I am a hero in online games

Chapter 202 Descends from the sky

Chapter 202 Descends from the sky
When Xiao Long was ravaging He Ergou recklessly, he suddenly fell limp to the ground, startled and frightened, almost speechless.

"You...you..." Xiao Long pointed to He Ergou and said intermittently, "What kind of kung fu did you use..."

"What? You want to know?" He Ergou let go of his foot on Xiao Long's head, squatted down and looked at Xiao Long, and said slowly: "When I threw mud at you just now, I joined me in it. The newly developed bone-eroding powder has accurately calculated the attack time and has been delaying it until now. How about it? Does it feel good?"

"He Da, hero, don't kill me, I and I are taking people's money and doing things for others, for...for life, to support my family's... old man, I can't do anything..." Xiao Long lay on the ground , I almost lost the strength to even move my fingers, and just kept begging for mercy.

He Ergou felt funny in his heart: "Before, you were the one who was vicious and helped the evil, but now you are the one who supports my father. Do you think I am a fool!"

"No, no, no, no, no..." Xiao Long was too anxious to speak.This sudden change gave everything a chance to breathe.

He Ergou didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed out, stopped in front of Xiao Long, and said in one go: "You are so tall that you even bully the disabled?"

Yue Wen behind him was crying so darkly that He Ergou could hardly hear his own voice.He Ergou complained in his heart: "You didn't cry when the mace was on your neck just now, but now you survived and you cried like this..."

Xiao Long looked at He Ergou, and burst out laughing: "Who am I? It's you again, a good-for-nothing disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect?"

"Just right," Xiao Long pulled out the mace from the soil, "Last time your junior sister helped you out, this time you have no help, I will kill you together."

Seeing that Xiao Long picked up the mace again, He Ergou couldn't help feeling a little flustered. He looked around the forest and found a road with relatively low trees and lush branches and leaves.Nixersais——This continent covers twelve cities and countless tribes and villages.Many races are subject to the human forces with five cities on the mainland—the Qiufeng Empire under the rule of the Miles family—founded by Miles I, and the current king is Miles V.Resentment was skinny, and because of chasing and killing Tang Jun, he had an enmity with Xiaoyaogu, and finally sent Xian Yunzi away, fighting Tang Jun, Ling'er, and He Ergou alone, and was killed
Bai Ling
Eyeless, blind old man, once a master of swordsmanship, good at hiding in the dark, finding the right opportunity to strike, every strike is a fatal move.Unique trick: break the situation with a sword.

Weeping baby, a seven-year-old child, was born because of his mother's qigong practice, and his mother died. He was very strong in martial arts at a young age, and he was super powerful after learning casually. Now he has surpassed the four guardians and is the most powerful in the Zhuyin Sect. Strong, Jingleizi was killed by him because he betrayed the Candle Yin Sect.In the end, He Ergou and Mu Jianzhu were temporarily forced to join forces to kill him.

In red, the most beautiful woman in this book, Da Mu Jianzhu and He Ergou are five years old, their martial arts are slightly inferior to the early Mu Jianzhu, but they have a whole body of evil kung fu (internal strength is yin, speaking with internal strength, can disturb people's mind. Fa Miangu Gong, transforming people's internal strength. The unique move is the hand that seals the pulse and breaks the soul, and the acupuncture point seals the pulse to transform people's internal strength.) The overall strength is stronger, and he is a spy placed under Jingleizi for Zhulong, but because of his love for Mu Jianzhu, he has been The candle dragon circles around.He often flirts with Mu Jianzhu secretly, but Mu Jianzhu has always avoided it deliberately in order to improve his strength and revenge.In the end, Mu Jianzhu turned against Zhulong after leaving the cult. In a battle, Mu Jianzhu was almost killed by Zhulong.After this incident, Mu Jianzhu became even more withdrawn.

Yasha: He has a strange face, claims to be a dragon scale, wields a trident, is proficient in fast guns, is high-profile and arrogant, but cruel and powerful.

Rakshasa: Uses a poison-enhanced dagger, and is good at maneuvering dexterously.The face is extremely ugly and extremely vicious.Seeing that the woman was so obedient, the big man turned his head away, looked at everyone, laughed wildly, and shouted: "Little lady is really flattering! After drinking this bowl, brothers still have several pots..."

As the big man said this, he reached out to hug the slim waist of the woman in green shirt. The woman suddenly threw the wine bowl high into the air. Several strong men were stunned. Just when they were about to raise their heads to look at the wine bowl, the woman She made a fist with her right hand and struck out very quickly. She knocked down the man who was trying to disrespect her with one punch. Then she stretched out her hand and caught the bowl of wine. The bowl of wine fell smoothly into her hand. Not a drop was spilled.

Seeing this, Ling Xuzi couldn't help being taken aback: "It turns out that this girl knows martial arts, it's just her posture, I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

Only then did the other big men see a brother lying on the ground with nosebleeds running down his face, holding his nose and yelling "Ouch, Ouch".

Several people were furious, a big man stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman's wrist, the woman's left hand was gently turned along the big man's wrist, and she turned him over with internal force, but her right hand was still holding the bowl of wine and poured it out. Drank it down.

Only then did the remaining few big men realize that the woman was not good at dealing with them, and they all picked up the benches, intending to swarm up and restrain the woman together.

I saw the woman gently put the wine bowl on the table, and stretched out her hand to untie the burden she was carrying on her shoulders.

Those big men were rushing in front of the woman, but the woman took out a long sword from her baggage and pushed the scabbard open with one hand. The blade of the sword was dotted with cold light, and it was obviously a treasure whose handle was as sharp as iron.

The several big men looked at each other, already frightened. Seeing the woman drawing her sword, they were even more frightened. They hurriedly helped up the two brothers who had been knocked to the ground, said "You wait" and rolled away. He crawled to the ground and left the restaurant.

Xiao Er couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, as if he couldn't believe that a frail woman could beat a group of strong men to the point where they couldn't fight back.

