my ark plane

Chapter 208 Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Chapter 208
When Li Huaixu rode his phantom and saw this Yuan Beast, it turned around and ran back, with its head tilted down, as if it was staring at something, its back was wide open.

Without any hesitation, Phantom swooped at an accelerated speed, grabbed it directly into the air, and when it was still about to struggle, raised its front paws and slapped it on the head.

Li Huaixu didn't expect that this casual blow would directly shatter the skull of this Yuan beast.

"Ninth grade."

He muttered, threw the corpse of the source beast down, and was about to go back to get the corpse of the tenth-order source beast that was left behind just now, but lost the obstruction of the corpse of the source beast, the figures of Mo Jiawei and A Peng in front of him suddenly reflected into view.

His eyes lit up and he quickly manipulated the phantom to fly down, and then there was the scene just now.

"Grandpa asked you to come?" Mo Jiawei looked at Li Huaixu and the phantom behind him, feeling unreal in his heart.

"Well, let's get out of here first, there are other origin beasts."

Li Huaixu nodded, turned over and rode on Phantom, and seeing the two of them still staying in place, he asked doubtfully, "Aren't you leaving?"


"Oh, that's easy."

Seeing their hesitant expressions, Li Huaixu immediately understood, the phantom leaned over and flew close, stretching out a giant claw.

"Come up."

Seeing the pitch-black claws whose tips were almost the same as their own body, and the surging energy above them, the expressions of both of them changed in unison.

"It's okay, let's go quickly."

"Let's go." Ah Peng glanced at Mo Jiawei, gritted his teeth and walked out of the depression, stepping into the phantom's giant claws.

Seeing this, Mo Jiawei couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly followed.

Afterwards, they only felt that as soon as the claws were retracted, the outside vision disappeared, leaving only a little blue light at the center of the phantom's claws, allowing them to barely recognize the situation inside.

The sound of flapping wings sounded, and the two people in the claws could not feel any movement at all, as if they were standing on a flat ground.

But from the sound coming from outside, it can be known that they are flying at high speed.

After a while, the two finally accepted their current situation.

"What the hell is this!" A Peng squatted down and knocked on his feet.

"I don't know, this seems to be metal." Mo Jiawei also walked to the edge curiously, and reached out to touch the claws that looked like walls.

"Did you see it just now? That original beast must be at least level nine?"

"I see, kill with one blow!" Mo Jiawei's expression was solemn, and the terrifying depression on the head of the source beast was still vivid in his mind.

"It's too exaggerated. The power of this creature is beyond my imagination." A Peng's eyes were full of shock.

"He is Li Huaixu, that armor is unmistakable."

"It's him. I didn't expect that after leaving the Federation, he would stay here. Then this should be a creature from the dark plane, a new one. I have an impression of the creatures he summoned before, but I have never seen one. So powerful."

A Peng opened the star ring in his hand, looked at the no signal displayed on it, shook his head and said.

Mo Jiawei looked complicated, and guarded the hand in front of him, "I didn't expect Grandpa to let him who was expelled by the Federation twice come to save us."

"He has always been on good terms with General Lu, and he probably knew your grandfather too."


Li Huaixu rode the phantom, looking at Xinghuan, which had no signal all the time, with a dignified expression.

At this moment, while the phantom was flying in the air, its hind limbs were still holding the corpses of the two origin beasts. The speed was slightly affected, but it was not slow. Unexpectedly, it could not fly out of the magnetic field range.

The phantom at this moment looks somewhat nondescript from a distance.

Looking down at the two corpses grabbed by the phantom's hind limbs, Li Huaixu immediately thought of the key point.

"Did they lead you here? Let's see how many of them come here."

His eyes flickered, and the speed of the phantom slowly decreased until it stopped on a mountain top.

The front paws were released, and Mo Jiawei and Ah Peng saw the light again.

Li Huaixu jumped off the phantom's back, came to the two of them and said, "You guys find a place to hide first. I'll see how many Origin Beasts are chasing me."

"You want to wait for them to come?" Mo Jiawei was startled, and said with a face full of disbelief.


"That's tenth-order Ah Peng, don't pull me! Don't"

Mo Jiawei looked excited and wanted to say something more, but he was immediately pulled by A Peng. How could he pull A Peng away before his energy recovered?
Immediately pulled aside by him, Mo Jiawei saw that he had a solemn expression, pointing at something with his hand stretched forward.

He froze for a moment, followed the direction he pointed, and immediately stayed where he was.

They were now on a small hill, with Phantom standing on the highest point, and a bare slope downhill.

At this time, there were two huge figures lying on the slope as if they had been discarded casually.

And Mo Jiawei recognized these two figures, and it can even be said that he was deeply impressed.

