although it is time travel, it is also reality!

What's more, his treasure hunting mission has been completed, so there is no need for him to take this risk again.

Seeing Hao Qiang's hesitation, the princess seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and begged again: "You are the god of war in the oracle of the god Boer. Although the armor has not been fully recovered, its power is definitely far superior to other gods of war! Please! You can't just watch our city of life fall..."

When the princess begged, something new appeared on the video.Seeing that Aiko's thigh had been cut off, the old king couldn't bear it anymore, and he had already appeared on the temple, negotiating with the praying mantis witch.

Seeing the old king appearing, the mantis witch ordered someone to wrap the injured prince's thigh.However, at the same time, her scythe was gesturing towards another prince's leg.

As a result, the old king was in a hurry, and he was about to compromise.

"no, do not want!"

The princess was heartbroken.

"Princess, listen to me!" Hao Qiang's heart was also clenched tightly. He was struggling in the vortex of conscience at the moment, and he whispered, "Actually, in my world, I am just a small Internet cafe. Yes! I... I have never done any great things, I am not the savior you said at all! This armor, I put it on in other ways! Yes... Sorry! I really can't help you! "

In the end, Hao Qiang's voice was almost inaudible.Although after participating in the treasure hunting mission, he also experienced several battles, but compared with this time, it was completely different!After all, those Kunjia fighters are not ordinary people, if they rushed out like this, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble and committing suicide!

Hearing Hao Qiang's answer, the princess stopped crying suddenly, and said to Hao Qiang calmly: "I know, for a foreigner, I can't ask you to shoulder our responsibilities and obligations! So, I respect your choice!

"However, there is something I must say to you: Since God has chosen you to wear this divine armor, no matter what method you use, it is definitely not accidental!
"Who is born great?

"You can't take this step because your heart is not strong enough! But... I believe that you will grow up soon!
"I am your best fuse! Good luck, traveler!"

After finishing speaking, the princess smiled lightly at Hao Qiang, then stood up and drew a dagger from the stone platform, and after hiding it in her sleeve, she resolutely walked out of the hall.

"Princess..." Hao Qiang hurriedly called her, "You...what are you going to do?"

"For the city of life," the princess said coldly without looking back, "I'm going—to kill my brothers!"


Hao Qiang yelled, but the princess had already turned the steps and disappeared at the end of the hall.

At that moment, Hao Qiang wanted to rush over and stop the princess, but in the end he did not do so.His frozen thoughts were like a cage, tightly binding him within it.


I just run a small Internet cafe!

I just run a small Internet cafe!


After the princess left, he repeated it over and over again.Suddenly, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, and that tear was full of guilt, frustration, and sadness.

At this moment, the words the princess said before she left still linger in his ears:

"You can't take this step because your heart is not strong enough! But who is born great?"

In the past, Hao Qiang, who had watched too many movies, thought it would be easy to be a brave person!As everyone knows, if you want to be a brave person, you need to have a brave heart!
What is a brave heart?
In an instant, Hao Qiang thought of the brave leader of the soldiers. He knew that he would lose his life, but he still went up to the enemy!

And the seemingly weak Princess Tasia would rather kill her own brothers in order not to ask the old king to hand over the Stone of Life!
Could it be...are they born great?
Do not!
Do not!
This is not the ending I want to see!


When the thought came to this point, Hao Qiang seemed to hear the Pixiu Armor roaring in his heart. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and his eyes suddenly became bright.

I... I finally understand!
It turns out that it's not that my heart is not strong enough, nor is it because I don't have that brave heart, but because I haven't seen clearly who I am! ?
who am I?
I am Hao Qiang!I have a super cool treasure hunting system, I have powerful function cards, I have all kinds of magical treasures, and I am wearing the most powerful armor in this city...

I have so many good things, what am I afraid of?


It's true that I'm a small boss of an Internet cafe, but I'm also a good treasure hunter!
After the sudden awakening, Hao Qiang suddenly realized that his previous self was so stupid.Now that I have completed the task, why am I still afraid of those insects?
I rushed out to have a good fight with them, and if I could beat them, I would beat them to death!
If I can't beat it, then I will travel back once I complete the mission, bye bye and leave!

Besides, I still have so many usable things on my body, if I use them skillfully, then I might not lose to those big bugs, right?

Thinking of this, Hao Qiang suddenly felt annoyed, and even scolded himself for being stupid, if he had thought of this earlier, would I have made the princess so disappointed in me, so heartbroken?

My name can’t be called Hao Qiang for nothing, can it?

Hao Qiang!Hao Qiang!
Apart from being strong on the wedding night, she will never show weakness anywhere in the future!
From now on, I want to be the coolest, most handsome, and most "hanging" one - the master of treasure hunting! (The novel "Treasure Hunting Master" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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