Ling Xuzi watched it quietly by the side, he already knew it in his heart, he took a step forward, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Miss Xu, we meet again."

The woman in green shirt slowly took off her bamboo hat, only to see that she was delicate and bright, with elegant makeup, she was Xu Ying, the daughter of Xu Songchen, the head of the Huashan School.

Seeing that Ling Xuzi recognized Xu Ying, she also cupped her hands and smiled, "Brother He, how did you recognize me?"

Ling Xuzi smiled and said: "I see that every move you make looks like..." After He Ergou assisted in Haijiao Hall, Luo Jingxian went home to find out what was going on, and He Ergou returned to Xiaoyao Valley.On the way, he was robbed by bandits and taken to the mountain, only to find out that the leader of the village was the swordsman A Liang who killed the old man last time.A Liang gave He Ergou a pure heart pendant that the unscrupulous businessman bought from the black market with a lot of money when he robbed the rich and helped the poor. The dog returns to the valley.

It took several months to find out that the Haijiao Hall had been destroyed

After returning to the valley, she heard the master tell what happened outside Chengdu, and learned that Lei Zhen was seriously injured, and also learned that Linger was forced by Lei Zhen to practice martial arts. Linger has gone home to visit her father.

Xianyunzi Yuelan and the others rushed back to the Tang Sect, but found that Tang Yuan and Jun Tang were unscathed, and the enemy had already retreated. After questioning, they learned that the elite disciples of the Tang Sect who were on a mission came back to help out.The two turned back.

He Ergou remembered that Steward Yang wanted to kill Yue Wen, so without delay, the master ordered He Ergou to rush to Xiangyang to inform Yue Lan.

After arriving in Xiangyang, He Ergou went to Yue Lan's house as a guest, and then took Yue Wen to go fishing in the forest, and then left on the pretext of having something to do. As a result, Butler Yang sent a group of third-rate killers to kill Yue Wen, and finally Xiao Long appeared (end here) (leaving suspense), and then Xiao Long defeated the killer. Butler Yang was impatient for a while and used his back-up tactics to bring more than a dozen Jin Yiwei with high martial arts skills (originally planning to raid Yue Lan while Yue Lan's family was severely hit after Yue Wen's death. When the plan failed, he personally came to kill Yue Wen), Xiao Long was defeated, and at this time He Ergou and Yue Lan appeared. They had been lying in wait for a long time and saw everything. Yue Lan defeated the Jin Yiwei and rescued Yue Wen.

Yue Lan thanked He Ergou for giving him the secret book of the one-word electric sword.He Ergou found that he couldn't understand and couldn't practice, so he had to take it with him.

After returning to the valley again, Xianyunzi took He Ergou out of the valley for final training, and passed on all the martial arts to He Ergou. He didn't learn them at the time, but later they all turned into secrets, and he learned them in one go.Xianyunzi also told He Ergou that although he pursues freedom, who doesn't want to see peace and tranquility in the world, but he is a sinner, and it is too late to say this, and he places his hope on He Ergou's generation.It took him to recall Xianyunzi's experiences in the world (sensational).


Main plot: The beggar gang's dog-beating stick was stolen by Pang Fei and the news was released. There was an internal chaos. A beggars' gang meeting was held in Chang'an to discuss taking back the dog-beating stick.The four elders began to look for the gang leader, and the Jin Yiwei sneak attacked and killed two elders.Elder Li was captured and tortured until he became disabled and even crazy.

Pan Zhentian was dissatisfied that Mo Fuhu led dozens of disciples of the Beggars' Gang to defect from the Beggars' Gang regardless of the important affairs in the gang.


Yu Feiling, a super important person in this book, is a five-star chef from the real world who came through time travel. He has been here for more than ten years. It is said in martial arts that eating his dishes can increase his skill for ten years.

Yu Feiling's younger brother took He Ergou to Bugui Inn to recommend He Ergou to him. When He Ergou arrived, he was being embarrassed by Murong Guang, who thought he didn't know martial arts and asked him to prepare a Manchu-Han banquet for the Cloud-Zhanying Sword Sect. , otherwise kill him.

As soon as He Ergou came, Murong Guang wanted to mock He Ergou.


Seeing that the two of them had a grudge, Yu Feiling asked He Ergou to defeat Murong Guang to protect himself, but He Ergou lost, and Murong Guang became fierce and was about to kill He Ergou when Mu Jianzhu came here to look for him. He didn't return to the inn, so he rescued He Ergou out of the practice of destroying the world.


After saving He Ergou, Mu Jianzhu also wanted to take Yu Feiling away. At this time, Xian Yunzi happened to come out from the beggar gang to rescue Yu Feiling.

Yu Feiling originally looked down on He Ergou, but when he was leaving, he heard his younger brother say that He Ergou invented the cotton spinning machine, so he suddenly kept He Ergou and talked to He Ergou alone.


This empire, which has experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain, has an incomparably powerful army and strong assets.These human beings not only have powerful fighting skills, but also master the power of elemental magic. They rule half of the continent, live in peace with the subjugated races, and peacefully communicate with the independent races of the unsubjugated elves.This continent has been peaceful for more than ten years.But now, unknowingly, the situation is changing
"Students, this is the battle armor worn by Emperor II during the unification war. In that arduous and legendary battle, Emperor II led all the martyrs to fight bravely, annihilated the evil spirits who invaded us, and recovered the lost All the territories taken away have restored the great Qiufeng Empire. In this holy battle, Emperor II personally beheaded Sass, who is known as the Immortal Devil Emperor of the Evil Spirit Race, and broke his immortality, immortality, and immortality. legend."

A trembling voice told this well-known story——in the museum, a history teacher took his students to an outdoor history class. After all, it was the glorious history of the empire. The teacher spoke impassionedly, with tears in his eyes.

However, amidst the collective admiration of the students, there was an unharmonious sound—it was a burst of rhythmic snoring, the sound was not loud, but it interrupted the teacher's passionate lecture.The teacher pursed his dry mouth, wiped away the hot tears from the corners of his eyes, and glared angrily at the sleeping student who stood there.If this kind of person was in the past, he would definitely be a qualified ascetic monk.

