I really just want to be a normal person

Chapter 56 Journey to the Universe

Chapter 56 Journey to the Universe
Looking at Gao Cheng and Gao Cheng who stared wide-eyed, Dong Siqi simply pointed to the names of the people he typed on the screen and explained them one by one.

"Platinum Star, extremely accurate, extremely fast, and has excellent eyesight. What is this? This is definitely the chief surgeon!"

"Crazy Diamond, restore the body, what is this? This is obviously a broken limb restoration doctor!"

"Looking at the golden experience again, it doesn't matter whether you are missing arms or legs, or you are blind and handicapped, no matter how long you have been disabled, he can repair it for you. This is obviously better than repairing broken limbs."

"There is also the last Stone of Liberty. Although its ability is not as good as the first two, it can suture wounds. Together with her father, it happens to form a father-daughter team. One performs surgery and the other sutures. What is missing?"

"There is obviously a shortage of anesthesiologists!"


Dong Siqi looked at the two people who were stunned, and shrugged, the meaning was self-evident.

Gao Cheng and the others were stunned for half a minute before they realized it, the way they looked at Dong Siqi was different.

"Nimma, you can be trapped in the solar system with a big brain, right?"

"Hey, you guys don't understand this. When you write novels these days, you write novels that are unexpected and eclectic. If you really write something step by step, it may not be as attractive as this weird setting. "

Well, you are a professional and you are right.

Since he has nothing to do, Gao Cheng and the others don't bother to care about him anymore, let him continue to think about the setting and plot there, and hope he is not a 3-minute hit.

As a result, Wu Jie was giggling at the photos on his phone, Liu Yang went back to watch the game, Dong Siqi was thinking about the plot, and Gao Cheng was the only one left with nothing to do.

Gao Cheng decided to take a stroll in the universe.

Speaking of which, since he became a Heavenly Dao, he has not been in the universe. There is no way, he was just an ordinary person a month ago, and now he has suddenly become a Heavenly Dao, and he has not yet transformed from an ordinary person.

If he hadn't suddenly had nothing to do today and was bored, he probably wouldn't be able to remember it.

After making the decision, Gao Cheng lay on the bed, closing and opening his eyes. Don't get me wrong, a day hasn't passed, but he has already entered the universe.

Of course, his physical body was still lying on the bed, and he also left some spiritual thoughts in case of any emergencies. This body in space was just a temporary projection.

In fact, after becoming the Dao of Heaven, there is no need for the so-called physical body. The entire universe is his body. Wherever a thought reaches, a body can be projected in an instant. Whether it is a god body or an immortal body, it is just a thought. That's all.

But then again, on his own territory, let alone a god body or an immortal body, even if he projects a body made of tofu, he is still invincible. Nothing more.

So it doesn't matter if Gao Cheng maintains such a mortal body, no one can beat him anyway.

Standing in space, feeling the messy and endless radiation in space and the ultra-low temperature in space, Gao Cheng looked around with interest and shook his arms a few times.

It turns out that this is how it feels in the universe.

Compared with the earth, the sun looks smaller now, but it is much brighter. If it is a normal human being, it will be blinded in a flash, but Gao Cheng is unaware of it, and directly Stare at the bright star embedded in the dark veil.

Although the sunlight is extremely strong, but because there is no scattering by the atmosphere, the sunlight does not spread throughout the field of vision, but emits its own light and heat like a small bright spot, and it is surrounded by countless stars. It was dark, the sun and stars appeared at the same time, and it was still dark around. These are obviously spectacle that cannot be seen on the earth.

Looking back, Gao Cheng was very excited, and he teleported to the surface of the moon. He found the place where Armstrong landed, saw the footprints left by that famous small step, and the Star-Spangled Banner.

The Stars and Stripes itself is still there. After all, it is made of special materials, and it has not been damaged after all these years, but the color has faded a little.

After visiting this small step, Gao Cheng made another dodge, and came directly to the side of the sun, to feel the huge star up close and feel the rolling heat coming towards his face—the heat is enough to vaporize steel instantly, but Gao Cheng didn't realize it, and looked at the huge prominences erupting from time to time on the sun, Gao Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

I should be the first person to ascend to the sun, and it was still in the daytime.

After visiting the sun, Gao Cheng flashed to Mars again.

There is nothing on Mars, only a few scrapped Mars rovers. There are no potato fields or human-shaped cockroaches. There is just endless red soil, which looks a bit depressing.

After visiting these planets, the high achievements began to flicker everywhere in the solar system, running around the rings of Saturn for a while, drilling into Jupiter to see what the core of Jupiter looks like, and running to Pluto to see this It was a joy to play what the planet that was kicked out of the nine planets by scientists looked like.

After satisfying his curiosity, Gao Cheng didn't go back, but turned around in the Milky Way. After walking for a long time, he dissipated this projection of himself contentedly, and opened the door of the physical body on the earth. Eye.

After blinking twice, Gao Chengcai got used to this dislocation of time and space. After all, this was his first time traveling in the universe. Although he only walked around the Milky Way, it was still a very novel experience for him. experience.

All in all, it's quite interesting.

Gao Cheng nodded in satisfaction. If he made up his mind to confess to Wen Siying, he could take her for a stroll too. It must be interesting to see her shocked look.

Gao Cheng, who has returned to Earth, must not have known that shortly after he dispersed the projection, a pair of sharp claws suddenly appeared in the space, tearing the space apart easily, and a strange shape walked out of the crack in the space. It is a humanoid creature.

Although this creature has hands and feet, its fingers are like sharp blades.And there seemed to be four scars on its right hand, two scars on the palm and back of the hand, facing each other, like two penetrating wounds.

There is a sharp spike protruding from each of its elbows. These two spikes are not round spikes, but like two bone knives, which look very sharp.

Its legs are relatively normal, but the feet are also gleaming, composed of four sharp claws, just like bird claws.

Not only that, this creature also has a long tail, which is swinging unconsciously behind it. The tip of the tail is like the tip of a gun. It just swings unconsciously, and even draws a path in the space.

And this creature is standing at the place where the Gaocheng projection disappeared, its face is full of excitement and fanaticism, and there are countless complicated patterns flashing in its eyes, it seems that what it is observing is not this space, but the universe. Nature.

"Yes, that's the smell! This is the smell of the origin of the universe! It must be him, it must be the master of those two attacks! Hahahaha, I finally found you!"

It roared excitedly in its throat. Although there was no air in the space, its excited roar spread strangely and quickly around, echoing in the endless void.

And after roaring this sentence, it swiped straight with one claw, drew a space crack again, walked in, and disappeared into the endless universe.

(End of this chapter)

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