The Last Dynasty of League of Legends

Chapter 489 The Hand of Noxus (2 in 1)

Chapter 489 The Hand of Noxus (Two in One)

As the LTG team confirmed the blind monk, there was a burst of cheers and encouragement in the game!
"Holy crap! These foreign audiences are too enthusiastic, aren't they? Do you have to shout like this for a while when you choose a blind monk?"

World Six had no idea why the audience cheered so much!

"I guess it's the blind monk who watched you play in the last game!"

World Six curled his lips, obviously not believing what Liu Qingsong said, and said in a very flat and perfunctory manner: "Oh! Really?"

"Okay! You two, World Six and Liu Qingsong, stop chatting about irrelevant topics! Let's see what heroes the SKT team will choose in the first two games over there!" Coach Jin quickly stopped the conversation between World Six and Liu Qingsong. The small interaction led the whole team to focus again on the banpick session in front of them.

After thinking for a while, the SKT team got the fate-taker Jhin and the clockwork demon Orianna among their first two choices.

These are two hero choices without any slots!

There’s even nothing good to say about it!

The first is Jhin, the playmaker. He is one of the few bottom lane shooters with no natural enemies in the S6 World Championship version!

Speaking of laning, let him mix and he can mix. In the later team battles, let him Kerry and he can also Kerry. It has both long-range and ultra-long-distance output capabilities, and the last bullet is incomprehensible. burst damage!
The SKT team gave the drama master Jin one of the first two positions as the first choice, which is still a very reasonable choice!

As for the clockwork demon Orianna, there is no need to say more!

This hero has a joking name, that is, the dedicated mid laner hero for the World Championship!

In the usual competitions, the Clockwork Demon rarely appears on the field!

But the more important the game is, the more times this hero will appear!

As for the reason, it is quite simple!
Clockwork Demon can be regarded as a hero in the middle unit who has no outstanding advantages, but absolutely has no shortcomings!
Control and control, speed up and speed up, slow down and slow down, shield and shield!

Injuries, there should be some!

Such a perfect hero, although the attributes are not very outstanding, but it is definitely an existence that can complement the team's shortcomings!
You don't have to be afraid to choose a hero to counter yourself when you choose your position first, because so far there is no mid lane hero that can be said to be a complete counter clockwork monster!

Of course, this is based on the same level of operation on both sides!

At the same time, this situation has not changed until the 2020 S10 Global Finals!
Even in the S10 global finals, counting from the knockout stage, Clockwork Demon has its own stable playing rate!
After the SKT team selected their first two heroes, Coach Kim scratched his messy hair, and smacked his lips during the rare banpick on the field, showing a embarrassed expression.

During the banpacks of the first two games against SKT, Coach Jin was always able to roughly see the opponent's plan to use in the entire game before the opponent's ban and selection!
But in this game, the opponent's first two heroes are flawless and impeccable!

It made Coach Jin completely unable to see what special lineup the coaching staff of the SKT team planned to use in this game!

However, since he can't see the opponent's routine, then Coach Jin can only choose people for his team according to his own thinking!
"Let's choose next..." Coach Jin paused, and then continued, "Let's choose Dragon King and Ezreal! Our team still uses these two heroes quite often, and they are proficient enough to use them stably. Some!"

Dragon King is the hero of the LTG team since the knockout stage!
In their last series, when they faced the Rox team, they used the mid laner Dragon King to teach the Rox team for two consecutive games, and at the same time cracked the opponent's mid laner Ryze and Vampire's routines!

However, in addition to the mid laner Dragon King's system, in addition to Counter who has a large core hero lineup in the late mid lane such as Ryze and Vampire, the Dragon King's own early support ability also allows him to form his own system in the game!
Moreover, since Coach Jin selected the mid laner Dragon King for this game, it means that it is basically impossible to send Mr. Wang to the middle again!

After all, with Lord Wang's character, he doesn't like to use such a clumsy hero who assists his teammates in the mid laner Dragon King!
Coach Jin also understands that since there is a super player like Mr. Wang in the team, it is most appropriate to give him a hero with the ability to carry out Kai Rui or excel!

After all, make the most of everything, right?

After making the second and third choices on his side, the selection round came to the SKT team again.

Coach Jin's eyes widened and he stared at the selection box on the SKT team's side. He knew very well that SKT only had three undecided heroes left there, and in this round of selection, they would Just choose two heroes directly, and four heroes are enough for Coach Jin to judge the routine that the SKT team intends to use in this game!

Without keeping Coach Kim waiting for a long time, SKT stood there and gave his choice of three or four heroes!

Spider Queen Elise and Trundle King Trundle!

So far, except for the auxiliary position, the heroes in other positions of the SKT team have all been determined!
The top lane troll, the jungle spider, the mid lane clockwork, and the bottom lane name are plus an unselected auxiliary hero!
Judging from the current lineup of these four heroes of the SKT team, it is obvious that the SKT team is playing in this game. The rhythm of the spider in the early stage drives the rhythm of the middle, and then let the middle and wild to revitalize the whole game!

This can be regarded as the best style of play of the SKT team!

It seems that the coaching staff of the SKT team is planning to directly use the style of play they are most familiar with to face the LTG team in their own life and death game!
"If it's this lineup... then there shouldn't be any other tricks! We can continue to choose heroes with confidence! However, our game should be a head-to-head match with the SKT team. , it all depends on basic skills!”

Coach Jin pinched his chin and thought to himself.

"But...if we go to compete with the SKT team on basic skills...can we really beat them?"

This question began to reverberate in Coach Jin’s mind...

