Chapter 90 Healing
Song Pingsheng also understood what the old fisherman meant, looked at the little boy who was only seven or eight years old in front of him, thought for a while and said, "I don't know what your last name is, old man? Do you have an ancestral hall?"

"Returning to the son, the little old man's surname is Li, and everyone in the village calls me old man Li. Since my ancestors have been common people for generations, there is no ancestral hall to worship."

"In that case, old man Li. I'll give your grandson a name."

After finishing speaking, Song Pingsheng carefully looked at the little boy in front of him by the faint candlelight, and then said in a slow tone: "Today, I am grateful to your grandparents and grandson for saving me, and you have worked tirelessly to heal my wounds by fishing."

"But if Sun Tian is talented and has a strange skeleton, why not call him Tian Cong."

Old man Li muttered to himself after hearing this: "Tian Cong, Li Tian Cong."

"What a good name. My grandson has always liked to brag about making the kids in the same village smart. This name suits him just right."

And the little boy, no, it should be Li Tiancong, also showed joy at this time, he finally has his own name, and he will never have to hear the two ugly names of "dog egg" in the future.

Looking at the grandpa and grandson who were in ecstasy, Song Pingsheng was also relieved, he had never met him before, but he was able to help to save them, there were not many such people in his previous life.

After a while, Old Man Li suddenly remembered that Song Pingsheng was still injured, so he thanked him again and led Li Tiancong out.

After all, after a busy day, neither of them had eaten yet.

And Song Pingsheng got up and did it cross-legged after they went out, and began to take the second "Sheng Jin Tengmai Pill", trying to restore the meridians as soon as possible.

Feeling the piercing itching again, while standing still silently, Song Pingsheng also noticed that the clothes on his body were damaged, especially the one on the left chest, where a hole the size of a fist emerged, and he could vaguely see the inside the wound.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any real energy in his body now, so he can't use the mustard space in front of his chest, which contains some of his daily necessities, as well as countless gold, silver and rare treasures obtained from the treasure house of the Shen family.

Old man Li also knew that the food he cooked was too poor, so he didn't bring it in to treat Song Pingsheng to dinner, thinking that he should go to town tomorrow.

In the dead of night, feeling that Old Man Li and Li Tiancong had already fallen asleep, Song Pingsheng began to count the gains from the trip to the Yi King's Mausoleum.

Although the things in the mustard space cannot be viewed, there are many soul fragments in the system in his mind that can be used.

After killing the humanoid monster before, in order to improve his strength, he exchanged most of all the Yuanshen fragments.

In the end, only more than 400 points were left in case of emergency.

After killing Bai Muhan and Xu Huan in succession, he got a total of 4700 yuanshen fragments, plus He Congzhi's contribution of 3400 points.

In order to avoid Feng Yan's pursuit, he first spent 700 points in exchange for "Yi Ling Pill" and "Hui Yuan Pill".

Later, he spent 1200 Yuanshen fragments in exchange for a third-order hidden character formula, and 3 points for a "Yi Ling Pill".

Then remove the Primordial Spirit Shards required for the deducted life points during this period, and the 1300 points required to exchange two "Sheng Jin Tengmai Pills" during the day.

Now he still has a little over 5000 soul fragments in his body.

And Feng Yan's pursuit caused him to lose thousands of Yuanshen fragments in vain. Even if there is no Invincible Mythology to start the mission, he will kill the other party.

After one night, under the nourishment of two "Sheng Jin Tengmai Pills", Song Pingsheng was able to get out of bed and walk around the next morning.

Moreover, the meridians in the body have almost recovered, and they can already cultivate true qi, and barely have the power to protect themselves.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Song Pingsheng did not rush to take the "Huiyuan Pill", but followed the warming and nourishing method recorded in the Tiangang Divine Art to guide the newly generated ray of true energy to flow slowly throughout the body.

Tiangang Shengong is an authentic Taoist practice method. Although the moves are powerful, they are still in line with the Taoist meaning of righteousness and peace.

After Yungong meditated for a long time, Song Pingsheng got up and got out of bed, opened the mustard space, and first took out a set of ordinary clothes on the boat.

He took out a few ingots of silver and put them in his bosom for emergencies, and then he went outside the boat shed.

After looking at Old Man Li who was collecting the net to catch fish and Li Tiancong who was washing the ingredients aside, he thought for a while.

He called old man Li directly, and then took out a silver ingot from his arms and handed it to the other party.

"This is 20 taels of silver. You can go to the town to buy something later. Remember not to let other people find out, and don't spread anything about me."

Looking at the white money in front of him, Old Man Li felt a little short of breath, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

He had lived for decades, and this was the first time he had seen so much silver.

Fortunately, he has a lot of experience, so he controlled his emotions in a moment, and then stretched out his trembling hands, ready to take over this huge fortune.

At this time, Song Pingsheng seemed to think of something, and suddenly exerted force with his right hand, and under the shocked eyes of his grandfather and grandson, he pinched the Wenyin in his palm into more than ten pieces.

"Young master is truly a god!"

The old man Li couldn't help exclaiming that the silver had already been broken.

The reason why Song Pingsheng did this was because a silver ingot was still too abrupt for Old Man Li.

If he goes to the town to buy things with this money, let alone whether he can spend it, I am afraid that the moment he takes it out, he will be suspected by interested people.

An old fisherman who makes his living by fishing suddenly has 20 taels of silver.

And it would be much easier to turn it into pieces of silver. After all, these days, poor people can still save a few taels of silver.

After doing all this, Song Pingsheng turned around and went back to the boat shed, and began to meditate to heal his injuries.

Now he is still not easy to show his face, so as not to be noticed by others.

He believed that there must be many people looking for him in Yongzhou now.

Except for Feng Yan, many people must be very greedy for the secret treasure of the Yi King's tomb in his hands.

Unbuttoning his clothes and looking at the two wounds on his chest, Song Pingsheng frowned slightly, his eyes filled with gloom.

He had to hurry up and get rid of Feng Yan's alien qi in his body, and now he didn't have much time.

If he can't kill Feng Yan in two months and complete the mission to open the Invincible Myth, with his current Yuanshen fragments, even if all of them are exchanged for life points, it won't be enough to deduct.

Looking at the remaining 5000 Yuanshen shards, Song Pingsheng gritted his teeth and exchanged two "Huiyuan Pills" and one "Yi Ling Pill" without hesitation.

Firstly, he took a "Huiyuan Pill" to recover his true qi, and then guided the true qi to flow to the wound on his chest, bit by bit consuming the foreign true qi left by Feng Yan.

Although the opponent's power is extremely powerful, the zhenqi left on him is like a weed with floating roots, without the user's supply, it can only be cleaned up slowly by him.

After an hour of cleaning, the true energy on the two wounds on the chest has been completely removed, leaving only the two wounds on the back.

When the true energy was completely cleared, the original wound also changed from the original black color to bright red.

Quickly took a "Yi Ling Pill" to repair the injury, Song Pingsheng told Li Tiancong outside the boat shed not to disturb him.

Then he started to clear the alien qi again. Fortunately, he still had a lot of bigu pills on him, so he didn't need to waste time on eating.

After working like this for a whole day, he finally cleared away all the foreign qi from several wounds on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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