Clone Octopus

Chapter 193 Birds

Chapter 193 Chidori
Chidori, the core planet of the Setas star field, is not one of them.

This is where the Emperor Jian Yun made his fortune. It is here that Jian Yun discovered the Book of Origins and started his own slow journey. He founded the Crystal Human Race, so that those who are loyal to him and the tribe have strong wisdom and fighting power. Today, the Crystal Human Race is a huge group in Andromeda. Hundreds of countries were established by the Crystal Human Race, and there are many more people who hold important positions in other countries and regions.

In Andromeda, if you are born into an ordinary Crystal Human family, you can still receive good education and training, because there are too many successful people in the Crystal Human family. They themselves are as rich as the country, and they have not forgotten their clan members and opened colleges for free. Martial arts training camp is considered a noble charity.

Of course, the strength of the Crystal Human Race is more than that. The Millennium Ceremony is the best example. Although this is only a gathering within the Crystal Human Race, it has attracted many politicians, businessmen, and senior fighters who do not belong to this race. It is an honor to be able to mix with people of the first race in the world.

In this Millennium Ceremony, the most attention-grabbing ceremony is naturally the ceremony held on Thousand Bird Star, visiting the Crystal Human Race Sanctuary, participating in the highest-level ball, and ancestor worship activities.

There are so many guests, not everyone has the opportunity to participate in dances and ancestor worship activities, but visiting the sanctuary is a must-do for everyone who comes to the Starfield of Setas.

Also because of the large number of people, all guests were arranged to go to the Thousand Birds in batches. This planet, which represents the glory of mankind, is also the only one in the Setas star field that does not have a star gate connection. It is isolated from the outside world and can only travel through dedicated passenger ships.

Shen Rui is relatively low-level among all the guests. On the ninth day after he came to Stas Starfield, he was arranged to go to Thousand Birds, and those more important guests would be arranged to be closer to the meeting and ancestor worship activities. date.

On the deck of the luxury interstellar cruise ship, Shen Rui ate a few pieces of candy sent by the waiter and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window looking at the nebula in front of him. This candy tasted similar to the chocolate that people on earth loved, and it reminded him of Ye Wuhen. I don't know how the earth is under his leadership?
But Shen Rui didn't worry too much, because firstly, there were space cracks around the earth, and secondly, Shen Rui also trusted Ye Wuhen's ability.

The old partner who has been born and died again and again, Shen Rui knows very well that Ye Wuhen is impeccable except that he does not know any martial arts and his methods are no worse than himself.

"Look! Chidori!"

Someone pointed to the front and exclaimed, and saw strange nebula flying in the empty universe outside Chidori Star. They were white and surrounded the green planet, like a group of white waterfowls flying in groups. named.

Shen Rui can't think of any words to describe it except for the uncanny craftsmanship of nature. Many planets have companion bodies. Next to the earth is the moon, next to Jupiter is the famous Europa, but around the millennium star is a nebula, a strange white rock The composed starry space material is surrounded by the gravitational force of Chidori, forming the most unique scenery in the universe.

"Thousand Birds is really beautiful." Shen Rui said while biting a jelly bean.

"That's that! Human Emperor Jian Yun's favorite is the Thousand Birds Star, my wife, come and watch the Thousand Birds Fly!" The strange man next to Shen Rui first answered his words, and then excitedly called his partner to come and have a look lively.

There were more and more people on the deck. Shen Rui didn't like the crowding. He frowned slightly and went to the bar far away from the deck.

Soon, the interstellar cruise ship skillfully avoided the nebula and landed on Qiandiaoxing.

Walking along the conveyor to the cruise ship, Shen Rui saw the towering temple in the distance.

"What you see now is the Crystal Human Temple. The temple was built on the basis of a large mountain called Mount Malawi. It is 19 meters high and is completely composed of white granite. The mountain was repaired during the temple, so the height of the temple today is 980 meters and 19 meters, which is the tallest building in the whole Andromeda, the largest building, and the building with the highest construction cost.”

"Now please board the suspended bus next to you. The vehicle will take you to the temple. After visiting the temple, guests with a guest pass can also go to the crystal human cemetery behind the temple. There are also fairies. It is the largest and highest-level burial area, but I need to remind everyone that the temple and cemetery are extremely large. If you seriously visit it, it will take at least a few years to be enough, so please hurry up, anyway, Twelve hours later, everyone will return here and take the interstellar cruise ship to return to their respective residences, and if they violate the rules, they will be punished most severely!"

Chidori also has a tour guide who explains the situation here to everyone. Shen Rui and everyone else take a hover car to the temple. The temple is so magnificent that it is breathtaking. After all, it is a super building close to 20 meters high. , the designer cleverly designed the temple to look like Jian Yun's face, and the beard on his chin is a giant pillar reaching the sky. You can enter the temple interior by walking through these giant pillars.

Time was short and most people rushed into the temple after posing for pictures outside.

Twelve hours is actually not enough to visit the hall of the temple. It is more symbolic for the guests to come here in turn. At the very least, they can boast to others that they have been to the temple. Only the people here know it.

Shen Rui mixed in the crowd and walked into the temple. With his keen perception, he obviously felt countless surveillance eyes from all directions.

There is no doubt that Shen Rui's decision is very risky. This is Chidori, the Crystal Human Race Temple. According to Void's investigation, there are at least [-] fifth-level fighters stationed in the temple and Qiandiaoxing. Level [-] and level [-] fighters are simply astronomical figures.

What is the concept of more than [-] fifth-level fighters?It can simply conquer Andromeda, the concept of conquering the entire universe!

A country as powerful as the Weimar Empire only had two level five warriors, and the strongest among them, Ling Guangsan, died together with the eighth generation Lorraine.

If Shen Rui makes even the slightest mistake in his actions, even if he has Xiaoba, even if he has the Void Hammer, he will not be able to escape unscathed.

The reason why Shen Rui dared to challenge such a difficult temple exploration was that the first generation of Lorraine had been here before, and he even entered the cemetery of Emperor Jian Yun because of his audacity. This shows that the miniature cloud piercer can challenge the limit.

As for whether the guards here have been strengthened after the first-generation Lorraine caused trouble in the temple, and whether Shen Rui is close to the strength of the first-generation Lorraine, these are all unknown.

And even though the original Lorraine was such a genius, he was thrown into the black hole in the end. Although he escaped fortunately, he was also disabled for life. This shows how risky Shen Rui's crazy plan is.

"Void, have you invaded the system?" Shen Rui asked in the spiritual world.

From the first second he landed on the Thousand Birds Planet, Void began to be a little absent-minded. Shen Rui often asked him questions, but he would not answer them for a long time, not knowing what else to do.

"not yet."

"It's been almost an hour. If you can't master the system, I won't take the risk to stay here. There are so many masters in this place, staying here is simply a matter of death."

"No! You have to stay! You must stay!" Void suddenly said in a violent tone.

Shen Rui was taken aback suddenly, "Void, are you talking to me like this?"

"I'm sorry." After a long time, Xu Kong said in a deep voice: "I'm just too excited."

Shen Rui didn't speak, but Kong Kong's abnormal behavior still left a shadow in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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