Everyone awakens a superpower

Chapter 410, live like a dog

Chapter 410, live like a dog
On the streets, people with heads held high and fashionable clothes were all Chinese people, and they walked past the patrolling armed soldiers at any time.

As for the people of Juling China, most of them wore coarse clothes, tattered and dirty clothes.With a haggard appearance and a sallow and emaciated appearance, one can tell at a glance that people who are from Juling China are treated differently from those who are quite deep in China.

In this city that was invaded and occupied by other countries, the people of Juling China lived like dogs.

People's work is still the same. In order to make the city operate normally, the people of Juling China must also work hard.

The content of the work is the same as before.

White-collar workers in the Internet industry are still sitting in the office typing codes and looking at computer data.

Workers on the construction site are still busy building houses.

Chefs who make pastries, bakes and cakes are still doing what they once did.

In addition to the cancellation of a small number of unnecessary occupations, such as the education industry, there is no need for teachers or students. For example, the former government staff in V City and the management of the V City Big Company have basically been cleaned up.Because there is no need.

There is no need for teachers or students, because people in Juling China will be lackeys in the future, engaged in the most basic work without knowledge.

There is no need for government personnel, because the government is no longer the government of Juling China, it is now controlled by the deep Chinese wartime military government.

There is no need for high-level managers from major companies and major factories, because there are quite deep Chinese soldiers patrolling with guns that can kill even R-class strong men.

Under the barrel of a gun, the management organization of a company or factory can be greatly streamlined.The complicated management can be replaced by only a few soldiers with guns.

Of course, there is another way, which is to simply delegate power.To give certain rights to a small number of people in Juling China is to allow them to do things for Manshen China with all their heart, and to treat people in Juling China more ruthlessly.

People's work content is the same as before, but the working hours of the work tasks are strengthened and deepened, with only a short rest time and a short sleep time.

What they eat is also unpalatable, just a big pot of rice that can survive.

Every day, nothing but work is work, they become machines.

Although for most people, this kind of life does not seem to have changed much from when they were in Juling China.It's still like a machine working day and night.

However, now they have no right to consume, no money reward, no right to buy better living items.

They are like people in a concentration camp, wearing the same clothes, sleeping in the same place, eating in the same way, and having the same bedding, sheets, and toiletries.There is no difference between people.

Those high-end restaurants and delicious meals no longer belong to the people of Juling China.Only people who are quite deep in China can enjoy consumption.

Women with beautiful looks and graceful figures were all taken away, or served as escorts in those high-end restaurants.

Beautiful women have no right to choose, no capital to be arrogant, and become just pieces of meat for people who are deeply in China to vent.

When Guan Xuan and the others suddenly appeared in the center of V City, they immediately attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers. The alarm sounded, and a dozen soldiers took the lead in drawing out their guns and surrounding them.

Orchestra jumped down from the white wolf, took out a talisman paper, bit his fingertips, drew a talisman with blood, and stuck it on the white wolf's forehead.

Suddenly, eight colors of spiritual energy overflowed, forming a huge spherical barrier to protect the white wolf and Xu Canran, Guan Niannian and Jiang Jinghong on the white wolf's back.

Then, the orchestra pulled out the purple giant sword, and walked towards the quite deep Chinese soldiers who surrounded him with the giant sword.

"Who!? Put down your weapon immediately, stand still! Otherwise we will shoot!" A patrol leader pulled out a laser gun and aimed it at the orchestra.Only he has the laser gun that can kill the R-rank strong.

After all, this kind of gun is still very precious, and what other people have is just a gun that can kill SSS-level people.

However, the orchestra turned a deaf ear and still walked towards them step by step.

"Shoot!!!" These soldiers were also very cautious. When they saw that the orchestra did not obey orders, they immediately ordered to shoot.


The laser gun was fired at the orchestra, but the orchestra did not avoid it and allowed the lasers to hit itself.

It doesn't have any effect, it's like being illuminated by ordinary light, and it doesn't cause any harm to the orchestra at all.

These soldiers also panicked. At first, the captain was reluctant to waste the energy of the R-class laser gun, but now he didn't dare to hesitate and shot immediately.

"call out!!"

A golden light shot out from the laser gun and hit the orchestra's chest.

However, it surprised all the quite deep Chinese soldiers, as well as everyone on the street.This laser gun, which can kill all R-level powerhouses, did not cause any damage to the man in the nine-color scale armor robe.

Is it because the robe he wears has the effect of absolute defense?

Or laser type weapons have no effect on his robes.

When everyone was puzzled, Guan Xuan's figure flashed quickly and suddenly rushed to the dozens of soldiers, swinging the purple giant sword.

There is no aura lingering on the giant sword, it just reflects purple light under the sunlight at this moment.


The huge sword drew purple light and shadow, cutting and breaking the dozens of soldiers in an instant.

Guanxuan did not use spiritual power, but purely physical attacks, and easily killed these dozen soldiers.

Normally, after China occupies a city, it will use the city's original government building as its base.

After all, the geographical location and defense capabilities of each city's government buildings have been carefully studied for feasibility.Therefore, after China occupied a city, it basically used the original government building as its military government.

Therefore, the orchestra walked ahead, walking towards the government building in V City.

These little soldiers, the orchestra simply didn't care, these people wouldn't know where Gu Yingning was going.Only by finding high-level government officials can we find clues about Gu Yingning.

Marching all the way towards the government building, along the way, the orchestra swung the sword and killed all the soldiers who came to stop him.

Ordinary people in the city began to flee in all directions, and the Chinese army was gathering towards the orchestra.

On the road, a bloody road soon formed, and broken corpses piled up.

When the strong man who was quite deep in China appeared, the orchestra was already standing on the square outside the government building.

The dispatch speed of Chinese soldiers is quite fast. Almost the entire city's army has gathered here, with a total of 10,000+ people.

Various tanks, artillery vehicles, laser vehicles... all appeared.

All kinds of powerful superpowers who can change their body shapes also turned into various monsters, huge monsters, standing on the periphery, surrounding the orchestra and the White Wolf King shrouded in the eight-color aura barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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