Clone Octopus

Chapter 128 I'm here to snatch it!

Chapter 128 I'm here to snatch it!
The hunchbacked old man showed his fangs behind Shen Rui, and rushed towards Shen Rui. His head was tilted at just the right angle, and his movements were so skillful. For any human being, arterial penetration would be a fatal injury.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain. The reason why Shen Rui showed his flaws was because he did it deliberately, which was a kind of tactical inducement.

At the same time as the hunchbacked old man pounced on Shen Rui, a black, powerful, and magical octopus suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and the invisible little dot on Shen Rui's shoulder suddenly transformed into a big man with arms over one meter long. The dexterous arms grabbed the head of the hunchbacked old man, and the other arms pulled out the old man's few teeth from his mouth in an instant!

The magnetic elevator was descending, Shen Rui turned his head and smiled slightly, and caught a fang handed to him by Xiaoba. This tooth obviously shouldn't belong to human beings. It was ten centimeters long, pale white, and hard.

What's even weirder is that after Xiao Ba pulled out the fangs, the same fangs grew out of the hunchbacked old man's mouth again. Teeth grow.

Shen Rui is not a naughty little eight, he raised his hand and punched the hunchbacked old man on the face, smashing his jaw immediately, causing comminuted fractures of the upper and lower jaw bones, and the hunchback was covered in blood all over his face!

"You didn't say it when I asked you to say it just now, now, shut up!" Shen Rui said coldly with a cold look in his eyes.

The hunchbacked old man was very miserable. Now he couldn't even yell out, he was slapped on the back of the head by Xiao Ba, and immediately passed out.

The speed of the magnetic elevator was fast, and it reached the bottom floor in a blink of an eye. The elevator door opened, and Xiao Ba turned back into an invisible little one. Shen Rui dragged the fainted hunchbacked old man out of the elevator, leaving bloodstains all over the floor.

There was no one at the place where the elevator stopped, but Shen Rui still frowned slightly. On his right was a huge floor-to-ceiling glass, and he could see a magical cylindrical metal building, leading from the underground to the square of the Vatican. The height is about 500 meters.

This should be the central data processing center built in prehistoric times. Because it has to deal with complex space data, the computing power of this data center is quite amazing. I am afraid that all the current computing systems in the world combined cannot keep up with the computing power of this machine. one.

Now the data center is fully enclosed, as long as Shen Rui can transport it to the city of Atlantis and install it in the space reserved in the Sea God Square, the system will naturally start and integrate with the entire Atlantis, plus The second moon chasing wall and the legendary interstellar space elevator are a complete interstellar movement system.

After seeing the magical Atlantis, Shen Rui was not surprised by the size of the data center. After all, under Atlantis, there is a super mechanical city with a diameter of [-] kilometers and a thickness of [-] kilometers. The volume of the data center is comparable. Compared with Atlantis, it is just a pediatrics.

The hunchbacked old man had a new mutation after half of his face was smashed by Shen Rui. His back grew bat-like wings, his ears became upright like a fox, his legs were bent, and his fingers and toes quickly enlarged by more than twice. Grows hooked nails.

Shen Rui frowned slightly. It seemed that this hunchbacked old man had a hidden ability to transform. As for the transformed form, it was a bit like a gargoyle in a biblical story, lying on the cold and dark castle like a sculpture. Once an intruder appeared, they would It will immediately open its eyes, rush forward, and feed the intruder.

If according to the description in the Bible story, the gargoyles are the guards of the devil Satan, but now they appear in the Holy See representing justice?I really don't know whether the stories in the Bible are too absurd or the reality is even more absurd.

Shen Rui thought for a while, and threw the hunchbacked old man who had turned into a gargoyle aside. He will not be able to wake up for a while. What Shen Rui has to do now is to investigate this mysterious data center located underground in the Holy See as soon as possible.

Something seemed to be moving fast in the darkness, Shen Rui ignored them, and walked down the winding stairs to the bottom of the data center step by step.

As soon as Shen Rui's feet landed on the ground floor, the entire data center suddenly lit up. Countless spotlights appeared, illuminating the huge cylindrical computer clearly, and Shen Rui finally saw the whole bottom floor of the data center.

Surrounding the supercomputer is an open field, and there are many densely packed alleyways leading to nowhere.

According to the original design, all the people who manage this huge computing system would live on the ground floor, perhaps those lanes connecting the living spaces.

It’s just that the strokes and crosses hanging on the walls are incompatible with the data center. They should have been placed here later. One of the walls has an image of a poisonous snake wrapped around a cross, which is the symbol of the Holy See’s Exorcism Hall.

"No wonder, the Exorcism Hall has been rumored for a long time, but no one knows the true whereabouts of this mysterious palace. It turns out that the Exorcism Hall and the Holy See are a whole. The ground 500 meters above is the Holy See, and the Exorcism Hall below is." Shen Rui Rubbing his chin, he muttered to himself.

Due to the surrounding light, the movement of the black figure was more obvious. Shen Rui knew that they were some monsters exactly like the hunchbacked old man. There were strange sounds coming from the countless alleys around, and there should be more people or monsters gathering.

Sure enough, more and more black monsters with wings appeared above Shen Rui's head. They were like hundreds of bats, lying around the cylindrical central computing system, baring their fangs, staring at Shen Rui below.

More and more black figures appeared in the surrounding alleys. Shen Rui calculated in his mind that the number of enemies was more than a thousand, not much more.

These gargoyle-like monsters obviously obeyed some kind of order, surrounded Shen Rui, but did not attack until a gap opened in the alleyway in the distance, and a human came out of the darkness.

It was a young, pale, well-dressed human being.

Classical three-piece pure cashmere suit, black bowler hat on top of his head, and a civilized staff in his hand, this dress looks like he has just traveled from 300 years ago to today.

"Are you the master of the Exorcism Hall?" Shen Rui asked curiously.

The pale young man didn't say anything, but asked in Latin: "You are not afraid when you get here?"

"Should I be afraid?" Shen Rui said calmly.

"Any normal person should be afraid, because this is the Exorcism Hall. I think it was only after the Holy See suffered countless tragic failures that it realized a truth. Only demons can exorcise demons. So this place is called the Exorcism Hall in name, but it is actually the Demon Hall. , all the ascetics who are responsible for exorcising demons around the world actually look like this terrible thing you see." said the pale young man.

Shen Rui nodded, and suddenly realized: "Using demons to drive out demons, people in the Holy See really have ideas, but I don't care about them. This time I am not here for you, I just want to take away what I need."

"Human, you actually went to the Exorcist Hall to steal something?" the pale young man asked suddenly.

Shen Rui shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Have you ever seen a thief who walks in brightly and righteously? Have you ever seen a thief who smashed the captive's mouth without torture? Have you seen surrounded by thousands of enemies, still indifferent thief?"

Gently raised one hand, the right hand, the golden ring on the arm is Poseidon's battle armor, named Bihai Kuangsha.

"Steal?" Shen Rui said with a smile: "Open your eyes and see clearly, I'm here to steal."

PS: Ready to go on the shelves, there will be no outbreak at 2:[-] tonight, the next chapter will be released at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, and Chapter [-] will be released at [-]:[-] pm. If there is no accident, the update plan will always be maintained.

The plot will still advance at a high speed and will never be watered.

The most important thing is of course thanks to my brothers and sisters for their support. Jiuer will continue to work hard with a grateful heart.

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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