Legend of the Broken Ring

Chapter 22 Forest Survival

Chapter 22 Forest Survival
The nervous Su Yuan looked at the huge monster in front of him, and hated these two bad old men in his heart, especially the bad old man with thatched hut, the good sealing rules, this mother wants him to survive in the wild rhythm.

But after thinking about it, Su Yuan did not relax his guard at all, instead he clenched his sword tightly again, this time he planned to attack by himself, after all, it is not his character to sit and wait for death.Thinking of this, Su Yuan directly stepped forward, lunged forward, and attacked the boa constrictor. Obviously, the big snake did not expect that Su Yuan, who looked cowardly, would take the initiative to attack. Contempt, and then the giant python stretched out and opened its bloody mouth, trying to bite Su Yuan, and at the same time, its flexible body kept twisting.

Su Yuan let out a low growl, slashed at him, and let go of the knife, and then a purple knife appeared in his hand, with the word "Zi Xun" on the handle, exuding a regular aura of purple. The aura doesn't seem to belong to any kind of attribute, giving people an ethereal but brutal killing aura.

The moment the previous knife flew out, Su Yuan took out Zi Xun and slashed at the python's seven inches. The big knife blocked the python's sight, giving Su Yuan a good chance to sneak attack.But Su Yuan forgot that snakes do not rely on eyes to crawl, but rely on heat induction.

The moment Su Yuan moved, the boa constrictor also moved, twisting its body. Seeing that his attack was no longer possible, Su Yuan gritted his teeth and aimed at a distance of seven inches, Zi Xun flew out across the air.The sound of piercing the space came, and a long roar of a dragon passed by, and there was a warm feeling with some strong smell of blood.

Su Yuan wiped his face, showed a perfect smile, pulled up Zi Xun and put it into the ring space.Then pick up the big knife and keep it by your side to protect yourself from time to time.Looking at the boa constrictor wriggling in the blink of an eye, Su Yuan felt a little nauseated. Although he saw a lot of blood, he still couldn't bear the taste.

After resting for a while, Su Yuan still planned to cut the python into pieces and put it away.After working for a while, and sweating profusely, Su Yuan took out the leaves just now and wrapped the snake meat section by section, planning to find a place with water and build a fire, otherwise the night would be difficult.

Thinking of this, Su Yuan picked up his backpack, picked up a thicker stick to support himself, and used it as a wayfinding by the way.After walking for more than half an hour, Su Yuan felt a little uncomfortable in such a hot weather. Suddenly, there was the sound of rustling water not far away. Su Yuan's expression was shocked, and he walked quickly towards the direction of the sound of water. go.

When we came to the water source, it was a small hill, and further forward was a small hill, which was about 200 meters high by visual inspection.Su Yuan saw that a fist-sized hole was continuously flowing water out, and the clear water formed a small river, flowing into the distance.

Su Yuan picked up a splash of water excitedly, and threw it directly on his face. The cool feeling made Su Yuan excited. He licked the water with his tongue, and a slightly sweet taste came from the tip of his tongue.Su Yuan took out his own water bag and filled it up when it was empty.

I took out the snake meat and cleaned it briefly, then scraped off the scales with a knife, and found large leaves around it to wrap them up.Only then did Su Yuan have time to look at the sun, and found that the sun was over his head. After thinking about it, Su Yuan planned to spend the night here tonight.

Climb to the top of the hill and find a relatively flat land, which happens to be directly exposed to the sun.Dig some flammable wood in the old tree hole, find two branches with a large difference in size, dig a hole in the big branch with a knife, sharpen the small one, and cover it with wood velvet. Su Yuan officially started the primitive life of drilling wood to make fire.

After working hard for more than an hour, Su Yuan's hands were already red and hot from rubbing, and some white smoke came out from the wood wool. Seeing this, Su Yuan increased his strength even more.

With Su Yuan's efforts, more and more smoke was produced, and some sparks appeared. Excited, Su Yuan began to blow the sparks slowly, trying to blow out some fire, and at the same time, he kept moving his hands.

After half an hour like this, the fire finally broke out. Su Yuan added more sawdust to it, and then spread some small branches, intending to make the flame bigger first.A few minutes later, Su Yuan took a knife and chopped off a few larger branches to make a fire.

When the fire was completely ignited, Su Yuan was so excited, as if he had won a prize of several million yuan, and his clothes were also soaked in sweat.Su Yuan, who was tired, took off his clothes and watched the sun set for a while before jumping into the small river and began to wash.

After one, Su Yuan stretched his waist, covered his second treasure with leaves, then set up a shelf with branches, and started to bake clothes.Because the temperature was very high, the clothes dried in less than an hour. Su Yuan put on the clothes comfortably, and did not barbecue immediately, but went to find branches, preparing to spend the night with the branches tonight.

After everything was ready, Su Yuan sat down satisfied and began to put the snake meat on the knife.Under the heating of the high-temperature flame, there was a continuous bark sound from the knife body immediately, and bursts of aroma spread into Su Yuan's nose.

After half of them disappeared, there were already three snake bones beside Su Yuan, but the sound still continued.

. . . . . .

In this way, Su Yuan was so busy that he didn't know when, he roasted the snake meat, wrapped it in leaves, and put it in his backpack.Following the light of the flames, Su Yuan took out Time flies and began to study this profound book.

Soon, Su Yuan was immersed in time again, and the milky white crystal was suspended above his head, floating up and down, and Su Yuan's whole body was also wrapped in crystal clear laws, bursts of rules blasted out, The distorted air brought out continuous waves, centered on Su Yuan and scattered to the side, as if a stone was thrown into a lake.

Time passed silently, the howling of wolves, the howling of bears, the rustling of small animals, and the crackling and crackling explosions from the flames in front of Su Yuan's eyes could be heard continuously in the silent forest. Just when I thought the night would pass like this, a group of unexpected guests came in the middle of the night.

The submerged Su Yuan was awakened by the frequent howling of wolves, and Su Yuan who opened his eyes was immediately taken aback. He saw a dozen pairs of shiny green shirts flashing under the hill, in the darkness twenty meters away from Su Yuan. Eyes, and heavy breathing at the same time.Su Yuan was so frightened that he jumped up, holding a big knife on guard.

And the wolves in the dark saw that Su Yuan was alone, and walked slowly, gradually reaching the visible range of Su Yuan, and took a closer look, Nima, there were seven wolves in total. . .

That's all for today's update, good night everyone, please recommend tickets for collection support.

(to be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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