Chapter 112 No Signal
"Well, of course I know, it is a magical book that records biographies and some taboo knowledge, and of course there are outer gods far away in the deep space, or should be said to be evil gods. After all, their power is full of strange things. and distorted." Qingye clapped the Lalaiye text in her hand, and said to the panicked Qingling with a smile on her face.

"." Qingling was surprised, it turned out that the lord knew about it.

"Master, since you know its name, you must also know its origin." Qingling glanced at Shizhi who was still trembling beside her, and said helplessly.

"You mean the city of R'lyeh, the deep divers and the legendary old ruler, Cthulhu, the sleeping god?" Aoba looked at the book in his hand and asked suspiciously, the monsters in this world also Familiar with the legend of Cthulhu?
Whether it is Aoba’s previous life or Japan in this life, the so-called Cthulhu is just a novel created by someone, so after he got the text of Raliyah, he only regarded it as a prop from anime.

But seeing the appearance of Qingling and Shizhi now, Aoba knows that things are definitely not just that simple. In this world, the Cthulhu myth may not be just a novel, it also has some unknown, independent legend.

Hearing the name spoken by the lord, the two frightened monsters immediately took out their weapons, and a huge staff in the shape of a branch appeared in Qing Ling's hands, with a curved thread at the top Shaped, hanging a lantern burning with a pale blue flame.

Shiori directly pulled out the enlarged version of the demon sword Muramasa from behind, and the two monsters stood back to back, surrounded by the lord, observing the surrounding situation vigilantly.

This sudden scene made Aoba feel a little confused, and still didn't understand what happened.

"It's a little strange, why didn't any reaction happen, Miss Qing." Shiori looked around blankly.

"I don't know about it myself. It stands to reason that those things should have appeared." Qing Ling was also puzzled for a while.

"." Several people fell silent.

"Qing Ling, what are you talking about?" Qing Ye asked with some doubts, the current scene actually made him feel quite embarrassed.

"My lord, those alien gods and monsters." Qing Ling turned her head and said, and then looked around vigilantly again.

"Uh? Why?" Aoba was even more confused, he hadn't started summoning yet, where did the gods and monsters come from.

"My lord, a name is a powerful medium, especially for monsters like concubines. Generally speaking, monsters don't say their names," Qing Ling said.

"Why?" Qingye was stunned.

"Because this is very dangerous. If the other party is stronger than the concubine and knows the real name of the concubine after knowing the existence of the concubine, then he will also have the ability to perceive the concubine."

"If it's an enemy, it will be troublesome." Aoba nodded, this is similar to the other party installing a GPS on your body.

"If the opponent's strength is too weak, then the situation will be completely different. We can perceive the existence of the opponent when the opponent calls out his name. It's just that the risk is too high, so almost no monsters will do this, unless it is against ourselves. very confident in its strength.”

"So that's the case!" Aoba nodded.

"Like in the Age of Gods, some gods did this. Through the prayers of believers, they used their names as a medium to lend their power to believers. However, the power of names is very complicated, which involves the disparity in power between the two parties and some other situations , it is difficult to explain clearly to the lord for a while."

Having said that, Qingling glanced at the Lalaiye text in the master's hand with some seriousness.

"In today's terms, it means that the other party has learned your phone number. When calling you, you can also see the other party's phone number here." Hearing Qing Ling's explanation, Qing Ye thought for a while , I suddenly feel that this is like a stolen mobile phone, and the spam text messages that are forced to be received every day. If you want to block the other party, unless your security level is higher than the other party.

"You're right in saying that." Qing Ling looked around vigilantly. After hearing the description of the lord, combined with the knowledge about the present world in her mind, she felt the same.

"Then what are the gods and monsters you are talking about?" Aoba asked again.

"The higher the level of life, the greater the life signal it carries will radiate to the surroundings, and it will also have a stronger perception. When a person who is familiar with his own existence appears and calls them by name When the time comes, they will perceive this person, and this subconscious behavior will automatically lower the life radiation they carry."

Qingling turned her head and glanced at Shizhi behind her. It had been so long, why there was no reaction at all.

"And monsters like Qie Shen and Shiori don't have such a high level of life, and they won't take the initiative to do this, because there is no reason and no need. Doing so will only weaken themselves, so the spirits and gods enshrined in the shrine are also He will only give his strength to his most loyal believers."

Qing Ling looked at the book in the master's hand and said.

"However, there is a certain kind of existence in the world, almost infinite life, which makes them very fond of being sung by others, receiving sacrifices and lowering their own power, giving them to loyal believers, and at the same time appreciating the power produced by their own power. Change, this type of existence is the alien god, or the outer god recorded in this book."

"They are distorted and chaotic, there is no good or evil at all, everything they do is out of their own preferences, so their believers are also very crazy, doing things without reason, anyone who has anything to do with them or their believers Those who have been in contact with it are almost impossible to escape, whether it is human beings or monsters."

"Yes, lord, those people are really scary!" Shiori said with a pale face.

"Thousands of years ago, those believers came here to preach for their gods. However, compared with casual monsters, these chaotic and evil believers naturally cannot get along well with each other, so..."

Speaking of Qingling here, his face became even paler. Thinking back to the huge monster in his memory, and the characteristic of being immortal, as well as the loud noise that made people crazy and whispered all the time, there was some fear in his expression.

Thinking of this, Qing Ling shook her head, shaking that memory out of her mind.

"Although those believers have disappeared into history, even in the 200 years before the gate of the demon world was closed, the human world has almost forgotten their existence, but for us monsters, what happened at that time, It’s still very clear in my memory.”

"But in the present world, there are also novels and explanations about them. If you just know their existence and call their names, their power will be summoned, then the world would have been destroyed long ago." Qing Ye Wen expressed his doubts. After all, Cthulhu's novels have become published books.

Qing Ling shook her head, she knew what the lord meant.

"It is useless to know their existence only from books. Only by knowing their existence through some special medium can their power be aroused, such as the book in your hand, my lord. If you hold Inform other people through the media, using language or any form of information dissemination, then this person will also attract their attention." Qing Ling looked at the book in the master's hand and said.

"If only ordinary people learned about their existence and names through ordinary story books, they would not be able to hear them no matter how loud they yelled. To explain what you just said, my lord, ordinary people seem to be holding a book. A phone without a card, and you with the media in your hand, like someone handing out SIM cards.”

"." Hearing Qingling's explanation, Qingye was stunned. He didn't expect that he would draw inferences from one instance in just a while. Is the ability to accept it so strong?

"That's why I and Shiori are so nervous after the master just called out its name, and you are holding the book, it stands to reason that they should appear the moment you call out its name, but why?" Qingling was a little puzzled. Could it be that those old rulers are already dead?
But no matter how you think about it, it's impossible. In terms of their lifespan, it should be infinite. Even if the world is destroyed, they can't die due to time, right?

It couldn't have been beaten to death, could it?

At this moment, Qing Ling very much hoped that they had been killed.

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