One is the Yuan Beast who discovered their hiding place before, and the other is the bird Yuan Beast who was unharmed after taking a blow from his full energy overdraft!
The Bird Origin Beast looked extremely miserable at the moment, only the charred black skeleton remained on the head and chest, and the flesh and blood on the back half of the body was also charred black, like roasted half-baked bacon.

Mo Jiawei opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say anything.

Just now, they could not see what was going on outside with the claws they had retracted. They only knew that it had killed an origin beast, but they did not know that the tenth-level origin beast that was chasing them was also killed!
Compared to the Yuan Beast that they have only seen once, the bird Yuan Beast chasing them is even more impressive.

The other end forced them to continue, and let the others escape. I was also overdrawing my source energy. After hindering it a little, I was able to escape the golden cicada's shell.

However, this Origin Beast, which had brought great fear and even despair in his eyes before, was killed just like this, and the body was lightly thrown aside.

Mo Jiawei's lips were dry and he couldn't speak.

The same is true for Ah Peng on the side. Although he has not faced the tenth-order source beast directly like Mo Jiawei, he also knows what kind of concept it is.

No matter how Li Huaixu did it, the appearance of the corpse of the tenth-order origin beast alone is shocking enough.

The two swallowed at the same time.

"Don't go hide, I won't be able to help you when the time comes." Li Huaixu's voice suddenly reminded them, and the two just woke up like a dream.

Ah Peng quickly supported Mo Jiawei and flew away.

Seeing that they were far enough away, Li Huaixu returned to the phantom's back and stood still.

He didn't make him wait long, about 2 minutes, two small black dots appeared at the end of the field of vision, and they continued to grow larger as they advanced at a high speed.

When they came not far from the phantom, they could already see their appearance clearly.

These are two flying source beasts that look very similar. Li Huaixu has seen them once before when he was guarding the super mineral vein.

Dragon Man Origin Beast!

Judging by the size, it is estimated that they are all around the tenth order.

A ray of black energy on the wings disappeared on the side of the phantom. Li Huaixu focused his eyes, and manipulated the phantom's wings to shake, and his huge figure rose into the sky.

The speed of the two origin beasts did not decrease at all, and they flew straight.

The phantom slowly flapped its wings and suspended in the air, waiting for their arrival.

The two dragonmen cooperated tacitly, and when they approached, they suddenly separated, one left and one right rushed towards the phantom.

The phantom's wings shook, and one flew forward sideways. While avoiding the surprise attacks of the two, it quickly turned around and flew towards the dragon man on the left.

The dragonman didn't dodge or dodge. With a roar, he flew towards the phantom, and stretched out a pair of huge sharp claws in the middle, as if he wanted to catch the phantom at the moment of contact.

It didn't feel bad until it saw the phantom's head slightly raised, the metal rings were clasped on the head, and the mouth opened.

A touch of azure blue flashed from its mouth, and then a billowing dark blue dragon's breath spit out, covering a large area of ​​air in front of it.

A shrill roar shook the surrounding fields. In the distance, A Peng and Mo Jiawei saw immediately that the dragon's breath that suddenly appeared in the air quickly caught up with the dragon man origin beast that was dodging to the side. The rolling dragon's breath at the extreme distance engulfed its tail.

Under the horrified eyes of the two, the dragon's breath quickly climbed up its tail at a speed visible to the naked eye, spreading all the way up, and didn't stop until it was close to the root.

The Dragon Man Origin Beast seemed to be in great pain, flying around in the air, struggling crazily, and in the end, it plunged into the ground and disappeared.

The other dragon-human origin beast felt a sense of crisis in its heart when the dragon's breath appeared, and it went directly behind the phantom before starting a surprise attack.

But in this way, the phantom has already reflected it, so what greets the dragon-human origin beast is a sharp claw that surges with dark blue energy after the phantom quickly turns around.


A pair of pitch-black giant claws met the claws of the dragon man, as if they were crushing, and the claws of the dragon man showed strange twists and turns in an instant.

The dragon man quickly pulled back in pain.

The phantom's figure paused slightly in the air, and the weird energy output device at the base of the wings suddenly lit up, and the more violent energy output, the phantom's wings that were constantly disillusioned with energy immediately solidified, and the energy seemed to be real.

Looking at the dragon-human origin beast that was still flying backwards, Li Huaixu narrowed his eyes and felt the strange message that the sample implant had just sent him.

The wings of the phantom in the air suddenly flapped rapidly, and the speed soared instantly, chasing after the fleeing dragon man origin beast.

Seeing the phantom flying towards it, the Dragonman Origin Beast, which had turned back frequently during the flight, was even more frightened, shaking its wings desperately, trying to stay away from this terrifying creature as much as possible.

However it is still much slower.

When the phantom approached it, its wings did not flutter, but stretched out flat, like a sharp razor, gliding forward, and quickly passed by the dragon-human origin beast in flight.

