Chapter 45
Kuki Wufu himself is already old, and his body can only support his kendo to the present point.Although the eldest son has the talent of swordsmanship, unfortunately, he completely lost the possibility of continuing to walk on the road of swordsmanship because of an accident when he became an adult.

As for his youngest son, that is, Miki's father, Takeo Kuki gets angry every time he thinks of him. As a member of the Kuki family, he actually gave up the goal of the Kuki family.Although his daughter, Mei Ji, has the best swordsmanship talent of the Jiugui family for hundreds of years, as for how far she can go, it depends on her. The current Jiugui family is no longer the former Jiugui family. , he didn't want to put this burden on her, after all, his eldest son was too.
Kuki Takeo sighed, and took another sip from his teacup.

"Grandpa, the path of swordsmanship is not cut off. Meiji met a swordsman." Kuki Meiji looked up at her grandfather, with an inexplicable light shining in her eyes.


"Cough cough cough cough ~~~"

Kuki Takeo was so frightened by Kuki Mihime's words that he sucked a sip of tea into his trachea, and spewed it out instantly. The extreme cough caused dizziness in his brain, and his eyes were full of gold stars. This sip of tea almost sent the strongest sword master Kuki Takeo away.

After a few minutes
"Cough, cough, Meiji, what did you say, say it again." Wufu Kuki raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Meiji Jiugui. It took him a long time to finally say a complete sentence. After all, he was old and took so long to reply. .

"Grandpa, the road to the way of swordsmanship has not yet been cut off. Meiji has met a swordsman." Jiugui Meiji looked directly into her grandfather's eyes and reaffirmed.

"." Nine Demon Warrior looked at Meiji in front of him after recovering, and recalled word by word what she said just now. He understood every word, but he couldn't understand it together.

Takeo Kuki was completely lost in thought, and Miki Kuki didn't interrupt the other party's thoughts of contemplation.

"Miyagawa Yuuki!" Kuki Takeo shouted towards the door.


Pushing the door open from the outside with one hand, Miyagawa Yuki appeared at the door. Although she was a little puzzled, she didn't speak, but waited quietly.

"Miyagawa Yuki, what date is it today?" Takeo Kuki asked Miyagawa Yuki who appeared.


"Isn't today April 4st, are you sure?" Takeo Kuki asked again.

"." Jiugui Meiji looked at her grandfather with a strange expression. What's going on with you? Are you not sure what day it is today? Besides, Grandpa, don't you know what kind of character I am Jiugui Meiji? And Grandpa, when did you see me joking with you, let alone April Fool's Day every year.

Kuki Takeo also noticed that Mei Ji was looking at him more and more strangely, and her face was a little red. He really thought that his granddaughter suddenly knew how to joke.

"Yes sir, because the new semester starts today, and Miss also attended the freshman entrance ceremony, so I'm sure today is April 4th, oh, sorry, it's April 8th." Yuki Miyagawa saw that the time had passed It's 4:9.

"Ahem, it's all right, okay, you can go out." After confirming that today is not April Fool's Day, Takeo Kuki ordered Miyagawa Yuki to close the door and go out. However, he got an interesting piece of news, Miki He was surprised that he would go to the school's entrance ceremony today.

You must know that Mei Ji has never participated in a school activity since she was a child, because she has been very sensible since she was a child, and she is also very talented in doing things, so when Mei Ji was very young, I always took her to deal with family affairs , so there was no chance for her to get in touch with the childhood of ordinary children, which led to Meiji's current personality, and she would maintain sufficient calm and rationality in the face of everything, so I was relieved to hand the family into her hands.

From her birth to now more than ten years, apart from family affairs, the only thing that interests her is kendo.Sometimes I think that with Meiji's character, it may not be realistic for her to fall in love on her own in this life. I can only wait for the right time to find a man with good senses for her to marry into their Jiugui family, and for this On the one hand, he can say with great confidence that no one can refuse.

"Yes, master." Miyagawa Yuki closed the door from the outside with a question mark on his face.

"Then, Miki, since you said that, what about the evidence?" Kuki Takeo looked at Miki who was kneeling quietly in front of him, recalling Miki's firm eyes just now, a sense of urgency suddenly appeared in his heart. I haven't had a feeling in my life for almost 30 years, maybe it's true?

Kuki Miki handed the knife in her hand to her grandfather who was questioning her.

"This is boy Kirie Anzuna." Kuki Takeo looked at the knife in his hand in doubt, why did Meiji give this to himself.

"Could it be." Nine Ghosts Wufu thought of a possibility, a story recorded in his family records, which was just asked by Nine Ghosts Miki.

"Yes, Grandpa, the boy Qie Angang uttered a sword cry." Jiugong Meiji gave the answer.


"Huchi~huchi~huchi~huchi~huchi~" Jiugui Wufu stood up in shock, panting heavily. Unable to control the blood in his body, they were rampaging through his blood vessels like a raging flood.

There was even a buzzing in his head, which made him unable to sort out his thoughts. You must know that for a master of swordsmanship, this is basically impossible.

In Kuki Takeo's life for so many decades, except for the death of his favorite person that year, even when his eldest son was lying on the hospital bed forever, even when he found out that his second son had given up on inheriting the family business. Back then, he had never been as confused as he is now, so it is completely conceivable how shocked he is now.

"Tick tock ~ tick tock ~ tick tock ~"

Drops of water dripped onto the scabbard, Wufu Nine Ghosts reached out to touch it, and at some point, his eyes were already blurred, and tears flowed down like broken threads.

Jiugui Meiji looked at the tearful old man in front of her eyes. She could understand her grandfather's feelings very well. Their Jiugui family was different from other families. They were not for power or money.There is only one education they have been exposed to since they were young, and everything is just to break the fault of hundreds of years, so that sword heroes can be born again in this world, and prove that their Nine Ghosts are right.

No matter what their Jiugui family does, whether they are in business or become an official, all their efforts are to pave the way for those who have the opportunity to become swordsmen, but hundreds of years have passed, and countless generations of their Jiugui family Human efforts have never produced a swordsman, and all people are full of despair in their hearts, and even doubt whether that realm really exists.

Even though grandpa is now called the strongest master of swordsmanship in the martial arts world, no one in the world can defeat him in swordsmanship. Even so, grandpa knows very well in his heart that his talent may not be destined for a swordsman in this life. To be able to stand outside that gorgeous and magnificent gate forever, although it is only one step away, this step is already a world of difference.

After a few minutes
Seeing that Grandpa's mood had finally stabilized, Jiugui Meiji lowered her head after a slight smile in her heart, expressing that she didn't look at him just now.

"Ahem, Meggie, what's the specific situation, please tell me in detail." Wufu Jiugui knew what she meant when he saw Meggie sitting on the spot with her head bowed, and couldn't help but blushed. Embarrassed.If it was any other time, he would definitely choose to hide his face and escape, but now, if he doesn't understand what happened, even if he dies now, he can't rest in peace.

"That day, a subsidiary of our Jiugui Group had a business problem, so I went over to deal with it urgently. By the time it was over, it was already night. On the way Miyagawa Yuki sent me back to the villa, I occasionally saw a few A gangster was going to kidnap a girl, and then he saw one." Miki Nine Ghosts recalled the details of what happened that day, and even though it was only a day later, she could still clearly recall every word the boy said.

"What. Boy?"

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(End of this chapter)

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