The audience was quiet, except for the sound of snoring and the crackling of sparks in the teacher's eyes.Finally, a thunderous roar rang out: "Pasi! Tell me whose armor this is!" The student Pasi, who woke up from his sleep, shivered, his sleepy eyes suddenly widened, and he mumbled: "Report, report to the teacher! This, this may be the collection of the physical education teacher in the next class. He, he likes to collect all kinds of strange clothes!"

It was deathly silence again, followed by roaring laughter, the students were all laughing, only Paxi, who was terrified, noticed that the stainless steel pointer in the teacher's hand was gradually twisting and deforming.
Standing on the playground, Patsy glanced sideways at the buckets of water held in his left and right hands, glanced at a heavy book above his head, and sighed silently.This is a short, thin boy with disheveled hair, dirty and torn clothes, and a listless look on his face.He studied at a senior military academy in Hongli, the capital of the Qiufeng Empire. In Hongli's three-year education system, except for the theoretical courses in the first year, he spent the remaining two years actually learning the art of war. , practice martial arts, and even perform missions.Now, Patsy is studying in the first grade, but what is different is that according to the current situation, he is not qualified to continue to the second grade, because during this year, he has never passed his homework, physical education The various exercises in the class were never up to standard. In the eyes of all the teachers, he was like a dragster who did not seek to improve. He significantly lowered the class score. All the teachers treated him like a dead dog. Some teachers even thought of sending Parsi to the monastery to meditate. They felt that it would be a loss to the temple if Parsi became a soldier. He must be an excellent zazen master.He could always remain motionless for a long time during class, which would be admired by many monks. If there were no snores, Li Buwen felt that the internal force in his palms was strong, and it was inconvenient to use force, so he asked After retreating, Lord Grim seized the opportunity, flew his palms, and struck him to the left and right. Li Buwen dodged and dodged, and was unknowingly forced into the corner behind him.

Li Buwen leaned against the wall, and realized that he had fallen into a situation where he couldn't dodge. He couldn't help laughing at himself for being careless, but he said to Jun Mo with a smile: "I was careless, but what's the use of you pushing me into a desperate situation? Although your palm strength is fierce, if I am willing to catch it, it doesn't matter if I forcefully catch a dozen palms."

Lord Grim shook his head slightly, smiled without saying a word, stepped out with his right foot, stepped out of a deep pit on the stone slab beside him, bent his right leg slightly, and drew a circle with his arms, a sudden gust of wind blew up towards Lord Grim's right arm gathered in the past.

Seeing this, Li Buwen remembered that General Han said that this person was a disciple of the Beggar Clan, his face immediately changed, and he said in surprise, "Could it be..."

Lord Grim smiled slightly:
"Kanglong has regrets." "Hua Chenluo?" Ling Xuzi felt that the name was familiar, "That's not Ye Weiyang's..."

Chu Tiankuo raised his head, looked at Ling Xuzi, and said sadly, "Brother He, do you know Ye Weiyang?"

Ling Xuzi nodded and said: "We have fought against him before."

Hearing this, Xie Jinhou raised his head that was about to be buried in the bowl, swallowed the food in his mouth in a hurry, and said in surprise, "Have you ever fought against Young Master Ye?"

Ling Xuzi looked at Xie Jinhou's frightened expression and, intending to tease him, nodded innocently.

Xie Jinhou slumped on the table all of a sudden, he has always believed in Ye Weiyang's strength, but if these people can fight Ye Weiyang and survive, then I'm afraid no one in the palace can save his life.

Ling Xuzi watched Xie Jinhou slump like a deflated ball, secretly amused.But after thinking about it, it turns out that Chu Tiankuo likes Ye Weiyang's concubine, no wonder he always looks hurt by love, there must be twists and turns, and it is hard to explain.

Suddenly, he remembered that the two servants who looked like officials said they would give Chu Tiankuo some trouble, and Chu Tiankuo confirmed that they were servants of Prince Xin's Mansion, that is to say...

Ling Xuzi was shocked: "Are those two people going to ask Ye Weiyang to come?"

Lord Grim, Chu Tiankuo, Xu Ying and others heard the words and looked at Ling Xuzi together. Among these people, only Xu Ying had never seen Ye Weiyang, and he didn't know how terrifying this person was.For a moment, everyone was a little flustered.

Before everyone could react, they heard a voice from downstairs: "Where the untouchables dare to call my young master's name directly?"

Everyone was shocked, they hurriedly stuffed Xie Jinhou into the room behind them, and saw Ye Weiyang coming up from downstairs. "Cooking? What kind of dishes?" He Ergou asked curiously, wondering why the shopkeeper had a sudden whim and wanted to cook for himself.

Yu Feiling changed her previous attitude and replied very enthusiastically: "I saw you were so kind today, so I personally cooked a dish for you. This dish of mine is much more valuable than the things I told you before! How much? No one can find me even with ten thousand taels of gold!"

He Ergou laughed in his heart and said: "This Yu Feiling is quite interesting. It was hot and cold just now, but now you have to cook for me. Even if you are the No. 1 chef in the world, one dish will not be worth ten thousand taels." Gold, right?"

Seeing that He Ergou didn't answer, Yu Feiling didn't care. He just looked beaming and said, "I've been here for 17 years. I've been traveling around all these years, and I've been searching and researching here. All kinds of herbs, I finally found some medicinal materials that can dredge the tendons. I mixed them in my dishes, and the effect was greatly increased. If you eat this dish of mine, your cultivation will have to improve by at least ten years! "

Listening to Yu Feiling exaggerating himself, He Ergou thought to himself: "I do know the method of diet therapy, but I haven't heard of any food that can increase internal strength, let alone ten years of skill... If that's the case , isn’t there going to be a mess in the rivers and lakes?”

