Evolve from a dream

Chapter 53 Underground

Chapter 53 Underground
"The soil here is loose!"

Ning Yu found a branch on the ground and poked around the black soil. He found that the soil in front of it was looser than the soil in other places.

"Let me try." Cheng Xiaoyu said, a spiral whirlwind gathered in his hand, and the whirlwind hit the place Ning Yu just poked at an extremely fast speed. For a moment, black mud was everywhere.

Lin Zheng raised his hand to block the flying black mud for Cheng Xiaoyu. When his hand slowly lowered, a huge hole appeared in the black earth.

"Brother Zheng, do you want to go down and take a look?" Ning Yu squatted at the entrance of the cave and watched for a while, because it was too dark down there, so he didn't see anything interesting.

The guards came here before and burned these branches, but they didn't hurt Lao Qi's body, which might be hidden underground.

However, Ye Xun and the others are not fools, they must have guessed that Lao Qi's body might be below, but during the exchange just now, Ye Xun did not mention the possibility that Lao Qi would be underground, which means they have looked for it, But this approach is not recommended.

"The guards should have gone in, but it didn't work." Lin Ying shook his head.

"Then... where is old Grandpa Qi hiding, and how do we find it?" Ning Yu spread his hands, a little helpless.

Lin Ying raised his face and showed a sly smile: "I said that the guards went in to look for it, but it doesn't mean that Grandpa Qi is not here."

Cheng Xiaoyu scratched her head: "Brother Mumu, what do you mean? Why do I become more and more confused the more I listen?"

"Old Qi should be underground, but it is difficult to find and there are many dangers." Lin Ying said.

"The guards can't find them, can we find them?" Ning Yu asked with a frown.

"You have to try," Lin Zheng said, raising his head and looking at Cheng Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, let's get rid of these black branches temporarily. If any fruits mature and mutants emerge, Xiaopang, you will be responsible. attack."

Although Cheng Xiaoyu and Ning Yu didn't quite understand what Lin Ying was planning, they would listen to what Lin Ying said.

"Okay!" Cheng Xiaoyu and Ning Yu quickly agreed.

Lin Zheng and Cheng Xiaoyu were together, their palms facing each other, and they began to gather the power of wind in their palms. The wind transmitted from the centers of the four palms did not repel each other after meeting, but blended with each other, and soon merged together.

As the rotation speed of the wind in the palms of the two people accelerated, a strong wind was also brought up around them, and the black branches above their heads were also rustled by this extremely strong force.

"My God!" Ning Yu took two steps back, because the wind was so strong that he almost couldn't open his eyes.

The extremely strong hurricane pierced through the palms of Lin Zheng and Cheng Xiaoyu, as if it was a tornado formed spontaneously in nature, born to punish the sins of the world.

The moment the hurricane came, the black branches that covered the sky and the sun were completely torn apart, as if they had lost their vitality, and completely collapsed.

"Fuck me..."

Chen Kuan, who was standing not far from the garden, opened his eyes wide. He had no idea what was happening in front of him. He only saw those lush branches breaking in an instant, and then the whole ground collapsed.

The black branches fell to the ground and piled up to form a black ruin. Standing Lin Zheng and the others were the only color in the middle of this black ruin.

"Lin Ying, what did you... do?" Chen Kuan ran forward for a while, looking at Lin Ying's back and shouted.

It never occurred to Chen Kuan that a child as young as Cheng Xiaoyu would have such a strong wind ability!
Lin Ying ignored the astonished Chen Kuan behind him, but stared at the white fruits that were about to move among the broken black branches.

coming out.

Without the nutrient input from the branches, those new mutants are about to burst out of the white fruit.

"Lin Ying, didn't I tell you before that it's useless to destroy the branches?"

Seeing that Lin Ying and the others did not speak, Chen Kuan ran over quickly and shouted at Lin Ying and the others.

"Chen Kuan, come here." Lin Ying turned his face away, his eyes were cold, and his voice was calm.

Chen Kuan swallowed and realized that just now he had clearly promised Lin Zheng that they would climb onto the branch, but he did not move.

"It's like this. There was a situation in the distance just now. I'm going to go over and have a look, and then come to climb the tree. Who knows, you destroyed all the trees..."

Chen Kuan explained as he walked towards Lin Ying.

After all, Lin Ying and Ye Xun seemed to be quite familiar with each other, and he was afraid that Lin Ying would go to Ye Xun to sue him.

"Chen Kuan, go down and take a look." Lin Zheng pointed to the black hole in front.

Lin Zheng and the others destroyed all the branches just now, but the hole still hasn't disappeared.

"I, I go in?" Chen Kuan pointed to himself with a look of reluctance.

"Didn't Captain Ye say that you should cooperate with me?" Lin Ying raised his eyebrows.

Chen Kuan took two steps back, waved his hands and said, "Captain Ye did ask me to cooperate with you, but he didn't say to cooperate with you to die. Do you know how scary it is down here?"

"What's down there?" Lin Zheng still had a smile on his face.

"How the hell do I know what's down there? Anyway, Captain Ye brought people here to check the situation underground. No one of the escort members who went underground came out alive!" Chen Kuan shouted.

After Lin Ying heard the words, his eyes sank.

Sure enough, his conjecture was correct. The people from the escort team did go down, but no one survived.

"Those mutants are about to come out. They are premature, and they should be almost interesting. Follow them and go."

Lin Ying said, winking at Cheng Xiaoyu and Ning Yu.

Ning Yu and Cheng Xiaoyu followed Lin Ying and hid behind the messy black branches behind them.

"Oh, I understand. Brother Mumu asked me to destroy the branches here just now to make the fruits on the trees fall. They will go underground to find nutrients after losing their nutrients!" Cheng Xiaoyu squatted down and suddenly understood What Lin Zheng did just now.

Ning Yu also nodded: "As expected of my brother Zheng, he just knows how to find a way! If we follow those mutants, we should be able to find the real body of Grandpa Qi!"

Chen Kuan was a little dazed listening to the conversation between the three.

When Lin Ye was working under him before, his mind turned quickly, and many plans were made by Lin Ye, but he didn't expect that he was still so strategic in fighting.

The more Chen Kuan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Lin Ying might not be as simple as he saw...

"Chen Kuan, what are you doing standing there, do you want to be the ration of the mutant?" Lin Ying, who was hiding behind a tree branch, looked at Chen Kuan in front of him and shouted.

Chen Kuan came to his senses, quickly walked to Lin Zheng and squatted down next to them.

The branches that grew after Lao Qi's mutation were very dense, and after being cut off, they piled up a lot, which can well cover Lin Ying's body behind.


After a while, a lot of movement began to appear in the black branches. Among the black branches, Lin Ying saw the faces of Lao Qi.

They twisted in the cracks of the branches in a strange posture, the blue-gray pupils did not have a trace of brilliance, and the white mucus-stained bodies slowly crawled out of the cracks of the branches, little by little towards the black The hole is near...

(End of this chapter)

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