Treasure Master

Chapter 99 Ru Hua, Is That You?

Chapter 99 Ru Hua, Is That You?

After two days and three nights of wandering at sea, Hao Qiang felt more and more confused.

This vast sea is boundless, as if it will never end.It felt like I was the protagonist in "Life of Pi".

Of course, his experience is much better than that of the protagonist, not to mention food and drink, even hot water for washing feet.

What makes Hao Qiang depressed is that there are so many treasure signals in the sea, but he just can't touch them.

Over the past few days, he had carefully studied his treasure hunting radar.When he hunted for treasures in the past, he mostly looked for treasures on a flat surface, and there was basically no big difference in height and depth.

But now it is replaced by the sea, the situation is very different.The scope of the entire treasure hunt has changed from the previous plane to the three-dimensional mode.

He had to be very patient to decompose the overlapping and complicated signals.Unfortunately, most of the signals in the sea are in constant motion, and the position of the signal is changing all the time, which makes it even more difficult to capture the signal.

However, after careful investigation, Hao Qiang did not find nothing.

In addition to being more proficient in the radar, he also analyzed that the distribution of treasures in the sea also has certain rules.For example, most of the biological treasures that are closer to the sea surface are of lower level, either level 1 or level 2, and they are probably just ordinary fish.

And the lower you go, the higher the level of the treasure.Especially on the deepest level, level 8 treasures abound, it's hard to imagine, what are those things?
Hao Qiang also roughly estimated the distance, and found that the sea is so deep that the depths that can be detected by treasures are thousands of meters deep, let alone those that cannot be detected!
So, he also gave up the idea of ​​using the "Diving Card" to hunt for underwater treasures. Judging from the current situation, he would rather be deducted 200 points and fail to complete the task than go down into the mysterious water adventure.

In addition, he remembered his all-terrain tank, one of which stated that the tank was amphibious.But he, who is not very knowledgeable about military affairs, doesn't know, does this so-called "amphibious" mean that this tank can be used as a ship?
Because before this, he never imagined that he would encounter such a situation.At the moment, I am also afraid of making a mistake, so I dare not use it.He just thought, is it possible to build a submarine in the sci-fi space in the future, so that I won't be afraid of water in the future!
Of course, after thinking about it, Hao Qiang, who had no solution, finally endured another day and night on the small lifeboat.

Now it is the 4th day, and there are still 3 days before the mission deadline, but there is still no hope in the sea, and Hao Qiang's heart is gradually cooling down.

However, things are impermanent, and just when Hao Qiang was feeling desperate, things turned around unexpectedly.

At that time, Hao Qiang was bored playing Plants vs. Zombies with a "beater" that was about to run out of battery, when a black object suddenly appeared out of the corner of his eye.

Hao Qiang hurriedly looked up, but unexpectedly, the black thing turned out to be a big ship!
Very good!
Hao Qiang was so happy that he quickly took out his signal gun and shot a few signals into the sky.

After beating, he regretted it, because he forgot that this is a fantasy world, and he didn't know if the people here had seen the signal flare. Don't scare away the big ship that finally appeared?
Fortunately, after seeing the signal flare, the people on the boat finally turned their sails and drove slowly towards Hao Qiang.

As the big ship approached, he finally saw clearly that it turned out to be a huge black three-masted sailing ship with gun ports built on both sides of the hull, it should be a warship.The red sails on the ship are fluttering in the wind, which is very eye-catching.

Let me guess, am I here for "Pirates of the Caribbean"?Could it be that the person standing on the boat was the famous Captain Jack?

Not to mention, maybe there is such a possibility, "Pirates of the Caribbean" seems to have something to do with fantasy, right?

However, when the warship got closer, Hao Qiang discovered that the shape and style of this warship was completely oriental, which was quite different from the warships in Pirates of the Caribbean.

When Hao Qiang's lifeboat reached the side of the ship, someone quickly lowered the rope ladder and called Hao Qiang to the deck.

As soon as he got on the deck, the first thing Hao Qiang saw were some crew members wearing ancient Chinese costumes, and they looked exactly like himself.But after taking a closer look, Hao Qiang couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Because, all the people he saw, without exception, were all - women!The women pulled up their long hair, all of them were high-spirited, and they were all dressed in men's clothes.

At this moment, as everyone separated, a man finally appeared in Hao Qiang's eyes.The man handed over a towel first, and said in his mouth: "Look at this little face, wipe it off first! Follow me to the cabin for questioning later."

The man's voice was soft and coquettish, sounding like an eunuch's.

Hao Qiang took the towel and was about to wipe his face, but when he saw the man's appearance, he almost vomited on the spot.I saw this man wearing a purple dress, beads on his head, red face, and earrings on his ears, looking like a woman.But looking at his face, he had a thick beard!

Holy shit, Ruhua?is it you?
Of course, Hao Qiang asked this question in his heart.He took the towel, but didn't dare to wipe his face, he just suppressed the nausea in his chest and asked him: "Brother, where is this place?"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" The man took out a pink handkerchief, waved it charmingly, and said to Hao Qiang, "Come on, first go to the cockpit and meet my captain!"

Although this person is a bitch, he can understand what he is saying.

When walking with this person, Hao Qiang was thinking rapidly in his head, in which fantasy novel, there is such a yin*yang person appearing?You said that this person is also, if you want to be a woman, you can't learn from others in Thailand?Why keep that sinister beard?

After a while, Hao Qiang followed the man to the rudder tower.As soon as he entered, a woman in a bright battle robe suddenly appeared in Hao Qiang's eyes.

Seeing the woman's appearance, Hao Qiang couldn't help staring straight.

Damn, I didn't expect this captain to be such a beautiful woman!But seeing this woman's face is like a peach blossom, her skin is like frozen snow, her teeth are like shellfish, and her eyes are like lightning.Especially the slightly raised corners of her mouth make her stubborn and confident.

What impressed Hao Qiang even more was that the woman's two temples were each painted with a touch of red oil paint, reaching the corners of her eyes, which made the woman even more unruly.

Judging from Hao Qiang's rich experience in watching women, this must be a very individual woman!Coupled with his identity as the captain, if he is asked to score, at least it must be around 8.5 points.

At first, Hao Qiang thought that if he met this type of woman, he might suffer something.Unexpectedly, after the two met, the female captain's eyes could see straight, even better than Hao Qiang!

(End of this chapter)

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