Chapter 93 No.90 The Three Sons
This small island is not big in the first place, and you can even have a panoramic view of the whole island at a glance from a high place.

Going in from the place where Gao Cheng and the others landed, there is a gravel beach, and further forward, there is a barren mountain. This small mountain range occupies most of the entire island, and there is a small mountain on the other side of the mountain. The woods, these are all the things on the whole island.

And Gao Cheng and the others were heading towards the hill under the leadership of Hank and the others. Ten minutes later, a group of people came to the foot of the mountain and detoured for 300 meters. Everyone's eyes lit up.

The mountain range that was originally extending along the mountain suddenly broke off in front of my eyes, forming a cliff. The traces on the cliff were very new and neat, obviously not formed naturally, and the large and small gravels scattered on the beach were also It proves this point: the crushed stones vary in size, but the same thing is that their fractures are very fresh, not to mention moss and other plants, and there are not even traces of wind and rain.

And at the bottom of the cliff, there is a shallow cave, which can hold only one person. In this cave, there is also a person kneeling on the ground, with his hands crossed on his chest, and his head bowed to the front, praying. .

In front of TA, there is a stone cross. The cross is also very new, but it is very delicate, and even the patterns on the cross are clearly visible.

As for this person's appearance, since he was kneeling on the ground with his back to everyone and praying, he couldn't even tell his gender. All he could see was his long platinum-like hair hanging down, blocking his face.

After seeing this person, Hank's footsteps obviously slowed down, not to mention the conversation, and they didn't even dare to breathe a little harder, for fear of disturbing this person.

Several people walked behind this person gently. Hank and the others had no intention of waking him up, but just stood there and waited slowly. After about ten minutes, TA moved and stood up Come on, after crossing his chest, he turned around and faced everyone.

After seeing TA's appearance, Gao Cheng's first reaction was to look at TA's throat first, and then he muttered strangely after seeing TA's Adam's apple.

"Aren't men ashamed to go out if they don't look like women these days?"

In fact, this man's appearance is not feminine. If I have to say it, he should be considered neutral, but this neutral appearance is matched with his shawl-length hair and fair skin. , it's hard not to misunderstand her as a woman.

After glaring at Gao Cheng fiercely, Hank took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and said respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, the man has already arrived, and he has also contacted his master. It should arrive soon."

The strange thing is that even when talking to the Holy Son, who is obviously a Westerner, Hanke still uses this half-baked Chinese language, which attracts Gao Cheng's frequent glances.

As if seeing Gao Cheng's doubts, Shengzi smiled slightly, showing a warm smile that could melt the winter snow, re-flow the glaciers, and rejuvenate the earth.

Of course, this is a normal person's feeling. Anyway, Gao Cheng's first reaction when he saw this smile was: Fuck, no wonder his subordinates are gay, it's no wonder that Nima doesn't bend when facing such a man all day long!
After laughing, the Holy Son opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't worry, the Lord taught us: a mouth that speaks lies is his abhorrence; lie."

What he said was correct and round, and it was also a standard Chinese language.

If you learn Chinese, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!
And his voice is also extremely clean and clear, like a clear spring flowing, and like jade hitting each other, it's a pity that it's a man...
As for what he said, it was just a standard magician's speech. The translated meaning is: I don't bother to lie, so I specifically use your language to say it. Are you moved?

Gao Cheng said hehe...
Seeing Gao Cheng's expressionless face, the Son didn't care, and turned to Hank and the others.

"You have done a good job. When I go back, I will truthfully tell His Majesty the Pope, and His Majesty will never forget your contributions."

The three of Hank knelt on one knee at the same time: "Everything is for the restoration of the glory of the Lord!"

After shouting the slogans, the three of them stood behind the Holy Son, just like the four Vajras missing each other.

Gao Cheng saw that they had set up their chariots and horses, so he just waited for him to be the "master". After thinking about it, he felt that it was almost time for him to appear on the stage. Otherwise, the four of them would go to this stop, maybe they didn't feel it themselves, but Gao Cheng really felt embarrassed Cancer is almost done.

With a thought, the four of them felt a huge pressure coming from the air at the same time. This pressure was so great that even Hank, a pseudo-S-level master, almost broke out in cold sweat.

Would it be so scary, I haven't seen anyone yet, and the shit is about to be squeezed out.

The holy son squinted his eyes slightly, looking up at the direction of the coercion. There seemed to be light flickering on his body, and his eyes gradually changed from blue to platinum.As the coercion became stronger, the light emanating from his body became more and more obvious, and behind him, several pairs of wings outlined by light could be seen slowly emerging.

The strange thing is that this coercion seems to be released according to the strength of several of them. The degree of coercion that everyone feels is different, and they are all stuck at the level that makes them blush without fainting.

Because if you look at the coercion that Hank felt, Barton, as a superhuman with no frontal combat ability, must have fainted a long time ago, but it can be seen from the fact that he is still holding on with his face blushing. , although the pressure he felt was great, it was obviously different from the power that Hank felt.

Thinking about it this way, Hank's heart became a little colder. He didn't expect that the master behind the scenes was so strong. This control is terrifying.

Fortunately, just in case, the Pope sent His Highness the Holy Son to take action in person. If he and Barton were to be together, they would be instantly killed in a single encounter.

Just when the three of them felt that the coercion was getting stronger and stronger, the veins on their faces were bulging, and their faces were even more red and purple, and when they were about to faint in the next moment, the coercion suddenly disappeared without a trace , as if it never existed.

Only Hank and his three jumping figures proved that this coercion did exist.

They jumped up not because they were happy, but because just now, in order to resist the coercion, in order not to let themselves be crushed and kneel down directly, the muscles of the three of them were tense, and their legs were of course no exception.

Now the coercion disappeared suddenly, and the pressure on them was suddenly emptied, like a spring that was pressed to the limit, didn't their fully tense legs make them jump up directly.

Speaking of which, it is no joke that supernatural beings will strengthen the body, the jump is really high...
(End of this chapter)

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