The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1155 The Sui Army destroys Chen, and sets off together

Chapter 1155 Sui army destroys Chen and goes out together

In March of the eighth year of Emperor Kaihuang, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty issued an imperial edict, enumerating the crimes of Empress Chen and sending a seal of 30 crimes against him, and distributed [-] copies of the edict in Jiangnan to win the hearts of the people.

In October, the Huainan Province was set up in Shouchun. Yang Guang, the king of Jin, was appointed as the minister to coordinate the troops from all walks of life.Yang Guang joined Qin Wang Yang Jun and Yang Su as the marching marshals, and at the same time, he marched southward to Chen in eight routes from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

The eight routes are divided into two parts, the middle and upper reaches and the lower reaches. Marching Marshal Yang Jun commanded the three routes of the middle and upper reaches. He led the navy and army from Xiangyang to Tunhankou to prevent the Chen army from the middle reaches from supporting Jiankang, the capital of Chen in the southern dynasty.Marching marshal Yang Su led a boat division out of Yong'an to the east, and Liu Renen, the governor of Jingzhou, went out of Jiangling to make peace with Yang Su, and finally arrived in Hankou to make peace with Yang Junjun.Yang Su and Liu Ren'en's army were responsible for driving the Chen army in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to Hankou to encircle and annihilate them.

Marching Marshal Yang Guang commanded the lower five routes. He led Han Qinhu and He Ruobi to specialize in Jiankang, and ordered Wang Shiji and Yan Rong to attack Jiangxi and Sanwu as the left and right wings.Yang Guang led his army out of Liuhe, Han Qinhu, the governor of Luzhou, left Lujiang, and He Ruobi, the governor of Wuzhou, left Guangling. These three groups concentrated on besieging Jiankang.Qizhou Inspector Wang Shiji led a boat division out of Qichun to attack Jiujiang to cover Yang Guang's main force.Yan Rong, the general manager of Qingzhou, led a boat division out of the East China Sea, detoured along the coast and went south into Taihu Lake to attack Wu County by surprise, and went deep into Sanwu to support Yang Guang's main force.Before the Sui court marched, they detained Chen envoys and cut off contacts to keep military secrets.And sent a large number of spies to sneak into Chenjing to carry out sabotage and disruption activities.

Chen Houzhu was licentious and extravagant, politically corrupt, did not understand military affairs, and did not accept the advice of his generals. He relied on "the natural moat of the Yangtze River" and neglected defense.For the celebration of the Yuanhui (that is, the Spring Festival), the two sons who guarded Jiangzhou and South Xuzhou, the important towns of Yuanjiang, led their warships back to Jiankang, making Jiang's defense even weaker.In December, the Sui army on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River first launched an attack.

In December of the eighth year of Emperor Kaihuang, Yang Jun supervised more than [-] water troops out of Xiangyang) and entered Hankou.Chen Ming Sanqi often served Zhou Luohou and supervised Baxia Yuanjiang's military forces. He and Yingzhou Governor Xun Fashang's troops had tens of thousands of troops. They guarded Jiangxia and faced off with Yang Junjun for more than a month.

In the same month, Zhou Fashang, the general manager of the Sui army, led a boat division of [-] to Fankou and defeated the resisting Chen army.Yang Su led the navy out of Badong and marched eastward along the Three Gorges. Liu Renen, the governor of Jingzhou, marched westward from Jiangling. The two armies cooperated, using both water and land, and captured Langwei Beach, defeating General Chen Qi Xin; , with three iron locks on the Hengjiang River to block the Sui army from going east out of the Three Gorges.Yang Su and Liu Renen led the land and water coalition forces to attack until they defeated Chen Jun in the first month of the ninth year of Kaihuang and occupied the mouth of Xiling Gorge.

For a time, the southern half of the country was full of wars, and every family was beckoning.

Almost everyone can see that Nan Chen's fall is imminent.

At the same time, a group of martial artists and aristocratic families in the south who insisted on the Han system also took action.


After capturing the mouth of Xiling Gorge, Yang Su led the army to advance again.

Yang Su Nai is a standard all-rounder in both civil and military affairs. He is very good at running the army and governing politics.

