my ark plane

Chapter 21 Abilities

Chapter 21 Abilities
Li Huaixu's expression changed slightly, he immediately restrained himself, stretched out his hand in confusion, and shook it in front of Wu Wu

"Wrong person, I have never seen such a beautiful young lady like you, if I do, I will definitely be impressed, hahaha."

"You really still have memories, don't you want to know what those people did to us!"

Taking away Li Huaixu's shaking hand, Mu Wu remained unmoved, still staring at Li Huaixu sharply.

If Li Huaixu had just looked at her with a bewildered face, she probably wouldn't have pursued her further, but the change in his expression just now was clearly caught by the dance.

Putting away his confused expression, Li Huaixu looked serious

"Go inside and talk."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and Mu Wu hurriedly followed.

After entering the door, Li Huaixu closed the door without leaving the doorknob, but called for the sample implant in his heart.

"Can you invade here? I remember you said that you have the core technology of Tektronix."

"small issue."

The implant's voice came to him in the back of his mind, and his hand on the doorknob flashed blue.

"The invasion is complete."

Fuck so fast.

Li Huaixu turned around calmly and looked at Wu Wu who was sitting on the sofa with her arms folded.

"Tell me everything you know?"

"I don't know much. When I regained consciousness, I only vaguely saw you being carried out on the opposite side, and then they took you back to the place where I was stunned."

"?Then you still said you don't want to know what those people did to us."

Li Huaixu's face was full of shit, he was actually cheated by this beautiful black-haired girl, he thought she knew something deeper.

"Ah, don't we know if we look for clues slowly?"

"Okay, count me young."

Li Huaixu then told Mu Wu everything about the organization, including the medicine they were injected with.

Hearing the potion, Mu Wu's face turned pale, and she lowered her hands clasped across her chest, not as calm as before.

"How do you know the effect of that potion? I haven't heard of such a thing in the Federation!"

"Then how did you regain consciousness?"

"It's about my secret."

"Ah, this is also related to my secret."

The two fell silent.

After a while, Wu Wu finally spoke.

"Then what to do, why don't you tell the teacher them?"

"It may not be useful. It is definitely not easy for this organization to research the background of this kind of medicine, and their penetration is extremely strong. Maybe you just asked the teacher, and you evaporated the next day."

Li Huaixu leaned against the door with an indifferent expression.

The little girl was a little frightened, her face was pale, her hands were on her lap, fingers intertwined and separated, intertwined and separated
The room fell silent again.

In the end, it was Li Huaixu who broke the silence here.

"I can help you clear that potion, but you have to deal with this organization with me."

"Really! I promise you!"

Mu Wu raised her head and looked at him, with bright eyes on her delicate face.

"You don't move."

After Li Huaixu finished speaking, he walked towards her, and the sample implant on his wrist changed back to its original shape, but Li Huaixu didn't show his wrist, and Wu Wu could only see blue light flowing from his hand.

"Close your eyes."

Hearing this, Miao Wu obediently closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling.

Li Huaixu stretched out his hand to her head, his wrist facing her long jet-black hair, the blue light sprinkled on the head of the dancer, entering her mind.


The voice of the sample implant came to Li Huaixu's mind. He withdrew his right hand, the sample implant entered a camouflaged state, and the blue light disappeared.

"Okay, don't make any noise in the future. We don't know what the so-called activation code of that organization is, and we don't know who is from their organization. If we are found to have unlocked their potion, we will probably be arrested. Silence."

"I see, thanks."

Mu Wu nodded vigorously.

"Then I live on the second floor."

After speaking, Li Huaixu went upstairs without looking back.

The reason for helping her is because her A-level source energy activation degree should be able to help a lot in the future, and they all have hatred for this organization, the chance of breaking the appointment is not high, and the second is that she has recovered her memory. The organization discovered that the organization would investigate the control status of the two of them, and at that time it would force him to be exposed too. The advantage now is that they don't know that Li Huaixu has escaped their shackles, so that Li Huaixu can move his hands Give each other an unexpected surprise.

After washing up, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, when Li Huaixu came downstairs, Wu Wu was already waiting there, with various breakfasts on the table in front of her.

"Here you are, someone sent it this morning."

"Tsk, it's really rich, much better than when we were in the welfare housing."

"Hey, did you also come out of the orphanage? I was on the 82nd floor before. Where are you?"

The girl asked while eating the steamed stuffed bun with her mouth puffed out.

"I'm on the 03rd floor. You don't look like you live in a welfare house. I don't know which girl you think you are."

"I don't know either. Now that I think about it, it should be because of Yuanneng. I was an orphan. I was lucky enough to be raised by a kind-hearted grandfather when I was a child. My grandfather died in a car accident a few years ago. My family was already poor. I thought there was an orphanage. Existing, I sold my grandfather's property and held a simple funeral, so I came to the orphanage."

