martial arts town

Chapter 190 Prison King Seal Soul

Chapter 190 Prison King Seal Soul
"That's right, let's all come together and let the leader of the monk alliance get rid of this witch."

Shang Jie struck the air with one palm, but with another palm, he turned over in the air, and then stopped in the air. His hands were clasped together, and there was a golden brilliance behind him, and his whole body exuded a sense of holiness. .

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas."

As soon as the hands were separated, a huge palm print flew towards Shangguan Ziyan in the air.

Shangguan Ziyan was fearless, seeing the opponent's move, there was a breath of disgust in her eyes, but she heard her say: "It's a bald donkey's move, it's really disgusting, you should die."

The inexplicable words made everyone present feel a little stunned. In the martial arts world, almost no one would refer to the name Bald Donkey as a monk, because without some special people or organizations, other people would not know anything about martial arts at all. There was a Buddhist sect in the world.

However, the heads of some sects that have been passed down for a long time have suddenly changed their colors. Although these sects have declined now, some things still remain, such as the records about the bald donkey.

"Master Zhang."

"Lord Huoge."

The two spoke at the same time, and nodded to each other in agreement, but they stopped at the same time. Instead, they retreated towards the back of the team and slowly separated from the coalition forces.

The huge palm prints were pushed across the sky, and I saw Shangguan Ziyan holding the Guqin's left palm, shaking and clapping again, the vertical Guqin came across in different depths, and the raised right hand slapped heavily on the Guqin , the five strings vibrated simultaneously.

A burst of invisible sound waves surged, and the guqin actually relied on the trembling sound waves from time to time to suspend in front of him. Seeing that the five fingers of his right hand stretched out at the same time, they fiddled with the strings.

A ripple that can be distinguished by the naked eye oscillates in the air, and when the huge palm print touches the sound wave oscillating in the surroundings, cracks appear like glass, and then it shatters inch by inch and finally turns into a piece. Little golden stars.

"Everyone be careful!"

The powerful sound waves spread towards the surroundings all the time, and the surrounding coalition forces all changed color, and countless people flew upside down at once.

"Sorceress, don't go crazy!" The old woman motivating the crowd gathers her hands, swings her crutches down in the air, and the sound waves are immediately blocked. Many coalition forces that have not been attacked by the sound waves are also very grateful.

"Hahaha, since you want to see the methods of the demon girl, then feel the sound of Hades, a chaotic song."

With the five fingers constantly fluctuating on the strings, bursts of purple sound waves linger around Shangguan Ziyan, but they are constantly transmitted towards the surroundings.

Everyone in the coalition army was in the sound of the piano, but they all felt in a trance, and they couldn't even stand firmly. Many people had already started to wobble.

"Everyone blocks their hearing."

Shang Jie hastened to protect his body with zhenqi, but the sound waves could not touch the body, but this method is suitable for first-class experts who can release zhenqi at will.

The rest of the people had to try their best to cover their ears, but the transmission of the sound did not rely solely on the air. The vibrating sound waves penetrated into the ground and continued to spread far away. People standing on the ground thought that their hearing was safe with their ears closed. .

It was only after a while that he heard the inexplicable voice that made him tranced again. The special skills practiced by Shangguan Ziyan combined with the music played by Guqin enveloped the entire Nanshan School at once.

As long as the coalition forces of the various factions in the field can't use their true energy to protect their bodies, or rely on special means to avoid all the eyes of the piano sound, the weapons in their hands will fall to the ground without knowing when.

"This woman is really powerful. With such an indiscriminate attack method, the general numerical advantage has no effect at all in front of her. And judging from the way this woman is walking around, I am afraid she still has some reservations. My skills are not yet there." Once you fully recover, it’s best to leave as soon as possible." After careful consideration, Worryman turned around and left without paying attention to everyone present.

