Chapter 17 Ambush
On the morning of Friday, October 10th, in an alley outside the University of Technology in City H, seven or eight people who looked like gangsters were talking to a young man.

The leader of the group stood dazedly, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said flatteringly.

"Westbrook, why did you ask us to come here this time, and who is not open-minded enough to provoke you?"

The young man in front of him, namely Song Wei, couldn't help showing a hint of hatred on his face when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, it's not a big shot, it's just an ordinary sophomore."

The leader of the gangster let out a hey: "This is rare, an ordinary student dares to provoke us Westbrook, don't you want to live?"

"Don't underestimate him. On the surface, he looks like an ordinary student. If my guess is correct, he should be a practitioner."

Catching an adult who fell from the fifth floor with bare hands is really impossible for most people.

The gangster snorted disdainfully, patted his bulging waist, and said nonchalantly.

"What's wrong with Lian Jiazi? No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you're still afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how good your martial arts skills are, you'll be knocked down with a brick. What's important in fighting is quickness, accuracy and ruthlessness. What's the use of so many bells and whistles."

Song Wei quickly reminded: "Don't use a knife, this time the situation is a bit special, just break a few bones, don't use a knife."

If it was just to break a few bones, that old man Wen Chenghao would not tear his face apart. At worst, he would have to pay for some medical expenses, since his goal was not in this way in the first place.

But if he really cut off his hands and feet, even if it was for his own face, Wen Chenghao might have to ask his father for an explanation.

Anyway, breaking the bones can also achieve your ultimate goal, so why make yourself uncomfortable?

But when the gangster heard it, he immediately became alert: "Well, Westbrook, didn't you say that this kid is not a big shot, then you..."

These days, it’s not easy to be a gangster. He looks majestic, and if he accidentally kicks the iron plate, he will kneel directly—for example, the former boss is still picking up soap in prison. Sunflowers are gone.

"Look at how cowardly you are."

Song Wei glanced at him with disdain, shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, he doesn't have any background. It's just that I did something recently. If dad knows that I'm looking for someone to kill someone again, he'll probably scold me again."

"That's all right, don't worry Westbrook, this matter is on the brothers, tell me, Westbrook, you want to break some of his bones."

"Whatever, just teach him a lesson, you decide. Here, here is his photo, and below is his information."

The gangster took the photo and glanced at it. It seemed that the photo was taken secretly, but the person who took the candid photo was very professional, taking pictures of the target's appearance and figure clearly from various angles.

Looking at the young man in ordinary clothes in the photo, the gangster was completely relieved, seeing that he didn't look like a rich man, so it would be easy to handle.

"OK, Westbrook, I'll leave this matter to my brother, I'll make sure you're satisfied, that's... hehe..."

Seeing the gangster rubbing his hands with a smirk on his face, Song Wei curled his lips in disdain, took out a wad of money from his arms and threw it over.

"As usual, this is [-]. After the matter is completed, I will pay the remaining [-]."

The gangster took the money in a hurry, and kept nodding and bowing: "Thank you Westbrook, thank you Westbrook."

After leaving the alley, Song Wei didn't go back to school, nor did he go home. Instead, he came to a cafe across the street and sat in front of a middle-aged man.

"How about it, have you seen it clearly?"

The middle-aged man put down the cup in his hand, smiled, and tapped the camera on the table.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional."

"That's good." Song Wei nodded slightly, "Your next task is to follow these people, and after they attack Gao Cheng, you can take pictures of their fight."

"Remember, even if these guys have the upper hand, you have to take the photo as if they were fighting, not Gao Cheng being beaten unilaterally. Also, it's best not to feel too professional in the photo, it doesn't matter if it's blurry, as long as It’s enough to see who it is.”

The middle-aged man made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, I'm a professional."

Nodding, Song Wei took out a wad of money again and pushed it over.

"This is the deposit for this time, I'm waiting to hear your good news."

After finishing speaking, Song Wei stood up and walked out of the coffee shop, opened the door and looked at the bright sunshine in the sky, just like his mood at this time.

Hmph, you dared to get me scolded and beaten up. If I can't kill you, I'm not Song...

"Please let me go, thank you."

"It's noon, he actually stood at the door looking at the sun, isn't he a fool?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you, it's scary for a fool to go crazy."

"Hurry up and go."

Song Wei: "..."

The next few days were uneventful, and after a quiet weekend came Monday, October 10.

Just as Gao Cheng said, Xiao Xue disappeared from the campus, which made his classmates believe his remarks about Xiao Xue's dropout, and also made them feel a lot lost in their hearts.

Girls from art schools, if I could have a sorority party with them, it would be heaven!

Similarly, the beautiful girl who came to Gao Cheng that day did not show up, which also convinced them that Gao Cheng and her had indeed just met by chance.

But having said that, most people saw the scene when Gao Cheng was taken away in public that day, and many of them took photos and posted them on the school forum - of course, their main purpose It was a filming of Wen Siying, Gao Cheng was just incidental.

But even so, Gao Cheng's appearance can be seen from some photos, coupled with the replies from some people who know Gao Cheng, his popularity in the school has skyrocketed.

Everyone was very curious as to why such a person with an ordinary appearance, ordinary clothes, and an ordinary family background could be favored by such a beautiful girl.

Because of this, Gao Cheng often encounters people pointing and pointing at him when he walks in the campus. At the beginning, he was a little uncomfortable, but now, his heart has no fluctuations and he even wants to start a live broadcast Earn some pocket money.

I don't know if someone will reward me if I sing live.

It can be seen that human is really a highly adaptable creature. Of course, the possibility that Gao Cheng has a thicker skin cannot be ruled out.

After class this day, Gao Cheng suddenly wanted to eat the stinky tofu from the shop in front of the school, so he handed the book to Wu Jie and asked him to take it back for him, while he turned around and walked towards the school gate.

But what he didn't notice was that after he walked out of the school gate, there were seven or eight people who looked like gangsters followed him quietly, but Gao Cheng didn't notice it.

After queuing up, Gao Cheng got his share of stinky tofu, and as soon as he got it, he couldn't wait to put a piece in his mouth.

Mmm, delicious.

Nodding his head, Gao Cheng turned around and was about to go back, but just as he turned around, he bumped into someone straight, the paper bowl in his hand was also smashed, and most of the soup was squeezed out.

"Damn it, are you blind?! You've stained labor and capital's clothes, and you'll lose money!"

 Thank you [Qingdiyu] [Summer and Dongxue] for their recommendation, thank you


(End of this chapter)

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