Speaking of grandpa, Mu Wu's expression darkened, but she cheered up immediately.

"I have an A-level activation, and I will definitely be able to set foot on Jiuyuan Star in the future as my grandfather said!"

"It's relatively simple for me. I have been in the orphanage since I can remember."

After breakfast, nothing happened, Li Huaixu tried to control his own energy.

Feeling that the source energy in his body was constantly flowing, he tried to speed up their movement, but the effect was not very great, and the source energy still maintained the original speed.

At this time, I saw that the blue energy around Wu Wu was swimming rapidly, and the energy sources gradually formed a blue sphere around her.

Li Huaixu on the side stared dumbfounded. Is this the difference between A+ and B?
Seeing this, he also began to work hard to mobilize the source energy in his body, and finally had some effect, the source energy's movement speed became faster, and a trace of blue light appeared around him.

After practicing like this for about half an hour, Li Huaixu felt a little dizzy, and Li Wu also stopped at this moment.

"Mobilizing this seems to be quite strenuous, go and rest first."

The girl wiped the sweat off her head and got up and walked into her room.

Li Huaixu also returned to his room and slowly relaxed.

"How many people have been sent up this time?"

In another small villa on the first-level floating island, an ordinary-looking young man stood in front of the window and asked.

"A total of 7, with an A-level source energy stimulation degree."

Behind him, a middle-aged man with a suit and leather shoes and an extraordinary temperament was reporting to him on his knees.

"I got it, leave their information. After developing the abilities, I will go and try the commands one by one. It's none of your business. Go on down."


The middle-aged man stood up and left.

The next day, the shuttles to and from the floating island became densely packed. They kept coming in and out of the port. Every time they came in, a group of people were left behind. These are freshmen who passed the selection from all over the 16th district. .

Li Huaixu and Mu Wu also woke up early. Senior sister Naxiang had informed them yesterday that they will gather together at the port today.

When they arrived, quite a few people had already gathered, and about half an hour later, the number of flying shuttles gradually decreased.Until the end is only in and out.

Finally, the last shuttle stopped and gathered people at the port. There were probably more than 2 people gathered in the port, all of whom were freshmen who passed the selection process.

In front of the crowd, a middle-aged beautiful woman in a slender uniform perfectly set off her figure, her proud curves, and her capable temperament all attracted everyone's attention.

She walked up to the people, adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on her beautiful face, and opened her cherry lips slightly.

"I am Shu Liuxi, the dean of the Water Department Superpower Academy of Branch No. 19. I won't make a long speech when I come here today. I will only introduce you to the Source Energy Academy and guide you in developing superpowers."

Her voice is like a song of water, clear and melodious, obviously not too loud, but it gently brushes against everyone's ears like flowing water.

"In the No.19 branch, there are many schools of abilities in various departments, but basically there are a few main department abilities, such as wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, light and darkness, body strengthening abilities, and relatively rare time and space department. Other types are also rare. I won’t list them one by one, you can always find the academy that suits you, so come with me now.”

After Shu Liuxi finished speaking, he led the crowd straight through the town and came to the foot of a mountain behind the town.

She stopped in front of the mountain, and a control terminal in front of her slowly rose. Shu Liuxi put her hand on it. As the source energy surged, the mountain in front of her was actually split from the middle, and the opening was smooth and neat, without a trace of soil falling down.

After the mountain cracked, a 30-meter-wide road made of steel appeared in front of us.

"Let's go."

The crowd followed Shuliuxi and walked forward. After everyone entered the original position of the mountain, they finally saw a huge purple crystal in front of them.

Even people with a relatively low degree of development can feel the huge amount of source energy contained in this crystal.

"Origin stone! It's the beginning of everything. The source energy contained in the origin stone is very huge. This is the origin stone that fell to the earth when the Nine Origin Star smashed Neptune. Every floating island you see depends on it The floating engine can only be buoyant with an almost infinite source of energy.”

"And this is also the key to developing your abilities. As long as you feel the impact of the origin stone at close range, your hidden abilities will be awakened."

Shu Liuxi adjusted her black-rimmed glasses, and continued
"Superpowers originally existed in our human bodies. In the past, the earth had no spiritual energy and no source energy, so the superpowers could not be stimulated. The arrival of the Nine Source Star has brought us endless source energy. We humans have just woken up! Let’s test it!”

Only now did Li Huaixu know that supernatural powers originally existed in the human body!

In the past, he always thought that supernatural powers were also one of the changes brought about by origin energy. No wonder, all the skill points of the aliens were added to the body. It turned out that they did not have supernatural powers!
He suddenly thought of a question, then I can activate the source energy, what is my ability?
Li Huaixu quietly asked about the sample implant in his heart.

"What do you say?"

The emotionless electronic voice came to mind, but the words spoken were indeed rhetorical questions.

(End of this chapter)

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