The other six masters, including Shang Jie, also saw the fleeing life in distress, but they gritted their teeth with hatred, but it was inconvenient to show it at this time. Hundreds of people were deeply involved in the sound of the piano, and it was impossible for them to give up. No matter what.

It's just that Shangguan Ziyan's strength and methods have made them unable to figure out the depth at all. The four old masters who were able to fight Shangguan Ziyan for a long time by using the combined attack method were also seriously injured because of their elder brother's carelessness. , the other three old men had no choice but to protect him by letting out his true energy to block the sound of the piano.

"All those present who were not affected quickly sealed the hearing for those around them." Shang Jie roared to remind those who rely on their deep cultivation to block the sound of the piano to help others remove the influence of the sound of the piano.

At the same time, he also secretly thought, "This woman must be stopped, otherwise the many coalition forces that have managed to gather today may be burned, and as a result, the many years of planning under the tyrant will come to naught." '

"Everyone stop!" Sensing the strange sound of the piano, Qian Yushan ordered immediately. After the team stopped for unknown reasons, he felt that there was a strangeness in the melody that had been faintly heard before, which made people feel a little strange. Confused.

Fortunately, they were far away, Qian Yushan stopped them in time, and many disciples shook their heads but they came back to their senses.

After ordering everyone to stand by on the spot, Qian Yushan went to check the situation by himself, only to find that the people of the coalition army who were stationed here had long since disappeared.

With doubts, he had no choice but to check forward again, but as he got closer and closer to the Nanshan Hall, the sound of the piano became stronger and stronger, and even he instinctively released his true energy through his body to form a layer of protective true energy. Isolate the sound of the piano, but only in this way did I find that the same feeling as before disappeared instantly.

"It seems that the sound of the piano is causing trouble, but I don't know what the current situation of the coalition forces is, and who is sending out such a strange sound wave attack."

Qian Yushan restrained his breath and jumped to the top of the hall, and saw that the outside of the hall was completely different from what he had imagined.

There are not many enemies, there are not many intruding masters, and there is not even a fierce fight, but at this moment, an unusually seductive woman is surrounded by many martial arts people.

'Whoosh, whoosh', two figures jumped up at the same time, but it was Ye Yuncheng and Lin Yifan. Qian Yushan put down his guard and looked directly at the two of them, his eyes full of questions.

However, when the two of them saw that the person being besieged was a woman, they both became unsure. There were too few such powerful women, and they were actually good at such strange sonic techniques.

"Sect Master Qian, I'm not sure. This is the first time we've met this woman, but it seems like they are hostile. Are we?" Lin Yifan also asked.

Ye Yuncheng just shook his head, this woman's origin is unknown, she shouldn't come forward to make trouble at the moment.

"In this case, we still need to wait and see." Qian Yushan is also a cautious person to be the suzerain, but he agrees with Ye Yuncheng's opinion. An enemy's enemy is not necessarily a friend, not to mention that this woman's attack method is indiscriminate. If he made a rash move, he might have to face Shangguan Ziyan like them.

Fortunately, they didn't come forward, because just after the three of them exchanged words, they saw that many people who had escaped the influence of the piano sound were rushing towards Shangguan Ziyan under the leadership of several masters and first-class masters, but they wanted to prevent her from continuing. Bounce down.

But just at this moment, as if the song was about to be finished, Shangguan Ziyan raised his previously playing hand and swung it across the guqin. The five strings trembled at the same time, and a powerful sound wave hit everyone again.

"Everyone work together to directly defeat the sound wave." After the words fell, I saw the masters of the coalition army sinking their momentum one after another. Dozens of qi energies were issued at the same time, and the sound wave disappeared immediately.

"Hahaha, a witch is nothing more than that."

Then, when everyone was proud, the sound of the qin reappeared, and Shangguan Ziyan put his hands on the qin this time, a strange and gloomy qin melody with a tone of killing and killing, enveloping the coalition forces at once.

"Prison King's sound, the soul will never be left behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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