Legend of the Broken Ring

Chapter 84 Wanted (Part 3)

Chapter 84 Wanted (third update)

At that moment, Su Yuan had an extremely dangerous aura.Immediately afterwards, the huge hand grabbed Su Yuan directly, a kind of oppressive momentum was like the might of the sky, making Su Yuan unable to move at all.

A bloody arrow was sprayed out directly, and Su Yuan's aura quickly weakened.

Squinting his eyes and looking at Patriarch Sima, Su Yuan spit out several streams of blood and directly merged into Zi Xun, Xingmo Pagoda was also sacrificed by him, and Wu Ze collapsed and the second floor of Years and Years was also sacrificed at the same time. out.

One year old and one dry and prosperous, the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

After Su Yuan's shocking attack, Patriarch Sima didn't defend himself, but ran away without hesitation.

Seeing the fleeing figure, Su Yuan didn't go after him. First, he didn't have the ability to go after him. Even if he caught up with him, he wouldn't be able to kill him, and Bingmo City was his domain.At this time, Su Yuan's energy was sluggish, and if he chased him, he would only be made dumplings and become a martyr.

The figure fled quickly, and the two of Su Yuan fled directly into the depths of the void.

The more they went to the side, the more prosperous they felt.Because I can see a white planet from a distance, and the planet is full of high-tech things, huge spaceships, and high-end buildings.There is also a strong prohibition protecting this white planet.

In a blink of an eye, two people appeared in the wilderness of this planet.From a distance, I saw a huge spaceship flying towards the city. The huge spaceship blocked most of the world, and Su Yuan and the two were amazed.

If the earth had this kind of technology, then they would not be intruded by the Celestials, and the same slow-moving fox star would not be able to reach this high-end level at all.

The two people followed the huge spaceship directly into the city, and saw the spaceship gradually landed, and then slowly landed in a huge parking lot, because there are densely packed spaceships, some big and some small, small The one can only sit one person, the big one is simply luxurious, it can hold tens of thousands of people, and there are many rooms to live in.

The two didn't stay for long, and came directly to the gate of the city.This place is the same as Bingmo City, you need to pay star coins to enter, but now Su Yuan is no longer an ordinary person, a boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

How can a few star coins stump him?

After entering the city, Su Yuan really felt what prosperity is.

The main street is a street up to 100 meters wide and stretches out to the side.From a distance, I saw a luxurious palace at the end of the street, but there was a huge Shang character painted on it.

The two of Su Yuan came to the rest house immediately, planning to book a room first.However, because of the battle just now, the two of them directly changed their appearance, and then went to the resting place to prevent the crystal ball of the resting place from recording it.

After entering the room, Su Yuan planned to read the book on formations.He took out the formation book he got from Nugu Axe, and started to study it directly.But because he didn't have the materials and array flags at hand, he felt sad and had to go to the chamber of commerce to buy some materials.

As soon as you walk into the chamber of commerce, there is a feeling and aura of being awesome and tall.

After a general look at the first floor, there are some weapons in the starry sky.Shaking his head, Su Yuan went directly to the second floor.

As soon as he came to the second floor, Su Yuan saw a lot of refining materials, and he guessed right.

However, to be careful, Su Yuan simply bought some low-grade materials, but the small quantity was abnormally large.In the end, it cost him 10,000+ star coins when he settled the bill.

As soon as he returned to Xizhan, Su Yuan was immersed in the formation book, and at the same time, he used the Qiankun cauldron to continuously refine the formation flag.However, when he was refining the array flag, he had already read the introductory book on refining equipment.

Taking advantage of the time of refining the array flag, Su Yuan also tried to get started with refining weapons.

However, the art of crafting made him shut out from the very beginning. It took Su Yuan more than a month to practice all of the 10,000+ materials. In the end, only more than 100 flags were left, and all others were invalid, including the one he wanted to try to refine. knives and guns.Just a part of that pile of black trash.

For a whole month, Su Yuan didn't leave the room, but what he didn't know was that a big event happened outside, which was related to him.

"Su Yuan, are you here?" Just when Su Yuan was about to take a rest, a restless voice rang directly.

Opening the door, he quickly walked in with a piece of paper in his hand.

"The two of us are wanted. Take a look." Panting heavily, he said hastily.

Su Yuan took the paper from Bu Luxikuai's hand and looked at it carefully.

Soon, Su Yuan showed a dumbfounding expression, "Is this a joke?" Su Yuan smiled helplessly, "This rubbish can't beat us, but now it's biting people."

Su Yuan cursed coldly, his eyes gleamed coldly, if he hadn't just arrived and had no strength, how could he, a little patriarch, do anything to Su Yuan.

In the arrest warrant, Su Yuan was highlighted, with a devilish aura on his body, and a blurry portrait of a human face.

"It seems that we have to be careful, maybe the Bingmo Starry Sky is controlled by them. After all, the Patriarch of the Sima family in Bingmo City is an eternal master and has the status to speak." Bu Xikuai said with a serious face.

Of course, Su Yuan was also aware of this problem.

But when the two of them were struggling, at the Lingshan of the Starry Sky Emperor who was far away from them, many masters of the Eternal Realm gathered together. Of course, Patriarch Sima was also here. I'm here.

"Sima Xi, are you serious? A starry sky realm released a demonized supernatural power, and then seriously injured you?" The speaker was the starry sky emperor who was sitting at the top. , It is unmatched by many strong people here.

"Yes, please enlighten the emperor." After speaking, Sima Xi directly took out a void ball and re-described the scene of Su Yuan fighting with him, but he was blocked by them automatically.

The emperor frowned tightly after watching it. He didn't believe what Sima Xi said at first, but when he saw the battle scene, he believed it.He has seen Sima Xi's ability before, even if he encounters the middle stage of eternity, he can escape, but he didn't expect that this kid in the starry sky realm could raise his realm to the peak of Daoyuan in an instant.

"Send someone to investigate where the whole person is. I saw that he was also seriously injured by you. It should be due to the strong backlash of this supernatural power." The emperor's clear voice rang out and echoed in the hall.

. . . . . .

(To be continued...) Good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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