entertainment teacher

Chapter 27 Sword Repair

Chapter 27 Sword Repair
"The rewards you received this time are: a piece of Vulcan Crystal, a piece of Neptune Grass, a piece of Lieyan Black Iron, a piece of Deep Sea Black Iron, a Dragon Wolf Hao Pen, Huaxia Coin 10, and Tiandao.com More than 71 blades and some garbage that were automatically rejected for you."

Seeing that he had been rewarded with so many things, Fang Jie was a little confused. He had only written two chapters and it became so popular?As for the more than 3000 blades, well, ignore them.

After filling in your own harvesting address, confirm the delivery.

The rewards on Tiandao.com require you to scan the rewarded things into the network before you can reward them. Once the rewards are received, the rewards will be collected by the Tiandao Network Center jointly established by various countries, waiting for the writer to collect them. It is directly sealed and archived without revealing the true identity of the author.

In Chapter 3 of "Four Immortals", Murong Ziying, the second male lead, played for the first time. Fang Xie thought that when he played "Four Immortals" for the first time, he was surprised by his handsome appearance. You know, the stand-alone player in 07 The fact that a game can do this is almost considered a masterpiece.

It had been a few days since I had stopped updating. Fang Jie felt that he needed to write another chapter. Yes, just one more chapter.

"I heard that a super weak teacher came to our school."

"I still came in through the back door. It's the principal's grandson."

"Wow, if anyone assigns him to be a student, wouldn't it be bad luck for eight lifetimes?"

"Who said no!"

"I hope it's not me!"

Every teacher in Chung Hwa University needs to be in charge of five students. They belong to the nature of tutors. They are higher than the teacher but lower than the master. The students follow the tutor during the university. Except for the necessary cultural courses, training and so on, the rest of the time is basically Follow the tutor, and for the students, the tutor is to answer all the theoretical questions, and when they encounter problems in the university, they can ask the tutor.

The little security guard who was beaten yesterday told his uncle who was the logistics director about his beating. Although the logistics director felt sorry for his nephew, he couldn't take revenge on Fang Xie blatantly. Then he thought of releasing the news that Fang Jie had left the back door. , Let the students generate public opinion, and then resist Fang Jie's method. After some investigation, they learned that Fang Jie's seal was broken, and the logistics director couldn't wait to release the news.

It didn't take long for the first-year students to know the news. Since they had just entered school, the tutors for each freshman student had not yet been determined, so within half a day, there were already discussions in the school.

After Fang Jie uploaded Chapter 3, it was almost noon, and the three people on the open space had already strode back and forth several times. Whenever their feet became weak, they stopped to rest, and continued when they had strength. There is not a trace of laziness, so I have to say a word of admiration.

Xiang Zhu and Xun Yi were both children from an orphanage. They had no father or mother since childhood. They grew up relying on the government's relief and eating hundreds of meals. After completing nine years of compulsory education, they stopped going to school. This time they ran away. I came to Zhonghua University because I heard that the military camp here was recruiting new recruits, so I wanted to try my luck.

"Holy shit, how many days has it been?! Chapter 3 has finally been uploaded?!" People who added "Sword of Immortal" to their bookshelf learned about the update of "Sword of Immortal" immediately.

"I don't know if I should say MMP or not!"

"Open the door and check the water meter!"

"I'm already hungry and thirsty for my sword!"

"Using Qi to become a sword? Is this about sword repair?"

"Could it be that Mister Wang Chuan is not only proficient in the five elements, but also the sword?"

In the newly uploaded chapter, the male number two's sword cultivation realm has reached the state of using Qi to form a sword. This is a realm that has never appeared in this world. Because of this word, all practitioners who read books seem to have discovered something extraordinary As for the matter, the sword cultivator is itching to know what kind of realm it is to use Qi to form a sword. They can do it by Yujian Flying, but what is it like to use Qi to form a sword?

But in the new chapter, there is only the beginning about using Qi to become a sword, so most sword cultivators did not find any clues after scanning the entire chapter.

Sword Repair Forum
"Have you read the latest chapter of Mr. Wang Chuan?"

"What you want to ask about is turning Qi into a sword, right?"


"From the novel, it seems that no conclusion can be deduced."

"I heard that a master swordsman said that this should be the realm behind controlling the sword with qi."

"Use your body to nourish the sword, use the sword to become the Tao, use the Tao to generate energy, use the energy to control the sword, use the energy to become the sword?"

"What about the realm behind it?"

"Man and sword unite."

"What about the back?"

"Go west."

Regarding Fang Zhonghua's direct recruitment of his grandson to become a teacher in the school, although some people are quite critical, but Zhonghua University is directly under the management of the military department. To save face to the principal, most of the leadership acquiesced to this matter.

Not long after, each class received a notice from the school leader about the list of students brought by each tutor.

Art school
"Counselor, can I not go to that teacher Fang Jie?" A girl with a round face and big eyes asked her counselor.

"Uh." The counselor was also very embarrassed, but thinking of the parents of the girl named Ma Rong who had given him a gift before him, he thought about it: "Although the teacher is also very difficult, there are still ways to think of it."

"Really?" Ma Rong looked at the counselor with tears in his eyes.

"You find someone in the class who is willing to exchange with you. In this case, you don't have to go." The counselor said that although this is the list stipulated by the school, as long as the students are voluntary, they can still negotiate. And the change of tutor, but only before the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, each student must register with their tutor, and once registered, they cannot be changed.

"Teacher, can you help? I don't know who to turn to." Ma Rong looked at the counselor with a pitiful look.

Looking at Ma Rong's charming face, and remembering so many things her parents gave her, the counselor nodded hard: "It's okay, this matter is on the teacher's shoulders."

"Thank you teacher." Seeing that the counselor agreed to his request, Ma Rong licked his lips and blinked his eyes.

This lick made the counselor a little distracted and angry. He sat back and straightened his body: "It's okay."

Watching Ma Rong leave, Xiang Li covered his crotch. If this student named Ma Rong hadn't had some background, he would have taken action long ago. But thinking of the things at home, Xiang Li smiled, took out his phone, and checked Got a nice phone call.

 Guaranteed to have more than one chapter today, I am working hard, please click, please recommend


(End of this chapter)

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