What's more, what the literati these days are pursuing is to get out of the generals and get in the way. The so-called everything is low-grade, and only those who study well can only believe it.As a result, Yang Su was naturally envious of Chen Shougong, and after a few days of rest, he set off again.

On this day, the army had just dealt with a group of assassins who came to assassinate.

In Yang Su's tent, Yang Su is playing with a token in his hand.

And beside him, stood a young man in golden armor, holding a golden sword in his arms. The young man had extremely rare yin and yang pupils, and people just looked at him for a few times and couldn't help feeling His scalp was numb, but no one dared to underestimate him!
"Tuo'er, what do you think is the biggest obstacle for me to pacify the south?" Yang Su suddenly asked his lover beside him.

Yu Wentuo's face was stern, he looked like a little adult, and he said slowly: "The Han family in the south adheres to the Han system."

Since the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, the world in the south belongs to a family rather than a family.Compared with the north, the power of the southern aristocratic family is even greater, and they are simply the true uncrowned kings of the south.If the relationship between the northern imperial power and the clan is that the imperial power must make concessions to the clan in many cases; then the relationship between the southern imperial power and the clan is that the imperial power depends on the face of the clan.

In the south, only by safeguarding the interests of the powerful can the throne be stabilized.

Even, many royal families themselves came from powerful families.

For example, the Xiao family who established the Southern Qi and Southern Liang is the famous family clan—the Lanling Xiao family.The Xiao family in Lanling is a prominent family in Lanling County. It first rose during the period of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty, the crown prince Taifu Xiao Wangzhi, and fell in the middle of more than [-] years from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. The family was so big that it was settled in Wujin, Jiangsu, and settled in Lanling County as an overseas Chinese. It was called "South Lanling" in history, so it is still commensurate with the Xiao family in Lanling.

The Lanling Xiao family had already been a powerful family in the world as early as the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Since then, it was not until the end of the Tang Dynasty during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms that it declined with the world's aristocratic families.

Just like the saying "There is no thousand-year dynasty, only a thousand-year family."

Yang Su nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad."

Up to now, Yang Su already knew the life experience of his beloved apprentice.

He is none other than the son born to the younger sister who was kicked out of the house by brothers Yu Wenshu and Yu Wenshang in the past. He was born with yin and yang eyes, like a monster, and his identity as an illegitimate child has always been excluded. , but he was born precocious and extremely intelligent.

Coupled with his Xuanyuan sword, Yang Su asked himself, if he could fully exert the power of this sword, he might not be his opponent.

In the past two years, Yang Su has taught this apprentice all his own Taoism and martial arts, and he has indeed lived up to expectations.None of Yang Su's sons was his opponent.This time Yang Su took this apprentice with him to the battle, and he also wanted to cultivate him.

"By the way, what do you think of Yu Wenshu?" Yang Su suddenly remembered another thing, and questioned Yu Wentuo.

"Old and cunning, greedy for money." Yu Wentuo made an assertion to his uncle without the slightest emotion.

"Hahahaha!" Yang Su let out a burst of hearty laughter when he heard the words.

For more than a year, seeing his nephew so competitive, Yu Wenshu has been thinking about re-establishing the relationship with Yu Wentuo.It's just that Yuwentuo has never had a good face towards Yuwenshu's family. He was kicked out of the house by Yuwenshu before he was born, and his mother became sick from overwork in order to raise him.

A year ago, seeing that his son was going to become famous, he died of illness.

In this way, in Yu Wentuo's eyes, Yu Wenshu's family is no different from his enemies.

Don't treat those people as your own relatives at all!

Needless to say, in order to appease Yu Wentuo, Yang Su asked Yu Wentuo to worship his younger brother, Yang Yichen, as his adoptive father. As a result, the relationship between Yu Wentuo and Yu Wenshu's family was naturally even more distant, almost to the point of death. , I see Brother Yuwenshu on weekdays, and I just pretend that I haven't seen it.

Yang Su and Yang Yichen were naturally satisfied with this.

They don't want to raise a white-eyed wolf!

(End of this chapter)

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