Yu Feiling looked at He Ergou, saw that he hadn't answered, and knew in his heart that he didn't believe what he said, and he didn't get angry. He just smiled and lowered his head to concentrate on cooking.

Yu Feiling found a potato out of nowhere, then skillfully peeled and cut the potato into shreds, lit the firewood, and heated the oil...

He Ergou saw clearly from the side and thought to himself: "The No. 1 chef in the world, just make a plate of... shredded potatoes?"

Yu Feiling didn't look back, but seemed to see through He Ergou's mind, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this potato shreds, no one can cook delicacies from mountains and seas, and only those who can make home-cooked dishes with a good taste are considered delicious. ability!"

As he spoke, Yu Feiling took out a small porcelain bottle, uncorked the bottle, and poured the whole bottle of powder into it.

He Ergou saw it in his eyes and asked, "Treasurer Yu, what was the bottle just now?"

Yu Feiling smiled proudly and said: "That is the miracle medicine I made after 17 years of research. After you take it, your power will be greatly increased!"

He Ergou looked at the man in his early 20s in front of him, and thought, "You were only four or five years old 17 years ago... Could it be that you started to go to the mountains to collect herbs at that time?"

He Ergou couldn't believe what this weird shopkeeper said.

Soon, Yu Feiling took out the shredded potatoes, put them in front of He Ergou, and said with a smile, "Try it!"

Looking at the plate of shredded potatoes on the table, it is fragrant and attractive in color.He Ergou was shocked after just one taste. Although he had never eaten any delicacies from mountains and seas, he had eaten a lot of shredded potatoes, but today's dish was beyond the scope of He Ergou's description. .

The potato shreds are uniform in thickness and moderate in thickness. When you bite into your mouth, it is crisp and refreshing, fragrant but not greasy.Eloquent fragrance, endless aftertaste...

He Ergou couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that a plate of potato shreds could have such an amazing flavor. This Yu Feiling is indeed a famous chef in the world.

Yu Feiling admired the shocked expression on He Ergou's face with great satisfaction, and asked casually, "Are you a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect?"


"In less than ten days, there will be a sword debate in Huashan, right?"


Yu Feiling nodded thoughtfully, and said to himself, "That's enough."

"What?" He Ergou swallowed a mouthful of shredded potatoes and asked, "What is enough?"

Only then did Yu Feiling come back to his senses, and said with a smile: "I said that by then, you may already be able to adapt to the improvement that this dish brings to you."

He Ergou couldn't laugh or cry in his heart: "Even if he can improve his skill for ten years with this dish, but I can't learn martial arts, what's the use of having internal energy?"

Afterwards, the two had no communication. Yu Feiling just watched He Ergou finish the dish quietly. He Ergou stood up, cupped his hands and said, "The cooking skills of the shopkeeper Yu are truly invincible. Delicious food, He has never heard of it before!"

Yu Feiling waved his hand and said with a smile: "I, Fatty Yu, am also the No. 1 chef in the world. These are just trivial matters. You will see me again in the future, and I will cook more powerful dishes for you by then."

He Ergou said with a smile: "Well, I'd like to thank the shopkeeper first. I have something important to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Yu Feiling said: "Wait, there is one more thing."

As he said that, Yu Feiling took out a book and handed it to He Ergou, saying: "This is the heart-clearing skill, which is a very practical martial arts mental method. After it is completed, it can not only heal your own kung fu, but also heal others. , It is really a miracle in the world!"

He Ergou was startled, and hurriedly shied away: "The shopkeeper, such an important gift, I can't afford it. If the shopkeeper needs a cotton gin, I can stay until I teach the shopkeeper how to make it, but I don't have to accept it." This is a great gift!"

Yu Feiling burst out laughing suddenly, and after a while he said, "You boy, when did I say I wanted a cotton gin? I just saw that you and I were destined, and I don't know martial arts, so I don't want to intervene." For the matter of martial arts, I just want to give it to you."

As he said that, Yu Feiling pretended to be displeased and said, "Fatty Yu thinks highly of you today, kid, if you don't accept me, you won't give me face!"

Seeing that Yu Feiling was so persistent, He Ergou couldn't refuse any more, and accepted this "Qingxin Gong".

After separating from Yu Feiling, He Ergou finally left the Chang'an barracks. Looking back on what happened to Yu Feiling here, he was really puzzled: "At the beginning, the shopkeeper Yu was so indifferent to me, and even helped Murong. Only harm and my tendency, but after I defeated Murong Guang, although he took good care of me, he was still very indifferent. When he found out that I invented the cotton gin, he suddenly became so enthusiastic again, cooking for me, and Give me such a great gift, but don't want me to teach him how to make a cotton gin...then why does he help me?"

He Ergou lowered his head and randomly flipped through the Qingxin Gong in his hand. Like other cheat books, he knew all the words on it, and he could fully understand them together.But no matter how I do it, I still can't learn the essence of it...

He Ergou sighed, put away the cheat book, and thought: "It seems that it is difficult for me to become a generation of heroes..."

Suddenly, a black shadow flew past He Ergou. He Ergou raised his head to look at the black shadow, and the black shadow looked back at He Ergou.

The man was short and fat, wearing night clothes and holding a green bamboo stick in his hand.

At a glance, He Ergou recognized this person, and couldn't help screaming:
"Pang Fei!"

Ye Weiyang saw Chu Tiankuo at a glance, and was about to sneer when she turned around and saw Ling Xuzi and others, and immediately sneered: "You guys are here again, this time I I won't let you go again."

When Ye Weiyang was by King Xin's side, she always looked stable and mature, with a very deep city look, but when she was outside, she was wanton and indulgent, extremely rampant.

Seeing Ling Xuzi and the others at this time, he sat at their table very leisurely, grabbed a jar of wine and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing that this person didn't take them seriously, Xu Ying felt displeased, and wanted to give him a blow, so she immediately reversed her sword and stabbed at the wine jar in his hand.

