Legend of the Broken Ring

Chapter 15 Time Crystal

Chapter 15 Time Crystal
At this time, Su Yuan had already landed, and there was a burst of softness. This was a green grass field, and behind Su Yuan was an unusually thick old tree, whose green leaves made it appear full of vitality.

And facing the old tree, that is, the direction Su Yuan was facing, there is a golden palace suspended in the air, which looks extraordinarily gorgeous under the golden light.

Su Yuan rubbed his buttocks, and began to look at the big tree behind him, but he didn't notice any changes in his body. The power of the rules just now appeared on Su Yuan's body again, blooming with milky white light. The original is the center, the rules emerging from his body.

"How old is this tree?" Su Yuan caressed the old bark, but the feeling in his hands was not old dry, but the moisture with great vitality.He wanted to teleport to the branch to have a look, but he didn't expect that there was an inexplicable force suppressing him in this space, preventing him from using his own rules.

The suppressed Su Yuan fell directly to the ground, unable to get up at all.He had no choice but to try to urge his own law again, but an inexplicable connection came to his heart, and he felt a warm feeling in his body.

Su Yuan looked down, and saw that his crystalline body was extremely brilliant under the golden light, and the crystalline body was entwined with countless rules, just like the scene when he was condensing the law, but condensed the law of space At that time it was a pure white light, but now it is more milky.

That inexplicable connection directly aroused a trace of Su Yuan's spiritual thoughts, and then that feeling became clear, a power to control time formed in Su Yuan's mind, and then a large space centered on Su Yuan Self-care formed a vortex space, and Su Yuan slowly floated upwards following the vortex.

But the strong wind didn't make the leaves of the giant tree flutter a bit, Su Yuan closed his eyes tightly, a dark rule formed in his mind, and then a different scene appeared in Su Yuan's heart.

I saw a milky white crystal above Su Yuan's heart, only the size of a thumb, but as Su Yuan rose higher and the wind became stronger and stronger, his milky white crystal also became bigger.

The milky white crystals also had crystal light, from the slow rotation at the beginning to the high-speed rotation at the end, the law gradually condensed in Su Yuan's body, and gradually grew bigger.Just when he was half condensed, Immortal Juhua appeared in this space in a panic, muttering: "Time?!"

But seeing Su Yuan floating in the center of the vortex of the wind, and the white crystal above the heart, Immortal Juhua laughed out loud regardless of his appearance, and his old eyes under the mask gleamed with uncontrollable joy.

"Chrysanthemum, which is your first apprentice?" A thick voice came to Ju Hua's ear, as if it was a middle-aged man, but Ju Hua only showed a strange arc at the corner of his mouth. His acquaintances.

"Eighteen, why did you like it?" Immortal Ju Hua was not surprised by the sudden voice, but was unusually calm, as if he was an old acquaintance with this voice.

"This kid has the law of time, but also the law of space. It seems that his road ahead will not be smooth." The man didn't answer directly, but praised Su Yuan instead.

"I don't need to bother you about this matter. I mean, you've been here for so long, aren't you tired?"

"Why bored?"

"What about her?" Immortal Juhua said lightly, but there was no more sound from there.

While the two were talking, Su Yuan's side had undergone earth-shaking changes, but not much.

I saw that the crystal above his heart was already half the size of a fist, and Su Yuan also stopped at the top of the big tree strangely, unable to go up at all.Immediately afterwards, I saw him slowly follow the crystal in the body to rotate in the opposite direction at the top.

In the huge vortex, a smaller vortex formed around Su Yuan's body, but this vortex is surrounded by two kinds of rules, one is the white space law, and the other is the milky white time law.But when the two are mixed together, the laws of space change.

Under the entanglement of the time law, the pure white space law gradually turned into a dark color.The two are intertwined like a gossip formation, forming a huge formation above Su Yuan's head.

"Oh?" Immortal Juhua was suspended in the air, stroking his beard and squinting his eyes at Su Yuan. From a distance, he saw the eight trigrams array on his head exuding a mysterious aura.

"This kid's understanding is unprecedented." The middle-aged man's voice sounded again, and his flat tone couldn't conceal his surprise.

"Thank you for the compliment, but this kid is indeed very proud." Immortal Juhua replied coldly, and the voice fell silent again, obviously not wanting to talk to this pretentious old man.

After a long time, the complex gossip array shrunk rapidly, directly submerging into Su Yuan's head, and the milky white spar also became the size of a fist.At this time, Su Yuan's hair has reached his waist under the impact of time, and the color has directly turned gray, but the spiritual power of life makes him turn black again, and black and white continue to cycle like this.

With his eyes closed, Su Yuan suddenly opened his eyes. The chaotic eyes made him feel lifeless, but the next moment, the muddy eyes instantly became clear, with strong power of law, his eyes flickered as if they could pierce the sky.

"Hahaha." At this time, a rough man's laughter came from all directions. Only Immortal Juhua knew that it was the man just now, but he didn't say anything.

"Who." Su Yuan was taken aback by the sudden laughter, and almost peed out of fear, because the pressure on him from the sound was too great, as if he was about to fall in the next moment.

However, the coercion disappeared in just an instant, but the laughter continued, carrying a strong force of law.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden giant appeared from the direction of the palace, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand.

Su Yuan looked in that direction and murmured, "Zhan Emperor?"

"Oh!?" Emperor Zhan was obviously startled by Su Yuan's reaction, and glanced at Immortal Ju Hua, but the latter just spread his hands helplessly, expressing that he didn't know how Su Yuan knew.

"The emperor of the Southern Dynasty, the emperor of the third generation?" Su Yuan asked confidently as if relieved. "It's me." Zhandi knew that it was useless for him to hide.

"..." The conversation fell into a brief silence, but Zhandi still spoke.

"Since I can condense time crystals in my place, I have great luck." Emperor Zhan praised, "Since I have come, I must be prepared for a young man."

When Su Yuan heard this, he fell silent, and the next moment, two extremely worn-out books appeared in Zhandi's hands, and he threw them towards Su Yuan.

"One is the passage of time that I deduced exhaustively, and the second is a pair of totems. You will understand when you go to that place." Emperor Zhan smiled slightly, obviously looking forward to this young man.

"Take it. Emperor Zhan gave it to you." Immortal Ju Hua drifted to Su Yuan's side and said lightly.

Su Yuan glanced at Immortal Ju Hua, who smiled mischievously, and he bowed three times, "Thank you."

The Emperor Zhan didn't speak, because his huge figure had disappeared into the air.

. . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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