Chapter 79
"Little Xiang, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back!" My mother came to Li Xiang, patted the dust on his body lightly, her eyes were full of kindness, and soon thought of something, "Mom will make it for you right now!" Let's go, you haven't had dinner yet, have you?"

My mother is Zhou Huiling. She is fifty-three this year. She is relatively petite and thin. She has heavy crow's feet around her eyes and a lot of white strands in her black hair.

Rural people work a lot and lack maintenance. They will look much older than their actual age, and there is still a big gap between them and urban people.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm not hungry either."

"Stupid child, how can you not be hungry after ordering this? Mom will serve you a bowl of noodles, and it will be ready soon." After speaking, my mother hurried to the kitchen. Li Xiang is a treasure in her heart, how could she be willing to let him go? He was hungry.

"Dad, come!"

Li Xiang turned his head to look at his father who was looking at him, took out a cigarette, and handed him one.

His father's name is Li Wei, he is fifty-five this year, he is quite tall, and looks stronger than Li Xiang.

Li Xiang's appearance is somewhat similar to him.

Dad is an upright person with a relatively dull personality. He usually talks less, but he is very responsible and loves his children very much.

Typical people don't have many good things to say!

Dad glanced at the kitchen door cautiously and quickly reached out to take it. However, he still hesitated to light it. He just held it in his nose and sniffed it gently.

My father has bad lungs, and my mother strictly controls his daily smoking, which can only be five cigarettes at most. When he was delivering the goods today, he met an acquaintance to say hello, and he secretly added two cigarettes for himself.

"Dad, don't worry about smoking. Mom won't say anything when I'm here."

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile, patted his father on the shoulder and said.

At the same time, I thought in my heart, if I still have Xiaohuandan on my body, it would be great, if I take one, my father's lung disease will definitely be cured completely, even some minor problems will be eliminated at the same time.

How powerful Xiao Huan Dan is, he has personally experienced it.

If he can't get Xiaohuan Dan or some pills that can treat the pain in the next period of time, then he plans to try to develop some related pills by himself.

"Okay, then take another one!"

Dad showed a foolish smile again, took out the fire and lit it directly.

He half-closed his eyes and took a puff, enjoying it very much, "It's different when you smoke a good cigarette."

Dad is an old smoker for decades. Although he hasn't smoked soft middle before, at least he knows it.

He raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiang, "Boy, I'm really willing to buy such expensive cigarettes."

Li Xiang directly patted most of the remaining bag to his father, and smiled, "I am rich now, your son, so you can enjoy your life with me!"

On the one hand, he came back this time to visit his parents, on the other hand, he didn't want to make the old lady work too hard, so he planned to tell them something.

Of course, he still intends to keep things from the practitioners and the cultivation world from them for the time being, not because he doesn't believe it, but because he doesn't want them to worry too much.

After all, this kind of thing is too far away from their world, and I am afraid that if they think too much, it will be bad.


Hearing what Li Xiang said, not only did his father not see joy on his face, but he showed worry and frowned.

"Dad, don't think about it. My money comes from a decent source. It's all based on your son's ability."

Li Xiang thought for a while, and soon understood his father's worries and worries.

I am just a part-time job, although the salary is not bad, but that's it, the kind that can save 5 yuan a year and you can laugh.

Tell him now that he is rich, and tell them to enjoy the blessings, so he can't make him think about it right away, for fear that he has done something illegal to get quick money.

"Go, go outside and talk."

After hearing Li Xiang's explanation, Dad was still a little uneasy, and afraid that Li Xiang's mother would hear him, he called him to the door.

"Dad, I didn't mean you, so why don't you see your son?"

Li Xiang also lit a cigarette and made fun of it on purpose.

Dad's face became serious, and his tone became serious, "Don't be joking, talk about it carefully."

"That's it!"

Li Xiang nodded, and began to talk about the water colorful cold drink shop.

After Li Xiang finished speaking, Dad's complexion improved a lot, but he still had some doubts, "How can you make so much money by selling drinks?"

"Dad, it's not too much, and it will definitely get better and better in the future. I'm thinking about it, and I will arrange it someday, so that you and mom can go out for more walks, relax, and experience the rapid changes outside by the way. world."

"Your mother and I are both old. It's good to stay here in our hometown. Why don't you go out and spend all that wasted money? Even if you are really rich, don't spend it so lavishly. Money now is worthless. Save it. , buy a house first, marry a wife as soon as possible, and add two big fat boys to make your mother and I happy, then we will be satisfied."

This is the most simple and simple idea of ​​a simple father.

Although Dad said this, seeing his frown, Li Xiang knew that he was still worried and didn't fully believe it.

He and his mother worked from dawn to dusk and lived frugally, leaving little money at the end of the year.Li Xiang now told him that just a beverage store selling water could make tens of millions of profits a month, how dare he believe it.

After all, he is just an honest farmer who has not seen much of the outside world.

Well, it seems that we can only enlarge the trick directly, Li Xiang thought about it and sent Liu Meimei directly to WeChat voice and video.

The voice rang a few times, and it was picked up over there.

"I said Boss Li, I'm busy here, what do you always have to order." Liu Meimei said complainingly, seeing that Li Xiang's side was pitch black, and she didn't know where it was, so she said again: " Where did you go?"

Li Xiang directly dragged his father into the hall, sat down on the sofa, and said to the screen: "Mei Mei, this is my dad, I'm going back to my hometown today."

At this time, Liu Meimei also saw Lao Li next to Li Xiang. Seeing that Li Xiang's face did indeed have a shadow of the other party, she naturally did not suspect him, and hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically, "Hello, uncle, my name is Liu Meimei, and I belong to Li Xiang." Old classmate and good friend."

While she was talking, there was a lot of noise around her, and at the same time, there were busy people at the bar reflected in Li Xiang's phone.

Of course, Lao Li has seen them all, but now he pays more attention to Liu Meimei. Seeing that the other party is a beautiful little girl, his heart is moved, and he takes a deep look at Li Xiang. There is a rare expression on that dull face. With a smile, "Well, hello, Meimei!"

"Uncle, please wait a moment. I'll find a quieter place to chat with you." As she said that, she started walking around. On Li Xiang's phone, she happened to see the customers sitting in the store and some people in the store. Case.

From Liu Meimei's words just now and what he saw, Dad finally dispelled his doubts at this time.

But he doesn't care about this issue anymore, he only cares about the girl named Mei Mei in the video.

"Uncle, it's okay now, it's much quieter here."

Li Xiang saw that Liu Meimei had arrived in the separate room.

I suddenly had an idea in my mind, or I would simply create a few separate characteristic rooms in the future decoration, which is sometimes a lot more convenient, anyway, the space is much larger now.

"Who, why do I seem to hear a girl's voice!"

At this time, my mother just came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of noodles, her voice was a little excited.

She is now in a particularly sensitive period. Whenever he hears about a girl of marriageable age, he will think of his son and get excited in his heart.

I am afraid that this situation of my mother will not be a special case, but a common problem among the majority of parents with marriageable children.

Li Xiang is almost 30 years old now, my mother doesn't have to worry about other things, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have money, even if she doesn't have a job, she's fine, all she can do is worry about his marriage!

What a pity for the hearts of parents in the world!
 The support of the bosses is the biggest motivation for my writing! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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