The Last Dynasty of League of Legends

Chapter 381 XG's performance! (LGD garbage)

Chapter 381 XG's performance! (LGD garbage)

Worlds is a big stage.

The teams that can make it to the World Championship are all the top batches in each division!
Therefore, what the coaching staff of the SKT team can notice, of course other teams can also notice it!
Especially after the LTG team frequently used game skills beyond their cognition in this game, it accelerated the learning speed of these teams!

It can be said that before these teams came to the World Championships, they could only hang out in their own divisions. They had no idea of ​​the strength of teams in other divisions. Immediately force these teams to use up all their time to absorb the shining points of teams from all regions of the world. It can be said that the World Championship is another race!
Each team's starting line may be different, but if it only stops at its own starting line, then other teams in the World Championship will immediately catch up and far surpass it!

Just like the TPA team that won the championship in S2!
It was precisely because the TPA team came up with the four-to-one point push and split push to death style of play in the game atmosphere of four-to-one-ten-minute teamfights and one-minute teamfights at that time, which completely confused the teams in the European and American divisions that were slow to accept new things. Forced, and then relied on this style of play to win the S10 World Championship!

Moreover, it is only the group stage now!

Those teams that were not in the same group as the LTG team immediately recorded the LTG team's game video, and eagerly studied it...

For a time, the LTG team, the most insignificant LPL summer final champion team in history before today, directly became a mountain in front of all other teams participating in the World Championship!
It made the strong teams in other divisions who are aspiring to be the champion of the S6 global finals suddenly have real fear of the LPL division—it turns out that the LTG team was able to gnaw away the iron bone of the XG team, not by luck, but by real strength!
Originally, the dominance of the XG team in the past few years had made these people a little desperate, but the downturn of the XG team at the beginning of the S6 Summer Split gave these people a glimmer of hope!
But then with the return of XG team head coach Jiang Bufan and shooter Wei Uzi, the XG team took off, winning consecutive battles in the second half of the schedule, and directly reached the finals!

Originally, other teams thought that the invincible XG team was back, but they were taken away by the LTG team [-]-[-] in the final, which gave these people the illusion that this XG team might not be what they imagined. so strong!

Because in their view, the LTG team seems to be relying on a top laner to dominate the world. As long as their top laner is restricted, this team is not so terrible at all!
However, now, the LTG team told them with the bloody reality that they won the LPL Summer Finals championship by virtue of their ability!
One XG team, one LTG team...

Like two big mountains, they are pressing down on the hearts of all other teams!

Can't get over it!


"Will the next match be Team XG?"

"Who did they hit?"


"Some saw it!"

Today is a happy day for Li Xiaobai!
After the LTG team defeated the FNC team, the ranking in the group jumped directly to No.1!
In addition to the collapse of the IG team of the three LPL teams, as long as the XG team also kills the ROX team, then they will be able to secure two teams in the LPL division to get the No.1 position in the group!
Two groups first!

This is something that has never happened before in the LPL division!

"I just don't know if Team ROX can do anything! Don't let Team G defeat them in less than 10 minutes!"

Thinking this way, Li Xiaobai finally waited until the XG team played.

Looking at Jiang Bufan who was walking in the front on the screen, for some reason, Li Xiaobai felt relieved!
"Some people, as soon as he appears, you know that the game is stable!"

"With Jiang Shen here, even if the ROX team is extremely capable, it is impossible to defeat this XG team!"

Soon, the two sides on the screen have entered the banpick stage.

In this game, the XG team is on the red side, the ROX team is on the blue side, and the ROX team is banned first.

The coach of the ROX team was very nervous.

Facing Grand Slam coach Jiang Bufan, who has three world championship trophies and one MSI Mid-Season Invitational Trophy, the sweat on his forehead has never stopped since he took the stage!
"Supervisor! What does our first ban say?!"

The top laner of the ROX team, Smebu, saw that the coach behind him was still silent, so he couldn't help reminding him softly.

"Uh... oh!"

The coach of the ROX team who was called back to God by his own player was stunned at first, and then immediately realized that this moment was not the time for him to be in a daze, he hurriedly opened the small notebook in his hand, and said: "The first ban is for you!" Wheel mother!"

The first ban of the ROX team, Goddess of War Sivir.

In this one-blood tower version, Wheel Mom has become the T1 hero of the current version because of her fast line push, quick tower removal, and strong economic ability. The appearance rate of 90.00% on the route can be described as outrageous!

"It looks like the ROX team is planning to give all three ban positions to Puppy!"

This scene is much more visible to Xiao Ming, so I won’t talk about it during the regular season. In the playoffs, he and the puppy basically have to get one or two bans from the opposing team in every game, and sometimes the opposing team is even banned. Knowing the three-ban shooter position, he fully expressed his respect for the little fat man beside him.

Uzi stretched his waist greatly, and said casually: "It doesn't matter! I can play anything! If you give me VN directly, we can get off work earlier!"

"VN is a hero who can't play, so be honest!" Jiang Bufan casually said to Xiaogou, and then gave his banpick choice, "Since the opponent wants to limit our marksman position, then I will follow! We The first ban is for Verus!"

The XG team banned it first-hand, and pressed the arrow of punishment, Verus.

The coach of the ROX team was taken aback by Jiang Bufan's trick!
He had already thought about it, giving three bans to the opponent's shooters, and then grabbing the hero Verus first, but he didn't expect that the opponent saw through his intentions and banned Verus first. Si!
This directly disrupted the thinking of the coach of the ROX team, and he began to wipe the sweat from his forehead...

"Now we have two choices, either distribute the next two ban positions to other positions, or continue to ban Ice Archer and Jhin... But in that case, there will be very few marksman positions on our side! "

After reading his thoughts to everyone, the shooter of the ROX team, Puri, was silent for a while, and said: "I am a policewoman, too!"