Ye Weiyang gave way to Xu Ying's sword, kicked a jug of wine on the ground towards Xu Ying's face, Xu Ying hurriedly leaned over to avoid the jug, but also ended up in a very embarrassing situation.

Seeing this, Ling Xuzi shouted: "What exactly do you want?"

Ye Weiyang put down the wine jar, wiped his mouth, and then slowly said: "This white-haired woman plays the piano and laments here every day, isn't she just a woman who covets my young master? This young master just taught him a lesson, you guys go away, My sister already believes that this kid is dead, I am too lazy to kill you guys."

Ling Xuzi shook his head and said: "Brother Chu is our friend, if you want to harm Brother Chu, you have to ask us first."

Ye Weiyang laughed wildly when he heard the words: "Ask you? You group of trash fish, last time I just didn't use my full strength. Do you really think you can leave my hand alive? The Tang Sect who was with you What about the miscellaneous fish? Has it been caught to death by my Nine Yin White Bone Claw?"

Xu Ying was startled when he heard the words: "Does he know the Nine Yin White Bone Claws?"

Ling Xuzi said in a low voice: "Not only that, but he will also transform into a great method, so you must not make any physical contact with him."

Ye Weiyang glanced at Xu Ying, shook her head in disdain, she was not interested in asking her identity at all, immediately slapped the table, suddenly got violent, stretched out her hand and went straight to Chu Tiankuo.

Ling Xuzi knew that although Chu Tiankuo's qin skills were strong, he had a major flaw that he couldn't shoot instantly. At this time, Ye Weiyang attacked suddenly, and Chu Tiankuo must have no time to make a move.

Therefore, Ling Xuzi resorted to Xihua's footwork, quickly dodged towards him, and slashed forward with a nameless sword technique.

Originally, the nameless sword technique only had an ordinary move, and Ling Xuzi was unwilling to use it, but in such a hurry, he only had time to use this inexplicable sword.

But this time it was slightly different, with just a flash of sword light, there was a faint sword energy coming out, although it was not enough to kill people, but it also forced Ye Weiyang to retreat.When Chris was struggling to think about how to break through the line of defense in front of him, Peel quietly appeared behind him.

"You are very courageous. After hiding in the shadows for so long, you dare to come back?"

"If you choose to close your eyes while bathing in the sun, then the sun is meaningless." Chris said every word.

"So you're here to kill the sun?" Peel's smile was still kind and sincere.

"No, I'm here to get rid of those who dare not open their eyes." Chris raised his head and looked straight into Pierre's eyes. The irony is that the knight's eyes are always full of sunshine and justice, but he himself It is the source of evil in this empire.

"I hope you can succeed. You know, even the glare of the sun can only make pedestrians close their eyes."

"And shadows can make them lost forever." Chris smiled slightly.

"Retreat." Peel waved his hand lightly.

The soldiers of the fire brigade who were waiting in full battle at the gate of the palace quickly put away their weapons and retreated from the gate in an orderly manner.

Peel strode into the palace and patted Chris on the shoulder.

Chris slowly put away the two tomahawks and followed Pierre into the palace.

To Chris' surprise, this most luxurious palace in the entire continent is not as magnificent as imagined, but is dominated by white marble. The entire palace exudes solemnity and solemnity.

There is a long table in the hall, which runs through the entire hall, and the table is full of important officials of the empire - as long as these people nod together, they can destroy any small race on the mainland.

At this moment, Chris was standing under the palace gate, and Pierre saluted Miles: "My lord, it's our failure to do things well. This explorer is not an assassin, but came to provide you with important information."

Miles smiled: "What information is it?"

"It's about the legendary demon sword—Chiyue."

In the history of the empire's rebellion, there have always been legends about demon swords: they were a pair of twin swords, one named Chiyue, and a dark red arc sword, possessing strange coquettishness and suffocating loneliness. , when it is unsheathed, it can burst out with huge oppression and murderous intent, and every swing is full of the beauty and poetry of dance.There was even a text that described Chiyue's sword energy when it was unsheathed - "The storm is about to come and the dragon is startled."The other one is named Mo Yang. There is not much description in the legend about this sword. It is just that it is different from Chi Yue. It is a domineering and fierce straight sword, that's all.According to legend, those who possess these two swords can master the most powerful spiritual magic, and only one person has ever possessed them - Palton Miles, the son of Pseudo Miles III.After his death, the two demon swords disappeared.

Now Chris suddenly mentioned the whereabouts of Chiyue, which aroused the interest of all important officials. The influence of this item in the Qiufeng Empire was no less than that of the stolen battle armor of Miles II.Miles V still smiled faintly: "Your Majesty, come forward."

Chris paused, took out a wooden tube from his arms, walked slowly to Miles V, took out a piece of parchment inside, shook it out in front of Miles V, "This is what I brought clues."

Miles V was about to carefully study the contents on the parchment, but felt his eyes were distracted and he couldn't concentrate, so he began to shake slightly.

"What a powerful medicine!" Chris suddenly pulled out the two battle axes behind him, and slashed at Miles V.General Reid was the first to notice the abnormality, but he suffered from no weapons (except for the imperial guards, the ministers who entered the palace were not allowed to carry weapons).I had no choice but to grab the silver-cast chair and throw it at Chris.At the same time, Peel roared in panic, and threw the knight gun in his hand, seemingly aiming at Chris's vest, but knocked the chair thrown by Reid impartially, allowing Chris to escape a blow.

There were many important officials in the hall, but Chris couldn’t be restrained for a while. Reid’s attack failed. Guy stared at Chris, grabbed the chair in his hand, but he didn’t make a move. He has always been Pierre’s lackey. At this time, thinking about it is just a pose.And all the civil servants, led by the commander-in-chief Guert, were even more at a loss, watching Chris' ax fall in a panic.

Suddenly, a strong air current rolled Chris back half a step, even with the axe, and the tomahawk that had hit Myers between the eyebrows was also a few inches away, and it was cut in vain.

Chris didn't have time to turn around to look for it, so he came down with two axes again, trying to take Myers' life by force.But this time, a gust of wind directly swept Miles away and flew to the side.

