Legend of the Broken Ring

Chapter 67 Time flies, the road returns to 1 (3 more)

Chapter 67: Time flies, the road is unified (third update)
"It is rumored that this blue lantern is the blue lantern that binds this universe, that is, its black fire, which burns off the shackles that imprison the universe, so that this universe can grow. Chaos treasures appeared. Gradually with the passage of time, the universe has changed into this way, and this blue lamp does not know where it flows." Juhua Immortal seems to recall the most distant memory, the old and chaotic eyes It was as deep as a starry sky, and Su Yuan couldn't understand it for a while.

"I'll go outside first to see what they're thinking." Su Yuan scratched his hair, planning to slip away.

When it reappeared, I saw that the eyeballs of these eight elixir plants were about to rot, and one was holding its own root, because it wanted to try to steal the heavy soil, but it was directly burned by the flames. .

"How are you thinking?" Su Yuan asked with a smile, not in a hurry.

The eight elixir plants looked left and right, and finally focused on the oldest and oldest one.

"Okay, we finally discussed and decided to go with you." The old tree finally blushed, as if it was so embarrassing to follow a younger generation.

"Follow me to ensure that you enjoy the food and drink spicy food, and this heavy soil will belong to you." Su Yuan put away the heavy soil, and then emitted space rules from his body, directly breaking the restriction here, and taking these spirits away. All the medicine gardens where the medicines were located were uprooted, and all of them were collected into the ring space.

Su Yuan came to the ring space in a flash.

"All of you introduce yourselves, so that I can get to know each other better, and at the same time, popularize the grades of your elixir." Su Yuan sat cross-legged beside the eight elixir plants. They were all planted, but sadly, only half of them survived.

The oldest tree coughed twice, directly as a representative, and began to introduce, "I am a green tree, 12 years old, and my essence leaves can quickly restore flesh and blood. This is an 8-year-old true ginseng. The effect is to prolong life. This is ghost vine grass, 6000 years old, poisonous, you can chat with him privately.

This is Mu Rongzhu, 11 years old, its leaves can be used to make tea, cultivate one's body and mind, ask him about the specific effects, I can't list too many..."

The old tree probably introduced the ages and abilities of these seven plants, but what Su Yuan liked the most was the black ghost vine grass. It is poisonous, and if it can be used as an attack, it is another thing to sneak attack the enemy. life-saving things.

Soon, these old things fell into a deep sleep. Because of the heavy soil, some of these plants already needed to break through. Now with the help of the heavy soil, they can finally break through the bottleneck.

After probably inspecting this space and finding nothing to plunder, Su Yuan took all the elixirs here and planted them in his ring space.In this way, Su Yuan's ring space was perfected.

When I came to the pool outside again, the headless bone was still spinning silently.Su Yuan jumped in directly, and then a steady stream of white light bloomed on Su Yuan's body.At the same time, the impurities in Su Yuan's body were also repelled by the milky white pool.

And the headless white bones seemed to be looking at Su Yuan, making Su Yuan's hair stand on end.But before he knew it, Su Yuan was immersed in this pool of water and lost his intuition.

In the white mist world, milky white water was continuously poured into Su Yuan's body to squeeze out his impurities.I saw that his body could completely see the glistening internal organs and flesh and blood.Su Yuan's body was almost shattered due to the attack of the green lamp, and being nourished in such a pool, he could feel a different kind of refreshment in exercising his body.


Unknowingly, Su Yuan's eighth level of condensing method has gradually stabilized.And the headless bone was still circling around the pool, and its direction was also shifted to Su Yuan, as if it was staring at Su Yuan.

On a certain day, the headless bones took out a bone sword from nowhere and stabbed at Su Yuan directly.With his eyes closed, Su Yuan flew out of a void at that moment, and the headless white bone directly turned into bone dregs and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, this world became chaotic, the pool disappeared, and the stone walls and caves disappeared.Su Yuan only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his whole body appeared in a vast void, and there were dots of starlight in the void, shining faintly.

"What kind of place is this?" Su Yuan looked at this strange world and asked suspiciously.

Suddenly he felt the passage of time, and also countless meteorites flew towards him.

A feeling of time flies spread in Su Yuan's heart, and at the same time, the time flies Jue also started to run in Su Yuan's mind, and the aura of rules brought about surrounded Su Yuan's body.

With a punch, with the feeling of time passing and the silence of space collapse, Su Yuan disappeared directly on the spot.

He was already convinced that this was the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, but this world made him a little unbelievable.

With a burst of stature, Su Yuan directly stopped on a huge meteorite.There is a newly germinated seed on the meteorite.The seeds exude a vast cosmic breath.

"Put it away." Just when Su Yuan was puzzled, the voice of Immortal Ju Hua rang again, he was afraid that Su Yuan, an idiot, would not know what to do.

Without even thinking about it, Su Yuan directly put the seed into the ring space, and then fell silent in this vast starry sky.The feeling of time passing by kept washing over Su Yuan.The mantras of the passage of time are constantly recited silently in Su Yuan's heart.

Time flies, everything originates.

Somewhere, a feeling rose in Su Yuan's heart.

The universe is removed, chaos reappears, time generates space, space generates all things, and all things are returning to one.

Life is full of ups and downs.

At that moment, all the pale time rules on Su Yuan's body burst apart at that moment, and then reassembled.wrapped around him.

Su Yuan's tightly closed eyes opened in that moment. At that moment, he clearly felt a barrier, a kind of restriction that could look down on all living beings but did not break it. He knew that this was the rule of his own time. The barrier I felt for the first time in so long.

Traces of time passed across Su Yuan's fingertips, like a plain girl's hand pushing aside a calm lake.

"Time flies, and the road returns to one." A loud noise echoed in the void, and then the endless void burst open, and then the stars in front of Su Yuan disappeared, and all the meteorites disappeared. The feeling of feeling disappeared, and the space collapse brought Su Yuan to a new world.


(to be continued...)
Good night everyone, that's all for today,

(End of this chapter)

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