So far, the LTG team still has its last two heroes to choose from, and these last two heroes are the last chance for the LTG team to make changes!
Whether to make the final change in the banpick stage depends on how Coach Jin will choose the last two heroes!

"Coach Jin, I feel that with their lineup, I have a hero choice that is especially suitable for Conte's opponent!"

While Coach Jin was still thinking, Mr. Wang suddenly spoke.

"Oh? Tell me what you think!" Coach Jin immediately became interested!

Judging from Coach Jin's past experience, whenever Mr. Wang suddenly has a new inspiration when choosing a hero on the spot, the final result often brings him surprises instead of shocks!
This also made Coach Jin full of expectations for Mr. Wang's on-the-spot inspiration!

"I think, the opposite lineup, if I'm on the top lane, it's especially suitable for Darius!"

Darius, in the national server, players prefer to call him the Hand of Noxus, or the Hand of Primary School Students!
In the S5 season, Darius went through a wave of reworks. This rework directly modified the release mechanism of his Q skills and ultimate moves. The original Darius Q skills were instantaneous. Press the skill button, and Darius will immediately swing his big ax in a circle, and deal his own damage along the way!

But in this process, Darius will not have a blood-sucking effect after scratching the enemy with the outer ring like the current charge q skill!

It can be said that after that rework, the hero Darius has undergone earth-shaking changes in mechanics!
In the past, Darius basically didn't have any ability to fight back with residual blood. Either he directly killed the opponent in a wave, or he was pressed by the opponent and couldn't even get out of the tower. There is no second possibility!
But after going through the revision, the reworked Darius directly possesses the ultimate anti-killing ability!

Sometimes it looks like Darius with residual blood, and when a few people catch up to take the head, Darius hits out with a q skill, which can directly restore a large wave of blood, and instantly has a Jedi The ability to fight back!

Coupled with the existence of the new blood rage mechanism after the rework, Darius' ultimate move has a great deterrent effect!

Even if the previous Darius ult killed an enemy with a full five-layer passive, he couldn't continue to hit the full-layer passive ult damage, but with the blood rage mechanism, Germany It is entirely possible for Laius to apply a full stack of Blood Rage passives to multiple enemies at the same time in an instant, and then directly hit a large group of people with a full-capacity beheading effect!

This rework almost fundamentally changed the way of using the hero Darius!

After the revision, Darius, a top laner hero who is almost insulated from the competition, suddenly has the possibility to enter the competition!
Also in the World Championship in the same year, the top laner of the C9 team used Darius in the group stage to cut the penta-kill record!
This is also the most glorious moment for the hero Darius in the world arena!
But as more and more people understand this hero, and as designers spare no effort to weaken Darius’ various attributes, Darius has gradually faded out of the competition stage... …

However, Master Wang now proposed the name of this hero, making Coach Jin couldn't help but follow Master Wang's train of thought.

"Since they took the jungler Spider out in the early stage of this game, they definitely want to do things in the front. Now, looking at the opponent's lineup, only the clockwork in the middle and the troll in the top lane are capable of doing something with the spider in the early stage! And If I misplaced with the opposing mid laner again in this game, with the lessons learned from the previous two games, this spider will definitely not let down its vigilance against me! So in this case, take out Darius as the top laner Super tough steel wire bully hero, I can even kill at least one hero on the opposite side in a one-on-two situation! I will not be afraid of spider gank at all!"

Coach Jin nodded: "Keep talking! I'm listening!"

Mr. Wang continued: "This is the advantage when laning! Have you noticed that the opposite lineup basically has no displacement ability!"

Trolls, spiders, clockwork, fortune tellers...

Indeed, as Master Wang said, the lineup selected by the SKT team is almost all ground heroes without any displacement ability!

"The most fearful thing about this lineup is Darius, a hero who is very afraid of kites, but as long as he can touch people, he can immediately cause a huge amount of damage! So, if I can use Darius in this game If Si is this hero, I am confident that I can dominate the team battles in the mid-to-late game with Kyrie throughout the game!”

After listening to Mr. Wang's speech, Liu Qingsong said hesitantly: "But... there is Clockwork on the opposite side! Clockwork is a very disgusting hero! Are you sure you can touch the core of the opponent while they are playing with the ball? ?"

Lord Wang smiled lightly, without even looking at Liu Qingsong: "Songsong, you seem to distrust me a little bit!"

Liu Qingsong: "..."

When Mr. Wang said such words, Liu Qingsong had no way to follow up!
After fighting side by side in so many games, Liu Qingsong knows the strength of Master Wang very well!
Although the questions he raised just now are very reasonable and normal, but when these questions are placed on Mr. Wang...

Even Liu Qingsong himself couldn't help feeling a little suspicious!
That is, can the clockwork on the opposite side really restrain Lord Wang's Darius?
The hero also depends on the ID!
How strong a hero is, where the upper limit is, partly depends on the strength of the hero itself, and partly depends on who is manipulating the hero!

If, within Liu Qingsong's reasonable suspicion, normal level professional players would be greatly restricted by the hero Clockwork when using Darius, then when the ID on Darius' head is replaced by With the three letters wzw, everything will be different!

After all, this ID belongs to the man who created a miracle by taking a newly formed team directly from his own league to the semi-finals of the global finals!

After figuring this out, Liu Qingsong directly closed his mouth and took the hero Darius, the Hand of Noxus, to Lord Wang in his last position without even thinking about it!
And Lin Weixiang also chose Jela as the supporting hero in his team under the instruction of Coach Jin.

At this point, all five heroes of the LTG team have been selected.

They are:
Top laner Darius, jungler blind monk, mid laner Dragon King, bottom laner Ezreal and Gera.

(End of this chapter)

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