Chris looked in the direction of Miles flying away, and it was the national teacher Caron who controlled the strong wind to roll Miles to his side.

Karon, the national teacher of the Qiufeng Empire, is a knowledgeable and wise elder in the empire. He is probably over 70 years old, but he is still proficient in elemental magic. He is the most unfathomable archmage on the mainland.When everyone has no weapons and is helpless, only the national teacher Kalong's strength has not been damaged.His mana is so strong that he no longer needs the help of a staff to release most of the middle and low-level magic, so the usual legendary staff is more like an ordinary crutch.

His presence at this time is undoubtedly the biggest resistance for Chris.

After thinking for a while, Chris spun and collided with the two axes violently, trying to use the strong airflow to shock the idlers away, so as to launch a stronger attack, but the shock wave from the two axes just started to spread, and gathered in Chris's body. The surroundings are no longer outward - the air barrier created by Caron has completely enveloped Chris, and his offensive is completely trapped in it. "Well..." Chris felt that the situation was a bit tricky, and he began to chant in a low voice: "Atutusaru..." In an instant, several thick vines broke through the ground under Karon's feet, interrupting his spellcasting ...

Ye Weiyang took a few steps back and stood still. Before she could recover, Lord Grim picked up a broom and used it as a stick to dance.

To deal with Ye Weiyang's transformation technique, the palm technique that requires close contact will not work, so Jun Moxiao resorted to a set of mourning stick techniques circulated among the disciples of the Beggar Sect, and smashed Ye Weiyang head and face.

After all, Ye Weiyang was outnumbered and did not dare to underestimate the enemy. Seeing Lord Grim's club head falling like raindrops, she hurriedly backed away.

Xu Ying had quick eyesight and quick hands. Taking advantage of Ye Weiyang's sideways opening, he stabbed out the Three Immortal Swords with a fatal move. Ye Weiyang was restrained by Jun Moxiao and Ling Xuzi and could not escape, and the Huashan swordsmanship also emphasized the use of strange moves by the sword. This Naturally, Ye Weiyang didn't expect this move.

After finishing the three sword strikes, Ye Weiyang had already fallen to the side, and there were several terrifying scars on his ribs.

Ye Weiyang got up slowly, stared at Xu Ying and said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, this is the Huashan Sword Art?"

Xu Ying said: "So what?"

Ye Weiyang said coldly: "Huashan's swordsmanship pays attention to extreme danger, and at the same time ignores its own defense. These three swords are really powerful, but it's a pity that it's still a bit too late to deal with me..."

Ling Xuzi raised his eyebrows: "Don't get too complacent, don't forget, we still have one person!"

Before he finished speaking, he could only hear the sound of the piano, which was still the sad tune from the sword discussion in Huashan. The air blades cut through the air and rushed towards Ye Weiyang's door.After leaving the Chang'an branch of the Beggar Clan, He Ergou followed Xian Yunzi all the way back to Xiaoyao Valley to prepare for the upcoming sword debate at Mount Huashan.

He said he was preparing, but in fact he didn't do anything. He Ergou didn't know martial arts in the first place, and on a platform like Huashan Lunjian to compete with each other, naturally he couldn't use bone erosion powder to win.

In the past few days, He Ergou just reviewed all the tricks about martial arts that his master gave him one after another.

Fortunately, he is naturally intelligent, has been engaged in scientific research for many years, and his memory is also very strong. He was worried that he would not be able to remember the martial arts tricks taught by his master.

Just a few days passed, and soon it was the day of Huashan's sword debate. He Ergou bid farewell to Xianyunzi and went to Huashan alone.

In order to welcome the young heroes from various sects, the Huashan School arranged many disciples to welcome them at the mountain gate.

As soon as everyone went to Mount Hua, they were taken to the inner hall to have a rest, eat some snacks and drink some water. After resting and adjusting, they could go to the arena to assemble in advance.

He Ergou went to the arena after some repairs. The arena of Huashan Lunjian this time is different from the arena when He Ergou first came to this world. This arena is very wide and not very high. No chance of being shot down.

Therefore, the rule is naturally no longer to beat the enemy out of the arena to win, but to make the enemy lose the ability to fight or take the initiative to admit defeat before it can be considered a victory.

After noon, the participating disciples from all sects and sects had already taken their positions at the ring.

At this time, a middle-aged scholar waved a folding fan and walked leisurely onto the ring. Although this person was old, he was also said to be handsome, graceful, unrestrained and elegant.

Everyone's eyes turned to this person, who stood in the center of the ring and said loudly: "Young heroes, I am the witness of this Huashan sword debate, the leader of the Huashan Sect, Xu Songchen."

He Ergou looked at the man and wondered: "I didn't expect that the leader of the Huashan Sect would look like a weak Confucian scholar."

Xu Songchen said: "Today you young heroes are here at Huashan Mountain to compete with each other in martial arts. Remember to stop at the last minute and not to hurt the harmony between martial arts fellows..."

When Xu Songchen was talking, someone suddenly patted He Ergou lightly. He Ergou turned his head, but saw Tang Jun standing behind him.

Tang Jun smiled and said, "Brother He, long time no see."

Suddenly seeing Tang Jun, He Ergou suddenly remembered that at the Tang Clan's birthday banquet, Tang Yuan and his son fought against the evil people of the Zhuyin Sect alone in order to let everyone escape, but they returned unscathed. Everyone in the world said that they had taken refuge. Demonic Cult.

Passy stood alone on the playground to accept the punishment given by the furious history teacher. It happened to be the time of physical education class, and all the students were running and training on the playground. After all, it is a high-level military academy in the capital, so their tasks are generally different from ordinary people. For example, the warm-up exercise in physical education class - 5000-meter-long running training, and tasks such as carrying fifty buckets of water and doing one hundred push-ups that make students complain, but this time, everyone seems to have fun A laughing stock can make running a lot easier—almost everyone showed malicious smiles and mocking applause when they ran past Percy who was standing there with a mournful face.Passy, ​​who was the worst in the class, was already used to this kind of thing, and was able to put on a thick face and not be surprised.

