Everyone awakens a superpower

Chapter 84, don't be played to death by the ball

Chapter 84, don't be played to death by the ball

In the early morning of the next day, Orchestra got up and changed into a black and red ancient-style robe, tilted his head, and walked to the window.

Opening the curtains, a few rays of golden sunlight flooded in.

Looking towards the sky outside, there is a light blue sky with faintly floating snow-white clouds.Sunlight, passing through the gaps between the clouds, flew down.

"It's such a beautiful day? Wei Ran, are you okay? How are you doing now?" Orchestra bit his lips, looking at the beautiful scenery of the sky, a little sadness appeared in his heart.

He stretched out his hand to grab his long hair, which was soft and flowing through his fingertips like tiny streams of water.

Going to the table and sitting down, looking at the mirror, the orchestra couldn't believe that the person in the mirror could be himself.

When did I become like this?Long hair fluttering, eyebrows peaked into the temples, eyes are firm and sharp, and the lines on the face are like a knife and an axe.

Is this the result of my hard work?Is this the feedback you get from working hard for a certain goal?
God treats me well, can a poor dick become like this?

Guan Xuan himself was shocked by his changes. He held his long hair with his hands, trying to make it into a bun like Xu Lin did yesterday, but it didn't work no matter how he did it.His hair was twisted and messed up.

When the orchestra was messing with his hair, he suddenly heard "puchi" laughter from the door.

"Hee hee hee! Orchestra, what are you doing? Stupid, so cute! Hee hee!" Holding a basin of hot water, Xu Mo smiled secretly like a little white rabbit.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, a man can't do without a woman! Let us help you!" Xu Lin smiled, walked in with Xu Mo, and came to the side of the orchestra.

The corner of the orchestra's mouth twitched: "Can't you knock on the door!?"

"What? Afraid we'll see something we shouldn't see? Could it be that you're still masturbating alone in the room!?" Xu Lin smirked and began to comb the orchestra's hair with a comb.

Orchestra's cheeks turned red immediately, and he rolled his eyes. He was almost used to Xu Lin's outspokenness.

Afterwards, Xu Lin and Xu Mo combed the orchestra's hair, put hairpins on them, and went downstairs to have breakfast together.

The two old men were stunned when they saw an orchestra in Hanfu walking down the stairs with a knife in their hand.

"This...is this my grandson!? Linlin! Momo! What did you do to him? You dressed up my grandson like this?" Liu Qingya said in surprise, her eyes rounded, "It's so handsome!"

"Hehehe!" Xu Lin and Xu Mo both laughed when they heard Liu Qingya's praise.

After a good breakfast, the family took the big box containing the strange balls and walked towards the gymnasium in the villa area.

On the way, Orchestra frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Such beautiful clothes, it won't be good if they are damaged during training later."

"It's okay! Anyway, whatever clothes you wear will break. Just buy new ones!" Xu Mo said seriously.

"Uh...Okay!" Orchestra nodded. Is this the difference between rich people and poor people's consumption concepts.

Orchestra can wear a piece of clothing for several years, and will not replace it until it is too worn out.

When they came to the empty stadium, the two old men and Xu Lin and Xu Mo sat on the sofa at the edge of the field.

Orchestra put down the Tang knife in his hand, put the box aside, and began to undress.

Although Xu Mo said that he could buy new ones, the orchestra still couldn't bear it. Such expensive clothes cost thousands of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars a set, so it's a pity to break them.

Therefore, the orchestra took off all his clothes and only wore his underwear.

Regarding the orchestra's behavior, the two old men nodded slightly with their eyes narrowed and smiling.However, Xu Lin and Xu Mo raised their lips and looked unhappy.Because they want to see Guan Xuan training in this beautiful robe, it should look very good.

After taking off his clothes and shoes, Orchestra came to the center of the arena with a big box, and took out a big key that Liu Feng gave him. This big key can open all the strange balls in the box at the same time.

Opening the box, the orchestra inserted the key into the hole, looking at these slightly trembling balls, for some reason, the orchestra smelled a hint of danger, and recalled what Liu Feng said to himself last night, "Don't be played by the balls died! '

"Being killed by the ball? Hmm!? How is it possible? Are you kidding me!!" Orchestral heart froze, and of course he was extremely solemn. He knew the power of these strange balls, so he quickly turned the key.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A dozen balls of different colors and sizes shot out in an instant, flying in the air.

Guanxuan quickly raised his head and looked into the air. Needless to say, "Golden Snitch", "Explosive Hercules" and "Invisible Rattlesnake", Guanxuan didn't care at all, because these three balls were very familiar to him and no longer posed any threat. .

However, for the other ball, the orchestra didn't know its function at all. It just saw various colors emitting different lights and shooting rapidly in the air, like a chicken just released from the cage, running around.

A green ball twisted and twisted, drawing distorted lines of light, like a green snake.

A black ball sparkled like a bomb.

A silver ball was floating unsteadily not far in front of Orchestra, like a lazy little fat man.

"Hey! It's you!!" Seeing the silver ball, Orchestra decided to grab it first, so he swept his body and rushed towards the silver ball quickly.

The silver ball didn't react at all. It seemed that there was no time to react. The orchestra suddenly appeared in front of the silver ball and reached out to grab it.

"Tsk! Tsk!!!"

However, the orchestra regretted it as soon as it touched the silver ball.This is actually a ball that can generate electricity, and the voltage is not low, obviously exceeding 220 volts!
"Ugh!!!" The orchestra let out a scream, trembling all over, as if dancing the kind of electric shock break dance, but it was a real electric shock.

The hair all over his body stood on end in an instant, and his skin became scorched black.

"Plop!!" The orchestra was so electric that it was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, and finally fell to the ground, continuously exhaling white smoke from its mouth.

"Ah! Save him quickly!" Xu Mo stood up immediately and called to Xu Lin.

Xu Lin lazily stood up from the sofa, and then ran towards the center of the field with Xu Lin.

However, when they ran in front of Orchestra, the dangerous strange balls in the sky did not stop moving.

"Hoo!!!" At that moment, the sparking black ball quickly shot down towards the orchestra.

Orchestra opened his eyes and saw the black ball falling, and Xu Lin and Xu Mo had already rushed in front of him, his heart tightened, and he turned over immediately.

"Be careful!!!!" Orchestra's body spun and flew up, then opened his hands to protect the two sisters Xu Lin and Xu Mo, and used his back to block the black ball.


Who would have thought that this black ball is really a fucking bomb! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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