People start to check in in Tokyo

Chapter 131 Make a Sacrifice

Chapter 131 Make a Sacrifice

"However, you didn't expect that you would be discovered by your father, right!" Kosaka Kyosuke said in a deep voice, he found that Kirino's emotions were not as excited as before, and she should have figured it out.

"Yeah!" Kosaka Kirino nodded, his face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

"So, you have to make a choice now." Kyosuke Kosaka looked at Kirino calmly.

"Do you want me to give up my interests?" Kosaka Kirino's expression was full of struggles.

"Hey! If you can do this, there won't be so many things to do." Kousaka Kyosuke helplessly spread his hands.

"Since you know that and still say that, then I." Kosaka Kirino looked up suspiciously.

"But this matter must be resolved now, so we need to find a way to calm Dad's anger, and you don't need to care about other people's eyes and hide it timidly." Kosaka Kyosuke leaned back heavily, Lost in thought.

"It would be great if you can think of it so easily." Kosaka Kirino muttered.

"However, if you want to solve it at the root, it is basically unrealistic. After all, it is a social problem, unless you can read infinitely!" Aoba said, looking at Kosaka Kyousuke with a strange expression.

"Infinity. What?" Kyosuke Kosaka and Kirino Kosaka were stunned at the same time.

"Ahem, it's nothing!" Aoba turned his head in embarrassment, and said it a little fluently for a while, he almost forgot that there is no such work as Naruto in this world.

"Uh..." The two of them gave Asama Aoba a strange look.

"However, what Asama-kun said just now is correct. If you want to completely deny Dad's remarks from the source, at least for now, it is not a realistic thing." Kyosuke Kosaka nodded.

"What should I do?" Kosaka Kirino became more and more desperate.

"Hey, Kirino, you are versatile in sports, excellent in studies and dignified. If you don't have such interests, then you are simply too perfect." Kyosuke Kosaka said with a smile.

"I knew about this kind of thing a long time ago." Kosaka Kirino looked at her brother angrily. If she really gave up her interest and became like that, then she would definitely be in the eyes of her parents. The most perfect daughter, but is that still Takasaka Kirino?
"." Kosaka Kyousuke silently looked at the roaring Kosaka Kirino.

"However, I will not give up, I will never give up, because I like it very much, I really like it, I can't give up it, and I don't want to give up." Kosaka Kirino wiped his tears and said firmly .

"Tirino, you have to know that no matter how much you like it, for Dad, they are all just boring interests, and it's not the usual ones, Dad and Mom can say casually OK interest." Kyosuke Kosaka said seriously.

"Of course I know!" Kosaka Kirino said aggrievedly.

"According to the current situation, I think even if he insists, he will make you give up." Kyosuke Kosaka looked at Kirino helplessly. After all, with his father's character, since he has already said so, then This matter will not be simply uncovered.

"So, Kirino, you have to be mentally prepared!" Kosaka Kyosuke scratched his hair. So far, he has not thought of any good way to change his father's view of Kirino's interest in this aspect.

"Even so, I will never give up, because I really like it and don't give up." Kosaka Kirino didn't back down in the slightest.

"." Kyosuke Takasaka felt a little headache looking at Kirino's appearance, although he had already expected this to happen.

"Whether it's studying hard at school and working as a model, or Takasaka Kirino who is addicted to animation and games, these two are me, just like Asama-kun said just now, no matter what, I will always be me , If you insist on erasing half of them, then I will no longer be myself." Kosaka Kirino's eyes lit up.

"It's all your fault." Kyosuke Kosaka looked at Aoba Asama next to him with a resentful expression on his face.

"Uh!" Qingye was stunned. Is this my fault?
"So, thank you, Asama-kun, thanks to your persuasion, I can make up my mind like this." Kosaka Kirino looked gratefully at Asama Aoba.

"No, thank you!" Aoba was a little embarrassed.

"." At this moment, Kyosuke Takasaka looked at Aoba Asama with even more resentful eyes. It was originally agreed to resolve the conflict between his father and Kirino, but as a result, Kirino now intends to directly fight to the end.

"So, if I really abandon all animations and games, then wouldn't the former Kosaka Kirino disappear in this world?" Kosaka Kirino's voice became higher and higher.

"So." Kousaka Kyousuke asked.

"So, what I like, I will never give up." Kosaka Kirino firmly determined his own determination.

"Really! Great determination, but, Kirino, what should I do with my father?" Kyosuke Kosaka smiled helplessly. Although he admired Kirino's determination, what should his father do? solve it.

"Dad" thought of her father's Kosaka Kirino, the passion just now faded and cooled down instantly, and she actually forgot about her father.

"." Kyosuke Kosaka and Kirino Kosaka fell into silence.

"Ahem, Ms. Kosaka, may I ask you a question?" Aoba suddenly thought, it seemed that she had overlooked something just now.

"Asama-kun? Well, you can ask." Kosaka Kirino nodded.

"I want to know, Ms. Kosaka, did you argue about anything during the process of being reprimanded by your father?" Aoba looked at Kosaka Kirino and asked.

"That's not true. Because my father suddenly discovered the secret, my head was dizzy all the time. It wasn't until I heard my father said that those were just boring interests that I couldn't help but run out." Kosaka Kirino said with some embarrassment. .

"That is to say, you didn't actually admit that the game disc is yours, am I right!" Aoba thought for a while and continued to ask.

"Well, I didn't say that, but in that case." Kousaka Kirino and Kousaka Kyosuke looked at each other in confusion, neither of them understood what Asama-kun meant. After all, she had already been caught by her father in front of her. Need to admit it?

"Since that's the case, it's easy to handle." Aoba paused for a while, and then looked at Kosaka Kyosuke who was stunned beside him with some malicious intentions.

"Asama-kun, what do you mean?" Kosaka Kirino still didn't understand what Asama Aoba wanted to say.

"Kaosaka-kun, can I ask you to be wronged?" The smile on Aoba's face suddenly became bright.

"Uh! If I can help Kirino solve the problem, I don't care, but why do I suddenly feel that you are planning to cheat me?" Seeing the smile on Asama Aoba's face, Kosaka Kyosuke shivered.

"Hehe, we are so familiar, how could we cheat you, don't worry!" Qingye smiled awkwardly, how could this guy guess so accurately?A man's sixth sense?
"Could it be that Asama-kun has a solution?" Kosaka Kirino, who hadn't reacted, finally understood, and she looked at Asama Aoba with surprise.

"Well, there is indeed a way to temporarily resolve the conflict between Ms. Kosaka and your father. If you can be more careful in the future and don't let your father find out about those sensitive things, then it can be regarded as a complete solution." Aoba Nodded very sure.

"Really? This is really great, even if it's a temporary solution!" Kosaka Kirino looked at Asama Aoba excitedly.

"It's just that your brother Kosaka Kyosuke may have to sacrifice a bit." Aoba smiled strangely at Kosaka Kyosuke.


"It doesn't matter, he is willing to sacrifice, there is absolutely no problem, so I don't know Asama-kun, what method are you talking about?" Kosaka Kirino was instantly dazzled by the surprise.

"." Kousaka Kyosuke looked at his sister speechlessly, isn't my opinion important?

"Then, Kosaka-kun, I remember you said before that you have been using your sister's computer to play games." Aoba looked at Kyosuke Kosaka.

"Well, that's right. After all, I'm still a high school student, and I don't usually like playing games, so I've been forced by Kirino all the time!" Kosaka Kyosuke turned his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at Kirino's expression.

"." Murderous aura began to appear in Kosaka Kirino's eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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