The phantom hovered in front, the energy on its wings returned to normal, it flapped slowly, and stopped in the air.

And the Dragonman Origin Beast, which was flying desperately, slowed down at some point in its dancing wings, and a black line emerged from its side.

The dragon-human origin beast suddenly split in two, and the incision was a neat and smooth black side, which fell down.

In the distance, Ah Peng and Mo Jiawei, whose heads were exposed behind a boulder among the ridges, almost forgot to breathe when they saw this scene, and their expressions were dull.

"This, this kills?"

"Is that a tenth-order origin beast? Why does it look like paper?"

The other tenth-order origin beast had just adjusted, and saw the scene where the phantom killed its own kind.

At this time, its tail had disappeared, and the broken part was a piece of charred flesh.
It saw the phantom's figure move, and after flying towards this side, it immediately turned around and ran away.

The phantom is extremely fast, and the distance between it and the dragon man is constantly shortening.

The dragonman, who was flying desperately, looked back and saw that the phantom was much closer. Immediately, the ghosts were all alive, his wings trembled wildly, and his flying speed increased a little.

At this moment, Li Huaixu, who shared the field of vision with the phantom, saw seven small black spots suddenly appearing in the distance of the dragon man, and immediately slowed down and stopped in the air.

The dragon man also flew over there as if he had seen a savior.

Those seven small black dots are seven tenth-order origin beasts with different shapes!
When they fly together, their huge size is enough to cover the nearby space of several thousand meters!
Li Huaixu took a deep breath, and the phantom stopped motionless, watching the dragon man roaring and joining them.

And those few Yuan Beasts didn't know why, after seeing the phantom from a distance, they also stopped and confronted it from a distance.

Seeing this scene, Li Huaixu was a little curious, did they know the combat power of the Phantom?

The three origin beasts that were killed before were all completely ignorant of the phantom. After seeing the dragonman enter the side of several tenth-level origin beasts, it was still roaring, and Li Huaixu immediately understood.

They are communicating.

This will cause more or less headaches. The source beast knows the Phantom's strength and will definitely not dare to confront him head-on, giving him a chance to kill him with one blow.

In this way, the battle will be infinitely protracted.

Seeing them slowly spread out, wanting to surround them, Li Huaixu's mind changed and he made a decision immediately.

Reluctantly glanced at the corpse of the tenth-order origin beast on the ground, he no longer hesitated, and flew towards the direction where Mo Jiawei and Apeng were.

The Yuan Beast who was in charge of blocking this side was shocked when he saw the phantom flying towards this side, and quickly got out of the way.

After the phantom passed, the strong wind brought it up even made its figure sway in the air.

And none of the other origin beasts dared to catch up!
He just watched the phantom connect the two of Mo Jiawei to his paws and fly away.

After it moved away, there was a low growling sound.

These tenth-order origin beasts seemed to be discussing something, and kept roaring.

After a while, they seemed to have reached a unified idea, and then they flew down and began to devour the corpses of their companions.

Although he rushed out without any difficulty, Li Huaixu was not at all relaxed.

Because the source beast is afraid!

This means that in their hearts, intelligence has already begun to sprout.

Although it is a recognized fact that high-level source beasts have intelligence, humans who lack data models do not know the extent of their intelligence.

And in the scene just now, the dragon man communicated quickly with them, which was obviously a sign of high intelligence.

The encirclement behind them and allowing him to leave was obviously a balancing act.

Yuan Beast, also began to distinguish between serious and serious!
Li Huaixu had no doubts that if he had chosen to leave with the corpses of the tenth-order origin beasts, they would have bravely come up to hold him back, waiting for more origin beasts to arrive.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, in this kind of place where seven more ten-level origin beasts could come out in just one battle, Li Huaixu chose to run away after a while.

If you continue to fight, the Nine Origin Star is so big, who knows how many tenth-order Origin Beasts are hidden behind.

Along the way, Li Huaixu was worried. After leaving the biomagnetic field, he immediately called Lu Weilin and others, and started the teleconference communication.

Mo Canyang, Horn, Lu Weilin, Shi Zeyu and others were all there.

"Huai Xu, what's the matter, where is little Amo?"

Mo Canyang was full of anxiety, and asked impatiently as soon as the communication was connected.

"Everything is safe, but there is an abnormal discovery, the source beast may be plotting something." Li Huaixu looked serious, and told them the situation of the source beast.

"If it is really that serious, the tenth-tier team may be wiped out, no matter what they are, but the importance of the tenth-tier combat power is self-evident."

"They have already set off. I don't know if they can be called back. This kind of thing is too shocking, and the source of the news is Huai Xu. I don't know if they can listen to it." Lu Weilin's expression changed, and his brows were tightly frowned.

 Today my friend got married and went to be a brother group, I can barely squeeze out these, I really don’t have a drop left

(End of this chapter)

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