At this time, the running team from the next class also passed in front of Passy, ​​and the leader in front of the team was the well-known student star: Antons.He is a well-known No.1 student in the military academy. He is tall and handsome, and has become the goal that all the girls in the school yearn for.When he led the run, the girls in Passy's class screamed in unison, as if thousands of roosters had been killed together.The boys all frowned, everyone was not convinced, but they all had to sigh.Only Percy was the exception. He never had the extra thought to grit his teeth against such a radiant person. He only looked up to and envied Antons, and at the same time he knew that he would never become such an excellent person as Antons. v It took a while for Yue Wen's attention to break away from the market. He didn't stay any longer, but went straight out of the city and into the forest by the path.

He Ergou followed closely all the way, and also came to the dense forest behind Xiangyang City.

Yue Wen stopped and walked along the way, sometimes picking a few wild flowers, sometimes washing his face with mountain springs.

He Ergou followed him all the way, looking at him like a girl, full of curiosity about the wonderful nature, but in He Ergou's eyes, these plants were just specimens on the laboratory table—the ones that could not extract toxins. kind……

Finally, he stopped in an open place and took out a fishing rod and a bamboo basket from an unknown patch of grass. It seemed that they had been hidden inside for a long time.

He just sat there quietly, unhurriedly threw out the fishing rod, and started fishing time.

He Ergou hid far away behind the tree, couldn't help yawning, and thought: "It seems that Mr. Wen, ah no, Uncle Wen is nothing special, he is still a boring gourd. I have been with him for so long. If you didn't find me, it means that your martial arts are not very good, I'd better go to the city quickly, why bother watching this boring gourd fishing here."

After making up his mind, He Ergou turned around and prepared to go back along the original road, go to the city to see a show, have some snacks, and then go back to Xiaoyao Valley later.

But when He Ergou was about to leave, he found that he had unknowingly entered the depths of the woods.

Antons just ran past quietly, without any reaction to these unpleasant howls, just like a paralyzed man. However, before his team could run far, an old man stood in front of the team with a smile. The students often You can see this balding old drunkard all over the campus. He looks like a fat dwarf. No one knows what he does. Maybe he is a cleaner or a janitor. No one cares about this. .At this moment, he was blocking the team, or blocking Antons' handsome face. The girls were furious and threw everything they had at this bad old man, including handkerchiefs, pocket watches, umbrellas, discus, and even shot put.
Passy had to lament the cruelty and violence of the girls, but he saw the old man staggering and staggering, and just avoided the heavy weapons thrown by the girls, and even caught a silver-encrusted pocket watch and put it in his pocket inside.He came to Passy, ​​took off the buckets in both hands of Passy, ​​and made a face at Passy. Passy was already very familiar with this old man—this old man always appeared on time when he was punished. , reeking of alcohol, squeezed over, told Passy jokes, and chatted with girls.Seeing him take down his pail, Patsy was not happy at all, but felt a thump in his heart, because he saw the history teacher running towards this direction, no doubt, his laziness had been clearly seen, This time, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape punishment.

Just when Passy was afraid, she heard the trembling voice of the history teacher, "Battle, battle armor, battle armor is gone!" Everyone on the playground stayed where they were. Obviously she came to inform the physical education teacher, but not only Paxi Hey, even the angry girls grew their mouths, fully explaining the word "stunned".Only Antons still looked at the history teacher with a calm face, as if looking at a monkey. The next moment, everyone ran to the museum, and Patsy looked back.

He Ergou looked at himself and Yue Wen, they were both about seven feet tall, and Xiao Long, with his bear-like body, couldn't get into such a small place.

After making up his mind, He Ergou looked at Yue Wen who was crying behind him, suddenly took out a ball of mud from behind and threw it into Xiao Long's face.

Xiao Long sneered very disdainfully, after all, the two people in front of him had almost no fighting power, and using such means could only delay him for a while.

"Don't think that you can run away like this," Xiao Long wiped his muddy eyes with his hands, and said contemptuously, "Run now and see how long you can live."

Taking advantage of Xiao Long rubbing his eyes, He Ergou grabbed Yue Wen's hand suddenly, and ran towards the direction he had just chosen, regardless of whether he knew the way or not.

He Ergou pulled Yue Wen, and Yue Wen followed behind He Ergou crying all the way, and was dragged by him to run staggeringly.

This road was really narrow and difficult to walk, with strangely shaped branches growing everywhere, almost every time you took a step, you would be tripped hard, or even cut a hole.

The trees on this path, like demons hovering in the forest, stretch out their withered hands jaggedly, trying to keep passers-by.

But at this moment, He Ergou didn't care too much, just grabbed Yue Wen and ran forward.As long as they can buy a little more time, they will have a little more hope of survival.

He Ergou kicked him: "Speak well!"

"No, no, no, Hero, I really, really didn't lie to you, I am a rough person, and I have a whole body of strange strength and three-legged cat kung fu. Originally, I used to do coolies for people, but, the officers and soldiers from the court, He took over that part, and then... drove me away, didn't pay me, my father needed to take medicine, and I, I really couldn't do anything... So, I joined the Iron Hands..."

"Hey," He Ergou raised his fist angrily, "You're still quibbling, let me tell you, if you've been hit by bone erosion powder, I can beat you to death with my fist!"

"I... I didn't quibble..." Xiao Long became more and more difficult to speak.

"That's good!" He Ergou stood up, patted the dirt on his body, helped Yue Wen who was sitting on the ground, and prepared to return to Xiangyang City, "Tell me where your father lives and what medicine you take, and I will take care of it for you he."

"He... the hero can take care of the old man for me, that would be the best, but... my old man is very sick, take care of him..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Say it before I change my mind." He Ergou interrupted him impatiently.

