Everyone awakens a superpower

Chapter 59, This Deformed and Absurd World

Chapter 59, This Deformed and Absurd World

"Your so-called justice is that only 20% of the world's population is awakened with S-class superpowers and above, and they own 80% of the world's resources! And you have to tell people that these 80% of the resources are what they deserve! It's all the hard work of their parents, and it's all their own hard work! Fuck you!"

"Your so-called justice is that those upper-class people who have resources and money can squander money at will. Going to KTV to spend just once is what ordinary people can earn through years or even decades of hard work! A ring and a bracelet on their body are Others can’t afford it for a lifetime or even a few lifetimes? Tell those poor people not to hate the rich!?”

"Your so-called justice is that you SSS-level superpower awakeners sit at the top of the pyramid and let those low-level superpower awakeners work hard for you to make money and provide you with a comfortable life!?"

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you, and I don't need your excuse! All people born in the upper class have unnecessary excuses for their own situation! In this world, it is not that a person can live a good life just by working hard. Life!"

Zhang Hanye stared at Lu Yuan viciously, roared loudly, then raised his eyes and looked around at the many strong men who were still standing, and said loudly:
"Do you know why low-level people can't awaken high-level superpowers!? Because they don't have good resources, educational resources, and living resources. The environment they live in makes it impossible for them to grow better physically! They can't The genes for awakening high-level superpowers were not born with you, and you so-called upper-class people have squeezed these bottom-level people to engrave the genes that cannot awaken high-level superpowers into their bones, so that they can be passed down from generation to generation. Handed down!"

"Hahahaha! What a deformed and absurd world!! You still come to talk about justice? Justice is just a synonym for flaunting your correctness! In this world, there is no justice at all!"

Zhang Hanye's remarks had a deep impact on the orchestra's heart. It was the first time he heard such a statement, which shocked him unceasingly.So it turns out that people like me also have the gene to awaken high-level superpowers?It turns out that the genes that cannot be awakened to high levels are not inherited, but squeezed out?

Guan Xian was even moved. He actually thought Zhang Hanye was right? !Do you actually think the words of such a murderous maniac are justified?Are you crazy? ?
"Oh!! Then why did you kill so many innocent people? Then why did you let so many low-level people die?! Since you said so! Since you said that all this is the fault of high-level people!" Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, looked at Zhang Hanye, and questioned him.

Zhang Hanye dug his ears with his hands, then tilted his head, with an extremely deformed and ferocious smile on his face. His eyes widened, almost bulging out of their sockets, and he let out a scalp-numbing laugh. : "Hahahaha! Because I don't sympathize with these low-level people, I even think they deserve it! Why didn't they know how to adapt when they were still equal? ​​Why didn't their ancestors become upper-class people back then? Hahaha! What a pity! People also have their hateful parts! What I hate is this deformed world and everything in this perverted world! I want to revolutionize this world! Revolution requires bloodshed!"

"Come here! Find me a knife!" Zhang Hanye said, slipped off the poro beast's shell, stepped on the turtle's head, and stood in front of Lu Yuan.He wants to kill Lu Yuan! !
Before his subordinates could bring the knife to Zhang Hanye, suddenly, the sound of "huhuhu" broke through the wind, and three figures suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Hanye.

Three men in military camouflage uniforms.

It seemed that some strong man who had awakened the "space teleportation super power" teleported them here, so the speed was so fast that none of the eleven film masters had time to react.

And these three people were the three soldiers who had rescued the orchestra before.

"Hua Xiong!!!" Immediately after the female soldier appeared, she pointed at Zhang Hanye.

Although Zhang Hanye possesses level suppression, this level suppression can fail in a short time without him realizing it.That is to say, in this instant, the female soldier can change Zhang Hanye's name.

And the awakened person with the "Warming Wine and Cutting Huaxiong Super Power" picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, turned it into an electric light, quickly raised the knife, and slashed towards Zhang Hanye's neck.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Zhang Hanye turned around suddenly, took a step to the left, stepped on the turtle shell, then stretched out his palm, and slapped the male soldier's face.

Five fingers were almost inserted into the male soldier's face, and blood flowed from Zhang Hanye's fingertips.

But at this moment, the male soldier couldn't move. Zhang Hanye's fingers pressed his head and his brain nerves, making him unable to slash down while holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife high, and his whole body was also unable to move.

Eleven film masters stood up nervously, but Zhang Hanye smiled at them and shook his head, signaling them not to move, and at the same time said loudly: "Ah! By the way! I remembered, according to your rules for awakening superpowers, it seems After awakening, I have to show the use of superpowers! Haha! How did I forget? Now it seems to be my turn to show my superpowers!!"

"Ma Di!!!" Seeing this, the female soldier immediately pointed at Zhang Hanye again.

However, this time, under the condition of level suppression, her name change was completely ineffective, and the awakened person who had awakened the "Superpower of Slashing Horses with Tears" also stood still.

"Then you are optimistic! This is my super power!" After Zhang Hanye finished speaking, he pulled his palm away from the male soldier's face.

"Ugh!!!" The male soldier's eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly yelled, turned around and ran towards the female soldier behind him, slashing at the female soldier's neck with a big knife.

"Tch!!!" Blood fluttered like flower petals. This pretty female soldier stared round her eyes, her head drew a parabola in the air, and there was an incomprehensible expression on her face.

The male soldier turned the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand again, and slashed with his backhand, chopping the awakened "slashing horse su with tears" who hadn't reacted in half.

In the end, the male soldier chopped off his own with a machete.

Everything that happened suddenly made everyone present stunned.What the hell happened! ?What did Zhang Hanye do to this male soldier?Why did this male soldier kill his companions! ?

"Hahahaha!! You must want to know what my super power does, right!?" Zhang Hanye couldn't help laughing as he looked at the dumbfounded people around him, "Then I'll tell you!"

(End of this chapter)

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