The hero of the policewoman is strong in the lane. If you want to rely on his team battle performance, it is bound to drag the game to about 10 minutes!

However, when they face the XG team, whether they can last for 10 minutes is simply a big problem!

You know, the XG team has always been known for its turbulent rhythm in the early stage. Let the female policeman, a shooter with a very low combat ability in the early stage, bear most of the team's output, or, it is given to other positions. An output hero who can supplement the damage in the early stage, or, let the policewoman develop beyond the timeline!

In this version without Tapi, it is undoubtedly difficult to let the shooter position quickly gain an economic advantage!

After thinking for a long time, the head coach of the ROX team gritted his teeth and said, "Then it's decided! Our second ban is for Jin!"

The second ban position of the ROX team banned the fate master Jhin.

"Still banning the shooter hero?"

Jiang Bufan raised his eyebrows slightly after seeing the opponent's ban: "It's so arrogant! Our second ban will continue to follow! Press the ice shooter!"

The second ban of the XG team was given to the ice shooter Ai Xi.

The last ban position of the ROX team.

"Four shooters have been eliminated, and there are not many shooter heroes left on the field!"

"The last ban on our side, give it to EZ!"

The last ban of the ROX team banned the explorer Ezreal.

The XG team immediately disabled the Piltover policewoman Kaitlyn!
"Being watched to death..."

The head coach of the ROX team began to gnaw his thumb.

"Supervisor! What should we do now?!"

The head coach of the ROX team seemed to have made up his mind and said fiercely: "Let's use the big mouth!"

The first choice of the ROX team, Kog'Maw, the mouth of the abyss!
The XG team got the Mechanical Enemy Rambo and the Apocalypse Karma in the first and second hand.

"Rambo and Fanzi..."

"I knew it!"

"Under the threat of Rambo, Dazui has very limited room to play..."

"Damn! What this banpick did is really uncomfortable!"

"It's like when my banpick is made, there are more than a dozen targeted choices on the opposite side!"

"How to choose, how to make a mistake!"

Ten thousand thoughts flashed through the head coach of the ROX team. He took a deep breath, forced himself to stabilize his mind, and said slowly: "Our second and third picks, Zyra and Olaf!"

The ROX team got the Thorn Thorn Zyra and the Berserker Olaf in the second and third hands.

The hero Zyra is easy to understand. I am a shooter with a big mouth and I am afraid of being attacked. If you put Zyra here, whoever of you dares to come in and attack me with a big mouth?
And Olaf is equivalent to grabbing instead of banning. In general, the head coach of the ROX team has used three positions in a row to create a late-stage big mouth system!

The third and fourth hands of the XG team got the harp fairy Sona and the gem knight Tarik.

"here we go again!"

"Gem Girl!"

"How did I forget that they still have such skills!"

It wasn't until the XG team locked these two heroes that the head coach of the ROX team, who had been led astray, suddenly woke up!

You know, the XG team used this lineup in the China-EU competition until the day before the start of this year's group stage!

It's only been two days!
"Then I have fallen into the trap of the other side again?!"

"The two heroes, Big Mouth and Zyra, have such low online resistance in the early stage, and the two heroes on the opposite side have such strong recovery abilities!"

"In addition, these two heroes can basically support the core position of a team with one or two pieces of core equipment. In this way, our big mouth can't support his team battle power period at all! "

"What's more, there is a gem knight on the opposite side!"

"As long as Gem uses its big move, no matter how much damage Big Mouth inflicts, it's impossible to melt the opponent in an instant!"


With a livid face, the head coach of the ROX team gave his last two choices-time assassin Ike and mechanical pioneer Victor!

XG team player seats.

After seeing that all five positions of the other party had been confirmed, Jiang Bufan shook his head imperceptibly: "This banpick is really terrible!"

"The entire lineup is selected around Dazui. Whether it is in the middle, bottom lane or jungle, there is one characteristic that stands out, cumbersome!"

"If it's just a regular lineup for team battles, then of course there's nothing wrong with your choice!"

"But now, with my Qin Nu gem in hand, how much damage can your big mouth cause?!"

"Our last counter position, take the male gun!"

The XG team chose the outlaw lunatic Graves as the last move!
So far, the lineups of both sides have been selected!

The first is the ROX team on the blue side, top laner Ike, jungler Olaf, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Dazui and Zyra.

The XG team got the top laner Fan Ma, the jungler Meng Qiang, the mid laner Rambo, and the bottom lane Qin Nu Gem.

That's right!

The Rambo brought out by the XG team is playing in the middle!
Even the ROX team didn't understand why the XG team had to do such a line change!

Obviously, the top laner Rambo and the mid laner fan are the regular splits in this version, and at the same time, Ike and Victor on my side do not have a hero restraint relationship in the lane, so there is no need for the XG team to split the lanes like this. ?
What kind of benefits can this wave split line bring to the XG team?

Not only the players on the ROX team can't figure it out, even the live commentary on the Korean side can't figure it out!
"So! Why did Supervisor Jiang put the hero Rambo in the middle? This hero should be a hero in the top lane!"

"Ike didn't have any restraint when fighting against Rambo. I really can't figure out the idea of ​​this ghost supervisor!"

"Because we can't understand, the other side can be regarded as a top supervisor! If we can all understand, doesn't it mean that we also have the ability of top supervision?"

"Indeed! When you say that, I suddenly feel a lot better in my heart!"

If Jiang Bufan could hear the doubts in these people's minds, he might just have to smile wryly!
After all, the reason why he chose to let Broiler use Lambo is quite simple, and that is to believe in Broiler's personal ability!

Jiang Bufan didn't have any hesitation in choosing between Laitemi and Broiler Chicken!
(End of this chapter)

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