"Okay, okay, my old man just... lives at the back gate of Xiangyang City... there is a small, small woods outside the door, there is a well next to the house... the medicine needed... there..." Xiao Long was panting talking.

He Ergou interrupted Xiao Long: "Okay, I know. If you don't take the antidote for this bone erosion powder for two hours, your heart will fail and you will die. You can take a good look at the scenery here."

After that, He Ergou took Yue Wen and left.

"But... I still, no, haven't finished talking..." Xiao Long lay powerlessly on the ground.

Under the leadership of Yue Wen, He Ergou finally remembered the way out of the forest, and they returned to Xiangyang City like this.

He Ergou was about to send him back to Yuefu, when he suddenly remembered that Xiao Long said that it was Director Yang of Yuefu who said he was going to kill him.

"You really are a hot potato..." He Ergou looked at Yue Wen who was squatting aside and playing with the soil, and said helplessly.

"I don't know why Director Yang wants to kill you..."

Regarding Director Yang hiring someone to kill Yue Wen, He Ergou was really puzzled - Director Yang was just an ordinary person, someone must be behind the scenes to kill Yue Wen.But Yue Lan has such a high prestige and wealth, how can the person behind the scenes give Director Yang a more generous reward?
After much deliberation, there was no answer, but He Ergou didn't dare to send Yue Wen back like this. What if Butler Yang tried to kill Yue Wen again after he left...

After much tossing and turning, He Ergou decided to take Yue Wen first.

The back gate of Xiangyang City.

He Ergou dragged Yue Wen along with difficulty.

Along the way, whether he met a dim sum stand, a fruit stand, a steamed stuffed bun stand or a seller of candied haws, Yue Wen would stop and point at all edible things and "babble" for a while.

He Ergou bought some for him at first, but later found that Yue Wen looked thin, and his appetite didn't match at all... This journey cost most of the money that He Ergou brought down the mountain.

Later, when He Ergou saw something edible, he dragged Yue Wen away quickly, but he squatted there like a stone lion, no matter how He Ergou tried his best, he couldn't shake him at all...

"Ancestor..." He Ergou cried sadly and finally took him to the back door of Xiangyang City.

"Come on, we'll be there soon." He Ergou nodded at Yue Wen.

"Ah, ah..." Yue Wen yelled, and sat down on the ground, as if he couldn't understand what He Ergou was saying.

"It's coming again!" He Ergou said frantically, "You have rested for so long and eaten so much along the way, and now you will arrive soon, why do you want to rest again?!"

Yue Wen ignored him, but just sat there by himself, staring at the ants on the ground in a daze.

I don't know if it's going to rain, but hundreds of ants around the anthill are busy back and forth.

But Yue Wen didn't notice the busy ants beside the ant nest.Instead, he quietly stared at a lone ant in trance. This ant was dragging a large piece of rice and was walking hard step by step. It seemed that it was too far away from the nest and lost contact with its companions.

At this time, the grasshoppers, unicorns and other insects around it all approached from a distance, hovering around it, as if they were coveting the food it brought.

The lone little ant quickened its pace, crawling hard with a grain of rice several times larger than itself, but the malicious encirclement was still getting closer...

He Ergou watched these ants back and forth for a long time, and felt a little boring, so he patted Yue Wen's shoulder: "It's almost time to rest, I think it will rain soon, let's go."

Yue Wen looked up at He Ergou, nodded blankly, then stood up, followed He Ergou and left.

But the moment he got up, this single little ant, together with the pitiful encirclement of other "robbers", was trampled to pieces inadvertently...

After a while, finally, He Ergou and Yue Wen came to the grove and the cabin.

He Ergou looked at this place, this thatched house looked very friendly - it was as dilapidated as the one in Xiaoyao Valley, or even a little more dilapidated. "Girl?" The woman became more and more red-faced, "Hey! Which of your eyes can see that the young master is a girl."

When he said this, the heroism in his tone regained seven points.

He Ergou couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, this is obviously a girl, so he wanted to say something about "Master".He took a closer look at the girl's clothes, and immediately understood: the girl's face was clean, and there was no rouge and powder. The hair is tied, and it is deliberately made to look like a man...

"A woman disguised as a man?" He Ergou suddenly understood and couldn't help but blurt out the question.

"Bah!" The woman pretended to be disdainful: "What kind of woman is disguised as a man? I am an upright and good man, unlike you, who hides here furtively, what is your intention!"

"I..." He Ergou was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to explain, so he had to try to follow her words to change the subject: "This young master, I was blind just now. He Ergou in Xiaoyao Valley, dare I ask the master? Last name?"

"He Ergou?" The woman seemed to have heard this name before, "You are the great disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect?"

"It's down."

He Ergou rolled his eyes in his heart, and said to himself why are you so surprised, don't I look like it?

But in the next second, the girl said, "It doesn't look like it!"

He Ergou raised his forehead and said: "Then... dare to ask this young master's name?"

"It's hard to say that you enjoy a great name. My name is Luo Jingxian, and I am a ranger in the rivers and lakes."

He Ergou secretly laughed in his heart: "How can a charlatan say that she is a charlatan? A girl will definitely not use such a name. I'm afraid it's a pseudonym she made herself."

Seeing Yue Wen, He Ergou has settled down for the time being, and there is nothing wrong here at the moment, so why not talk to this "son" and make up for it.

Thinking of this, He Ergou cupped his hands and said, "Young Master, would you like to go to Zuixiao Tower with my younger brother?"

Luo Jingxian pondered for a moment, then nodded.

The room is in the densest part of the woods, it seems to be deliberately hidden, about fifty steps away from the room, there is a well, it seems that this is the place Xiao Long said.

He Ergou walked gently to the door of the house and looked in through the crack of the door. Sure enough, an old man of seventy years old was lying in the house with his eyes closed tightly, as if he was in pain.

He Ergou couldn't help sighing a little: "No matter in the game or in reality, it really is not easy for everyone..."

Suddenly, He Ergou felt a burning pain in his chest, as if someone had lit a fire in his heart.
(End of this chapter)

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