Chapter 110 On a whim
"Well done, a person who can really achieve your position, it's okay if he doesn't have a city mansion in his heart." Li Chenzhou praised, these are indeed sincere compliments, this third master is really delicate.

"The Holy Son is too famous. These are just some tricks, and they can't stand in front of the Holy Son." The third master said, and he was also surprised that this city mansion that worshiped the Holy Son seemed extremely sophisticated. I thought of the general.

The third master, whose real name is Hu Xiong, is a native of Tianming Mansion. He has been in the gangs of the market since he was a child. Later, he walked for a few years as a dart, and all the money he earned was used to buy cultivation resources. Later, he recovered many beggar gangs. Then every month, there are many shady things that go through his hands. Although these are shady, they are also gold-absorbing caves, making money every day.

Slowly, Hu Xiong's strength has improved, and he has come to this position today.

Afterwards, several people chatted non-stop, and the atmosphere was very harmonious, talking nonsense all over the place. After a while, Hu Xiong began to talk about his own darts in the past. Anyway, he was idle, and the three of them listened to Hu Xiong's experience with great interest. .

"The Escort Bureau I used to go to was called the Tiannan Escort Bureau. There were several strong men who had transformed into ordinary people, and my master was even a strong man who was a half-step king. value will be even higher.

Although everyone who is doing this has no experience in bodyguards, you must have heard that a bodyguard is more important than your own life, right? "

The three of them nodded. The most important thing in the bodyguard bureau is the reputation. The reputation is more important than the life. If the reputation is gone, then naturally no one will look for your bodyguard.

"I remember one time, I was only in the innate realm at that time. In order to let me gain more experience, my master took me to a dart. Only the King of Bu can come out of the mountain in person.

Originally, my master didn't want to agree, but the salary offered by the employer was sky-high, so my master decided to take the risk and earn a bigger ticket. Later, when we were passing through Suzhou, we were spotted by a group of bandits. The bandits were from Qilian Mountain. In the end, my master died in battle, and several of my senior brothers also died in battle.

I escaped this catastrophe by pretending to be dead. Since then, I haven’t walked through the darts. I went back to Tianming Mansion and established my own power here. I haven’t told anyone about it. I think I'm too useless, I can't forget the despair in my master's and brother's eyes when they died.

I am very ashamed of my master and brother. When I first returned to Tianming Mansion, I had nightmares every night. I always dreamed of the scene of my master’s death. I kept talking about this matter in my heart. Today I can’t hold it anymore Yes, I have a thorn in my heart, and it is much better to say it now. "

The three of them looked up at this moment and found that the rough face of the third master was already covered with tears, but because of the status of the third master, he ate on the second floor, so no one dared to go up to the second floor.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm a bit hypocritical all of a sudden." The third master forced a smile, his eyes were full of complexities, if he was given a chance, he didn't know if he would follow his master and brother to die , maybe, the thorn in my heart has been there all these years, otherwise, with the talent of the third master, it is estimated that he is not far from the half-step king now.

After listening, several people drank for a while, and then went to their respective rooms.

"No way, you take this note, I won't go out with you tonight, when the time comes, you call Lin Moxie, capture Lin Haoyu alive and hand him over to Lin Moxie, then you're done." Li Chenzhou will Take the note to Duan Wudao, this is where Lin Haoyu has settled down, it is useful to take it.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will handle the matter you have told me." Duan Wudao said firmly, his tiger eyes full of firmness.

"Go, go and recharge your batteries and wait until night to show your full strength. This is also the first time you have come to this world to fight against the natives of this world. Don't embarrass me when the time comes. I have to." Li Chenzhou smiled and said jokingly.

The night was as cool as water, a crescent moon hung high above the night sky, and the silver-white radiance sprinkled every corner of Tianming Mansion.

"The moonlight tonight is really charming." Standing by the window, Li Chenzhou muttered to himself, feeling the brilliance of the moon.

At this moment, Duan Wudao also woke up from his doze, looked at the address on the note, and then went to the next door and knocked on Lin Moxie's door. After Lin Moxie opened the door, Duan Wudao said straight to the point.

"Honorable Master said that this matter is left to me, don't worry, I will capture Lin Haoyu alive."

"Since the Holy Son believes in you so much, then I also believe in you." Lin Moxie said bluntly, he believed in Li Chenzhou's vision, if Li Chenzhou said Duan Wudao did it, then Duan Wudao would definitely do it.

Afterwards, the two of them jumped out of the window together, flying lightly over the eaves.

"The third master knows that we are going to fight tonight, so the third master evacuated all the people on the street, and the third master has taken care of the government. Although we are not afraid of the government, it will be a little troublesome anyway." Lin Moxie faced Duan Wu As Dao said, the long sword in the sword box behind him was faintly hot.

At this moment, Lin Moxie's mood was also excited, and the depression in his heart was also vented out. Even with his cultivation base, he felt that if he successfully avenged his revenge, he might be able to break into the realm of transformation.

This is the benefit brought by the understanding of the mind. In the past, Lin Moxie had always been unable to swallow his breath, so he was stuck in the innate realm and could not break into the mortal state. If he did not have this breath, Lin Moxie would have broken into the molting long ago. Fan, who became a master, comprehended the phantom of martial arts, and his strength increased dramatically.

This time, Lin Haoyu was also standing by the window, looking at the high crescent moon in the distance, he had some ominous premonition in his heart, his right eyelid has been twitching since the night, people often say that the left eye twitches, His right eye twitched. Although he dismissed it, he still had a faint sense of crisis in his heart.

"Could it be my illusion." Lin Haoyu frowned. Shedding warriors have a saying called whim. If they suddenly feel that something is about to happen, then that thing is probably true. There is a faint sense of crisis that can't go away.

However, every time Lin Haoyu touched the spirit sword in his arms, he felt a strong sense of security in his heart. This was the reason why he dared to follow Li Chenzhou to Guobei County.

"Li Chenzhou may also be very afraid of my hole cards, so he doesn't dare to act rashly." Lin Haoyu said with some uncertainty, and then squeezed the handle of the spirit sword with his fingers to give him a weak sense of security.

(End of this chapter)

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